
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: 2014 – When Awakening Erupts

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 10:34 AM, RiseEarth <> wrote:

2014 – When Awakening Erupts

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:22 AM PST
There are exponentially increasing signs of life responding to the rapid deterioration and fascist takeover of our world. These manifestations of life can take time to surface, like seeds germinating and working their way up through the earth and into the sunlight. Life will always keep emerging from the seemingly dark recesses of fomenting consciousness, bringing new life and inspiration.

Many more evident sprouts of awakening are about to come forth in the days to come. "Grass roots revolution" got its name for a reason. And we're all it. This is why the continued planting and watering of the seeds of Truth is so important. Our participation is tantamount to the success of this challenge in which we are engaged. Both personally, and collectively.

A Time to Consciously Activate

We're here with a purpose and fundamental responsibilities, like it or not. We are not here to just exist, but to consciously respond to the world and activities around us. As we each come fully alive issues become real and impactful. The realization of the implications of governing decisions on our lives becomes more dire, more prescient.

We do have an individual effect that changes the whole. We are empowered with the majesty of free choice and action.

We may simply want out of the traps being set, but we're here and need to deal with our challenges responsibly, whatever our circumstances. As the picture becomes clear it becomes time to rise to respond. We are about to see a massive break out of those realizing this truth who may have been watching from the wings but have been richly fermenting in the Truth and are about to come to the surface.
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Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:22 AM PST
We have arrived at the end of another year. What was your year like? Did you find ruts, speed bumps, smooth sailing, worries prevailing, laughter echoing, or maybe even love blossoming? Perhaps it was a combination of them all? I think I reflected on periods of all of those.

We have to remember to lean into the positive and lean back from the negative. We have to react to the energies. We have to be aware. We have to be in this moment right now, fully engaged. If we are not conscious of where our energy is flowing, it is definitely being directed away from us and being consumed to strengthen the matrix.

We are facing the battlefield in every decision that we choose and then reinforce it with action. This is our power individually and collectively. You, your neighbor, the quiet co-worker, the laughing child, the smiling grandmother, worn soul, peaceful soul, loving soul, fearless soul… we are creating our world and interacting with the matrix in every moment.

The moment… NOW… is the weapon. Your decision of direction is the trigger. Your energy is the force.

But you have to be brave enough to pull this trigger consciously. Living a conscious life means we take consequences and direction of energy into account for our decisions… our moments. Honestly, thinking of it as a trigger on a weapon can feel a bit cold. Then you realize the power of this weapon for creating the most compassionate flow of energies you can imagine.
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Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:21 AM PST
Blink twice and it's gone. This is how swiftly things will be moving in the calendar year of 2014. The Gift number of this year is a 5 (1+4=5), and number 5 creates a flow and force of powerful changes and upheaval.

There will mostcertainly be new opportunities amidst this adrenal junkie landscape, you just need to be grounded enough to perceive them. Number 5 also represents the physical body and your capacity for endurance. You can't be a spaced out yogi in 2014, you have got to be strong and balanced.

Know Your Food Sources

Once upon a time, back in the good ole' days of Yogi Bhajan's classes in Espanola, he allowed a space for people to ask questions. This was a very rare event in his classes, and yours truly, sensing the importance of the moment, immediately launched a half dozen auric flares of positive intent, and was one of only five people to be chosen to ask him a question. My question was, "Sir, with all of the increase of disease on the planet, and the ability of diseases to mutate before there is an available cure, what can we do for our health?" His simple answer was, "Food, you are what you eat."

We now need to have an increased awareness of our food, where it is coming from, and how it is prepared. Also important for this year is protein. You cannot have physical endurance without a good high quality protein source. The body cannot repair itself without the right type of protein. Know what works for you, and don't judge yourself for it. Not everyone is cut out to be vegan or lacto-vegetarian, and you can still go to heaven if you eat an egg. At least I think so.

The Water Element

The overall number for 2014 is a 7 (2+0+1+4=7), and this is where things get very interesting. Number 7 is the Water Element, and Mother Nature will be kicking up her heels in response to the increasing melt-down of the polar ice caps. This is real science my friends, and we are now witnessing the trend of more extreme weather phenomenon on planet Earth. There will be a "surging effect" at times, creating an influx of powerful water flow, which will displace some people. Not everyone will be affected by this, however, if you live near an area that could be flooded, you should definitely have your "Grab it and Go!" bag handy by the door—just a simple little knapsack with essential items to cover yourself for 3 days. Easy enough, you can do it!
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Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:21 AM PST
A study published just this September in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology found that 30 minutes of exposure to LTE cellphone radiation affects brain activity on both sides.

Subjects were exposed to LTE radio frequency for a half hour during their research; the amount of radiation absorbed was reported to be within international cell phone legal limits and the source of the radiation was said to be at least one centimeter away from the ear.

Each participant underwent an MRI to measure brain activity after exposure to the LTE radio frequency radiation as well as following a "sham exposure."

The results found that the radiation from the LTE 4G technology affected brain neural activity in the closer brain region as well as in the more remote region, including the brain's left hemisphere.

This was the first study conducted that focused on the short-term effects of LTE and 4G, or fourth generation technology. As these phones have skyrocketed in use, this is considered to be a very important study. To date, there are nearly 60 million 4G subscribers in the U.S.

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Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:21 AM PST
One day I got an email from my sister asking me to visit her for the weekend in San Diego (I live in LA.) Like all brothers and sisters, we've had our ups and downs and I really wasn't sure if I wanted to go. And yet, thoughts came like, "Come on, she's your sister, go visit her!" And so, naturally, I felt conflicted. Not knowing what to do, I found myself spontaneously getting quiet and turning within.

As my mind quieted down, I began to FEEL into the question: "Do I see myself driving to my sister's place this weekend?" I didn't so much think about the question with the idea of wanting an immediate answer, as much as I simply meditated on it. Soon, I began to get this very clear feeling that my heart wasn't into going. And in fact, I realized that to go would not only be out of alignment with how I genuinely felt, but who wants to be around someone when they are doing something out of a feeling of obligation rather than because they truly want to?

And so, I found myself emailing her back saying that I wouldn't be coming to see her the following weekend, but we would get together another time. And as soon as I sent it, I couldn't help noticing that not only did I feel good about my decision, but there were no feelings of guilt whatsoever… none.

This came as quite a surprise as often the desire in me to please others was so strong, that my mind would immediately begin to second guess itself, even calling the decision selfish (even though IT was the one that made it… oh, the irony!) But this time there was only peace. Why? Because it was just so clear to me that I wasn't meant to be there that weekend… and that's all it meant! (And in fact she ended up coming here for Christmas Eve and we had a great time.)

Once I stumbled onto this Intuitive Decision Making process, I started using it more and more, even for little decisions. For example, I remember opening my refrigerator and seeing an apple and a chocolate chip cookie on the top shelf. Part of me wanted to eat healthy and part of me wanted that cookie! So, I asked my body what it wanted, got quiet and "felt" into it. Pretty soon it became obvious that, in that moment, my body wanted the cookie. And so, because I took the time to check in with how I truly felt (versus what I thought,) I was able to not only enjoy the cookie, but do so 100% guilt free.
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Posted: 01 Jan 2014 02:20 AM PST
Have you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer? If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now. Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Most of them just assume that all of this sickness is just "normal". But that is not the case at all. The truth is that we are slowly killing ourselves by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we allow to be injected into our bodies. The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines. Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic. Right now, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 chemicals are being used for commercial purposes, and as a result of our "modern lifestyles" we are literally being endlessly bombarded with toxins. This has resulted in a massive tsunami of death, disease and chronic illness in America. But very few people actually understand what is being done to all of us. The following are just a few of the ways that the "soft killing" of the American people is taking place…

Toxic Food

Do you believe that "you are what you eat"?

Well, have you ever considered what the animals that you eat are being fed?

If you are like most Americans, you will probably eat beef several times this week. But most Americans have no idea that our cows are being fed sawdust, chicken poop, candy, crab guts, limestone and dead cows that have been ground up on a regular basis.

Of course this is not true of all beef that you purchase at the grocery store.

But how do you tell which is which? And if you go for the lowest price beef, there is a greater chance that you are getting beef from cows that have literally been fed garbage.

And of course it isn't just cows that are being fed poop. The truth is that there is a tremendous amount of it in many of our food products. If you doubt this, just check out this article: "There Is A Staggering Amount Of Feces In Our Food".

Sometimes, it is the ingredients that are actually listed on the side of the box that are the most dangerous. Take aspartame for example. Once upon a time, it was listed as a biochemical warfare agent by the Pentagon. But now it is in thousands of food products in our grocery stores.
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