
Monday, March 14, 2016

MedicalConspiracies- Fwd: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME: STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most Americans don't see the benefit of Daylight Saving Time: only 37% believe it to be worth the hassle in a 2013 Rasmussen poll (down from 45% in 2012). Are you one of them?
First I lose one hour of sleep and next I am late for work. I even went to Burger King at 5 am and thought it was 6 am... Wasted one hour!
It also appears to cost us money. In 2010, Utah State University economist William F. Shughart II suggested that turning the clocks forward and backwards each year costs Americans $1.7 billion of lost opportunity cost each year. His calculations assumed that each person over the 18 spent about 10 minutes changing clocks instead of doing something else more productive.
It's time to move clocks up one hour for daylight-saving time, Start DST: Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 2 a.m. - See more at:
I have 15 clocks, watches, cars, computers and cell phones to adjust every time change! Each year one of the clocks fall off the wall and break! - I WILL NOT CHANGE THEM THIS YEAR...
How much do you know about DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME? My score was perfect!!!
Be Careful! Workplace Injuries Spike Following the Switch to Daylight Saving Time
I'm with you. Have ALWAYS hated stupid daylight "savings." I used to work at a school and watched these kids get on buses before daylight and, on some routes, drive around for an hour and a half to arrive at school just before class began when handed the worst kind of "breakfast" of cold, sugar-loaded cereal and a sugary drink with their eyes still half shut. Or a GMOed flour, GMOed sugared donut. No wonder they have to keep idiotising the test questions so kids can pass.
BTW, whatever happened to mothers making breakfast for their kids?
As far as I know the real reason for daylight "savings" was to get working people into retail stores after work instead of going straight home, as they are more prone to do when evening is approaching.
I am no longer working at a "go to" job so decided this year I was NOT changing my one clock and one pocket watch. Always did like God's time instead. Which means in winter sleep a lot, in summer spend longer hours doing something worthwhile. Or, logically, get up and go to bed with the sun, as it was pretty much done from the beginning of time until Tesla lit up the world a century or so ago. Tony B.
The extra Hour is needed in the evening. I suggest that we do away with standard time & stay on Daylight time all of the time. Jerry. MI.
As far as I am concerned, it is the stupidest thing applied to us. Really upsetting the life cycle. Fortunately I live in a place where such stupidity is not done at any time. The simplest thing to do for those who like it, is to simply start early without changing the clocks. My animals do not know that 6 am is 7 am now. Neither does my body. I hate the bastards who suggested it and forced it to the community. Pyrigenes - AUSTRALIA
Couldn't agree with you more on this, the Navajo's in Arizona have always had it right on the time being what it is always. Also, since this country is no longer the once great farming nation it once was when initially the time change took serves no useful purpose today. Norm
I don't like daylight savings time. Or if we have to have it, let's have it year around. This changing the clocks twice a year is for the birds. Betty R.
330 W HWY 246
Understanding the theory and practice of time leap:
Carl Robinette | Sat, Mar 12 2016 12:00 PM -
Understanding the theory and practice of time leap:
Smartphones which change time on their own are the new alarm clock of the day, but those of us old-fashioned people will have to remember to move the little hand one hour ahead this Saturday night.
It is time again to lose an hour of sleep so we can gain an hour of daylight. Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday at 2 a.m. and that means the sunny days of summer are coming soon.
But why do we observe Daylight Saving Time from March to November?
Common belief is that by gaining an hour of daylight the country is more productive, using less light and saving energy.
However a 2008 study from the University of Santa Barbara found that there was little evidence showing any energy savings, and in some cases daylight savings actually increased energy consumption. Indiana could potentially cut $9 million per year from household energy spent if they stopped observing Daylight Saving Time, according to the study.
The California Energy Commission finds that Daylight Saving Time cuts 0.1 to 0.3 percent from the state's energy consumption. However the energy commission also suggests that observing daylight saving in winter would increase energy savings to 0.5 percent.
The origins of the daylight saving concept are centuries old considering that people have been waking with the sunrise forever, but it is fairly young as a government practice.
Benjamin Franklin wrote a satirical essay to the Journal of Paris more than 200 years ago suggesting Parisians institute daylight saving time to save on the cost of lamp oil and candles, but it wasn't until Germany enacted an official daylight saving time during World War I that the United States and Europe adopted the practice as part of their war strategies.
It was called Fast Time when daylight savings was adopted by the U.S. in 1918, only to be repealed seven months later. Daylight saving initiatives were later created again during World War II, but it wasn't until the Uniform Act of 1966 that Daylight Saving Time was officially adopted by the U.S.
So it may not be all it's cracked up to be. It may not save on the cost of lamp oil. But here in coastal California, Daylight Saving Time means an extra hour of surfing and sunsets.

Jerry McGovern

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