
Friday, May 14, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] please some one shoot me )

in the last half hour
i have had one iidiot in his underwear try to come in
another loon knocked on the doors begging for money or rolling papers ?
and yet another wants me to make them food
i have been a targeted now for over five years  
ST LOUIS COUNTY  wants to harrass  me, why ??
all of these people have been convicted or have police records ?
and why am i out of my house fighting to get in to sell it ??
local media and pols and police don't care ??? why  ?
the local and  former local media know of my situation and many many many others - who can get no justice or help or media coverage
they bear responsibilites just as the local cops do
i fear for my safety my home my assets and pets
how do you get help unless u r rich ???

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda

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