
Friday, May 14, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Re: according to wikipedia: "the medical establishment of Edwardian England was deeply antagonistic to Freudian theory"

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 10:47 PM, mikal haley <> wrote:
does anyone have any idea why the Medical establishment of the UK at that place and time would be antagonistic to ONE of the two fathers of modern psychoanalysis?

to me it's as simple as -- people who think that global mental health at just fine would not want the opinions of world changers like Jung -- or other psychoanalysts with different approaches than Freud -- Maslow, Laing, and a few other key players in the development of psychoanalytic theory also diverge with Freud...

first:  it would be unfair to say that "the British are liars." however -- to say that those that hold power could give a DAMN about the Queen as a person, as an individual -- but lying in all directions about the value and virtue of monarchy -- that they will do and continue to do until...well, until reduced to absurdity.
 and sometimes liars need to undermine the general state of sanity. a real area of evil thoughts presents itself when we see that they NEED to lie to keep people sick, especially mentally.  after all, the psychologically imbalanced and therefore weak minded are more easily lied to. controlled. manipulated. 

something was missed in the war called -- in a telltale fashion by the Russians, the Hitler war.   Germany may have lost but the Nazis were not really defeated, were they? 

We all know that Naziism thrives in many parts of the world, and in the Allied nations as well as the former Axis powers. In Japan as well as in the United States there are still rabid morons who hail Hitler as a man of insight and power, as a saviour...and such is mental sickness.

Of course, the Hitlerian would call such a pronouncement prejudiced or...

But when there are people who are benefitting from a lack of understanding they will become quite facile, quite sneaky LIARS -- what IS mental illness?

Often the cruel and distasteful people of society are simply mentally sick -- and as such they need HEALING.  But then people begin to profit from the evil.

One thing is certain:  Adolf Hitler was only one man. MANY men women and children lost their lives and many more were deeply scarred by the events of that particular war. 

Who could say that there was anything "good" about any of it?  Let's try the fucking dictionary.

two sorts of agendas pop up and incorrectly call a protracted bit of speaking 'a rant' -
- 1) people with attention span deficit disorder. read the instructions on the back of a pack of matches to them.  'stop ranting,' they say before you're halfway finished.  that is a mental illness - called attention span deficit disorder.

-2)people who just don't like what you have to say. for whatever reason. there is a famous bit of info floating around cyberspace called 'the disinformers' gambit' which is worth looking up -- it describes tricks of words that people play in discussions to ruin the argument.

sometimes in a debate the point of the arguer is not to win the argument -- but simply to silence the arguer who knows what is truth -- or, failing that, to decieve anyone who might be listening.

then there is the cruel fake laugh.

that is simply used to weaken people.
the cruel weak laugh is used to make people feel stupid for even opening their mouths. it's a lacerating lazer meant to erode ego boundaries and cripple emotions.

the cruel weak laugh is something that is obvious -- but of course, most people are unskilled at dealing with those who use denial as a sort of protective witchcraft.

again, the cruel fake laugh.  the skilled liar can attack the most truthful person and simply do the empty smile and the cruel fake laugh and then surround them with the liars that they have filled with untruth.

"There WAS no 'Declaration of Independence,' silly American, and it didn't matter either. (the dupes who have been primed by the liar who was planning the cruel fake laugh simply nod.)

In the second world war, there were many cases of treason.  as years and decades passed and those who committed treason variously got caught and suffered for their crimes -- or used guile and subterfuge to decieve those who were sure that they smelled treason nearby -- as the decades went by and they DIDN'T get caught, how did they react?

What did they do as they began to breathe easier, as life went on and people failed to catch them at what they were doing?


and back to the original question:  why would the medical establishment of Edwardian England be hostile to the theories, and even the person of one Carl Gustave Jung?

if you went to a redlight district
with a magic pill that turned whores into honest churchgoing schoolmarms
you'd make a lot of pimps really fucking angry.

one thing is fair conjecture:
those who profit -- or think that they profit -- from the mental illness of others -- probably in the 21st century STILL would not embrace the ideas of Jung.   Probably they NEED -- in their weak twisted minds -- to keep people mentally imbalanced for whatever reason.

thus: if Pepsi is better for you than Coke in some secret way, the percentage of phosphoric acid to caffiene, or the part of the United States where they get the corn for their sugar -- the Coke people BITTERLY HATE the Pepsi people and secretly gather at the full moon to hold pitchforks and pray to the False God of Flat Soft Drinks to keep their sales pitch, since all their attempts to sabotage their hated bubbly rival had been neutralised...

"Ha ha," the evil Coke wizards might sneer, "at least we tricked them into queering their logo."
High fives all around.  Which is hard to do when you've got a heavy iron pitchfork.

But this is about Jung and Freud, not the Cola Wars.  But duality is duality...and there's only One Duality, the original Duality(TM) Classic with the great taste you enjoy.  Drink it in!
i own't even shoot you a dirty look, rose.
problem is that the people who research this tend to fall into mental traps
and then --- without displaying much in the way of free will, repeat the same futile actions.

the REAL perpetrators are the designers of the weapons, not the programs.
i don't need to be jeanne dixon to see what's really going on.

"targetted individual" for example or TI is a waste of a term.  because no one individual is targetted more than any OTHER individual.

logic: notice how long aware victims have been using that term -- which is the abbr. for Texas Instruments, a CHIPMAKER.  And notice how much people who use that term accomplish. At all.

Flat zero, right?  Because they are playing into Someone's hands...
there are no "targetted individuals" because the WHOLE WORLD is targetted.

I'm a filmmaker. Let me, if the machine allows, show you some stills from a project in development to explain just what i mean.
see where HAARP is in this line-art mockup? In Alaska near the Arctic Circle. ( sarah palin thinks she's oh, so clever.)  The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program USED to be called "Star Wars" or the Strategic Defense Initiative. The GOP fooled everyone into thinking it was a missile shield.

By manipulating the ionosphere, it is made more opaque.  (they call them "chemtrails" -- the trails behind jets that everyone pretty much sees daily.)

once the lower atmosphere -- the ionosphere -- is rendered more opaque by manipulation

then the H. A. A. R. P. can bounce advanced radio-type signals off of the lower atmosphere. as is shown in the diagram.
these shallow wavelength beams are falsely termed "extra low". that's to confuse people, relatively their wavelength is actually SHALLOW -- compared to what has been found in nature. stay with me.

the beams from the HAARP and other ionospheric milimeter and microwave beam emitters bounce off of the lower atmosphere and right back down to the surface of the Earth. Where they penetrate our skulls.
Where they also mix - up with radio wave chatter -- that we shouldn't 'hear' unless we are listening directly to the radio.

What creates synthetic telepathy is more complicated but is still objectively part of science.

Then you have to learn about behavioral conditioning programs like MK: ULTRA and Operation Paperclip. THEN you start to see that there is a Totalitarian Secret Agenda -- and it is the secret history and the political power plays that conflict with what kids are taught in schools and what comes across on the news that confuses most people -- and in that confusion people tend to get panicky and scared - and lose their grip on the world they thought was real. then you get mental patients, people going to the shrinks and telling them that they hear the news in their fillings (except that they DO)  -- and the other things that the AMA and other globalist medical "teams" greedily lie about and deny about.

the HAARP was developed and overseen in development by Donald P. Rumsfeld.  he USED Raytheon, Co to create this technology.
It has many abilities including creating the wavelengths that use the same frequency as cellular telephony to create the brain dampening fields that simulate mind control.
ultimately no one can control anyone else's mind.  but it seems that way when people aren't using much of their own godgiven free will to begin with.

someone might say that that's just my opinion. wonder why they'd say that.

i am sure that some grinch will post up and say that there's no evidence soon.
i am also sure of other things.
this graphic is an overt simplification. almost no one has a radar dish in their apartment that they use to attack people in the next house. keep in mind, i say ALMOST no one.

but what is happening is that brainwave wavelengths are being manipulated to DAMPEN people's auras, the bioelectromagnetic field that comes from all life.

every living THING has an aura.  with the fake excuse that the HAARP device is for inspecting the aurora borealis,  Mad Scientist Don Rumsfeld basically used his expertise to create a device for the manipulation of HUMAN AURAS.  another Bill Nye explanation is what you feel when you rub your feet against a shag carpet and then touch your friend and feel a shock. that's ionization.

that's the way that the human aura works.  and the High Frequency Active AURORAL Research Program is there to "do stuff" to biological human auras.

Synthetic telepathy works as simply as this:

each cell phone is a PSI AMPLIFIER.  the cellphones AMPLIFY the brainwaves and auric resonance of the user. But a price is paid -- because up in AK -- and also from the OTHER more powerful ionospheric heaters on the planet come beams of energy that bounce off of the manipulated lower atmosphere.

I don't have a degree in brain science or anything like that. I simply apply myself to this study.

also for your info, humans don't have a "reptilian brain" at all. humans are mammals. period.

reptiles are not mammals. they don't have warm blood, they don't germinate young like we do...people are using the "reptilian brain" theory simply to explain away Nazi behavior -- and to confuse people who are trying to learn more.

that's not technology. that's psychological operations.

i guess that the only thing i can leave you with is that the more that i have studied this stuff, the more paranormal psychic phenomena have come in my way.

almost all of it is just lies.

just know it, it's LIES, period.

no one needs to artifically augment human telepathic potential to TELL THE TRUTH.

all of this stuff going on the world. Anyone you know thought about George Bush or Dick Cheney lately? 

Works pretty well, doesn't it.

i would say limit your cellphone use to as little as possible -- or don't use them at all. Humans existed on this planet for maybe MILLIONS of years without cellular tech. It's not "necessary" at ALL. hope you can see these images.
if not write me and i will send them to you.
see how cell phone towers work in tandem with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project and other ionospheric heaters? It's not o.k., it undermines human brain potential on purpose.  more than a few people who i have met since i started researching this are dead. suicides.

maybe don't do it.  maybe drink more spring water and try to cope.

this last bit is lengthy -- but understand that BEFORE the collapse of the USSR that Russian scientists had been working OVERTIME on perfecting this tech  -- since the 1920s when Vasiliev made breakthoughs which the Bolsheviks IMMEDIATELY told the world were impossible so that they could research in secret. by no means am i suggesting coldwar style paranoia or hatred of russians. just think deeply, take deep breaths, okay?

But you aren't HALLUCINATING...

--- In, rosegojda@... wrote:
> in the last half hour
> i have had one iidiot in his underwear try to come in
> another loon knocked on the doors begging for money or rolling papers ?
> and yet another wants me to make them food
> i have been a targeted now for over five years
> ST LOUIS COUNTY wants to harrass me, why ??
> all of these people have been convicted or have police records ?
> and why am i out of my house fighting to get in to sell it ??
> local media and pols and police don't care ??? why ?
> the local and former local media know of my situation and many many many
> others - who can get no justice or help or media coverage
> they bear responsibilites just as the local cops do
> i fear for my safety my home my assets and pets
> how do you get help unless u r rich ???
> Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
> Carolyn Rose Goyda
> Missouri, USA
> _rosegojda@..._ (mailto:rosegojda@...)

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