
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

MedicalConspiracies- Hadron Collider OR LHC in Switzerland has begun pushing 13tev. Are they now ready to open a portal or doorway into another dimension

Published on Jul 22, 2015
The Large Hadron Collider OR LHC in Switzerland has begun pushing 13tev. Are they now ready to open a portal or doorway into another dimension as they speak of finding? Scientist say the Mother of all Colliders is now ready to start pushing the boundaries of space and Physics. They say.. "Its a very exciting time for Physics" We don't know about you, but its a bit un-nerving to see a Physicist or Scientist look worried about just what the finding will be, each time they run the machine.
Never a good sign. Maybe its just us...

After doing a lot of digging around, we came across a very interesting piece of an interview done with an ex CERN employee regarding the Large Hadron Collider. We cant confirm or deny what they are saying, but its not the first time we have heard it.
What do you think about CERN opening a portal or gateway to another world?

We always want to know what YOU think!


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