
Thursday, May 13, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Re: Gulf Oil Volcano

>> Analysis Of Video Hints At Extent Of Disaster
>> Scientists analyzing video provided by the oil company BP tell NPR the
>> broken oil rig pipe on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is spewing tens
>> of thousands of barrels of oil into the water daily. That's much more
>> than the U.S. Coast Guard's estimate of 5,000 barrels a day.
>> More at
as I have said from the beginning
not an accident   - - -follow the money
this will lead to
  • higher gas prices
  • higher food prices
  • more use of GMO food as the food supply is cut
like after hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Rita
  • land will be bought up cheap while the 'little people suffer'
and like under Bush and Clinton and Bush -
  • anointed Obama and his crew will lie and protect the guilty
this will lead to
  • a joining of BP with another oil company - increasing monopolies
  • this will allow someone to buy once independent Transocean which is NOT Swiss it is an old US oil company tied to the CIA like Arbuso just HQ'd in Switzerland for tax reason like Halliburton and so many others  moved HQ's off shore to avoid taxes and scrutiny and laws
  • they had asked permission to CAP that well
  • the depth keeps being changed but there was a LIVE feed of sensor and video data to Houston up to and after the multiple explosions - where is that black box type data and feed ?
  • the late Horizon would have been moving on and was an historic drilling exploration platform - without her and with her loss - one of the largest oil fields will now be abandoned helping with the illusion that there is an oil shortage  - which is a farce - it is a controlled energy for the benefit of control and profit
where is that new Caribbean US Naval fleet ?
why aren't we allowing and accepting and BEGGING for international help?
they could be dumping tons of heavy mud and cement on that crack - why aren't they? the goal should be a total seal - not the preservation of that pipeline
they could be using liquid nitrogen to freeze that oil as it spews to thicken and control it - so why aren't they?
there are more booms and more skinners - where is the urgency to match the task ?
where is the report on the second platform that sank - they never sink - so how did two in ten days ? was this a staging base like WTC 7 ? why no coverage of the second platform sinking ?
the goal should be to seal the rift not preserve that pipeline
funny, most of Transocean's executive staff had resigns BEFORE the leak - the 30 + year CEO was ex CIA and NAVY Intel and highest single stock holder - the rest was owned by wall street
that platform was insured for $200 million more than  its build cost
what was the purpose of the US Terror drill on that very platform just before the explosion - an 'inspection' which allowed access to otherwise off limits inaccessible areas allowed and made ease of access to vulnerable areas - like WTC and OK where repair crews were all over before those false flags - to ease demolition ??
what was the shift to new supply personnel done within hours before the explosion - bringing even more strangers near and onboard ?
Why isn't the US seizing the $1 Billion dollar dividend that Transocean is about to distribute ?
Why hasn't NOAA taken over from BP oil - the BLM is responsible - to protect the US coast = they are handling this like the porous border - piece meal and without urgency and without regard to the citizens and the economy ?
Why don't they unclassify Cheney's secret oil meetings NOW ?
Where are the world's Navy's ???? Where is the UN who swarmed over Haiti ?
Why like Katrina - the 'wait and see' approach - while citizens bloated and floated without help - now we see endangered sea turtles and corral and dolphins and manatee dying and sea beds poisoned while billionaires and millionaires profit
There should be an immediate windfall profit tax imposed and used for this massive clean up
And screw the war tribunals - this is treason and an act of war and not just a war crime but a world nature crime - so where is the flotilla and  helo's  =where is Cousteau, Greenpeace ?  the worlds experts ? those that found the Titanic and those that capped the deliberately lit oil wells in Kuwait ?
This should be a international, transparent open full court press to stop this leak NOW at all costs
why isn't it ?
Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda

In a message dated 5/13/2010 7:10:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

it is only the beginning of what is to come, Jerry...
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: Fw: Gulf Oil Spill May Be 10 Times Worse Than Estimated

> Obama's inability to deal with this thing might be his downfall and maybe
> even the downfall of all of us, it looks like th Gulf will become a dead
> sea and as the tradewinds blows,so does the poison as it will gradually
> cover the Earth.. They should have blown the damn thing shut three weeks
> ago.
> Jerry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "NPR Breaking News" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 6:19 PM
> Subject: Gulf Oil Spill May Be 10 Times Worse Than Estimated
>> Analysis Of Video Hints At Extent Of Disaster
>> Scientists analyzing video provided by the oil company BP tell NPR the
>> broken oil rig pipe on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is spewing tens
>> of thousands of barrels of oil into the water daily. That's much more
>> than the U.S. Coast Guard's estimate of 5,000 barrels a day.
>> More at

>> -----------------------------------------------------

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