
Thursday, May 30, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: [apfn-1] US Missiles Aimed at US Cities for MARTIAL LAW

I donut know if this tis True but I Hope n PRAY this tis a dis-info ops to distract what THEY do
The US Missiles Aimed at US Cities for MARTIAL LAW
Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

The US Missiles Aimed at US Cities for MARTIAL LAW

USAF Jupiter missile

As I sit here typing this article, I admit I am filled with both horror and anger...deep, deep anger. 

I have just finished reading an article putting forth clear evidence that a NUCLEAR DEVICE was used to bring down the TWIN TOWERS. The outrage I feel, over such a deep level of betrayal of my fellow Americans by the US government and military...allegedly in place to PROTECT them, but instead is MURDERING understandable.

I am experiencing horror as I read of innocent victims who were VAPORIZED by the nuclear explosion at the Twin Towers. I am experiencing shock as I read of OTHER planes innocently in the vicinity, which were also vaporized by the nuclear device used in this terrible FALSE FLAG black op.

But this is not the only source of my anger. As I read this revealing information, I am reminded of the words of a man with the Air Force National Guard in South Dakota. 

He had overheard me as I was broadcasting live on location, using a public phone to call into the radio station, for my weekly broadcast "DEFENDERS OF LIBERTY"  with WWCR out of Nashville, TN.

During this nationwide broadcast, I was talking all about the general plan to create disasters leading to martial law, and the NWO agenda for America on that broadcast.  

As I finished the broadcast and hung up the phone, he approached me.

"Hi...I just heard what you said on the phone, and I have to talk to you now...."

Puzzled, I listened carefully to what he had to say. 

"I am with the Air Force National Guard here (Ellsworth AFB right outside of Rapid City, SD.). My father is a big USAF general, now stationed in Europe. He is working with NATO and for  the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda."

"One day, my father talked to me about something important. He told me to never tell anyone. But I am telling YOU,  because of your broadcast I just heard."

"My father told me that the USAF had lied about all the missiles being removed from their silos at Ellsworth AFB. Instead, some of them remain and that THEY HAVE NOW BEEN DIVERTED TO INTERNAL TARGETS...."

I immediately replied that I believed him. "Tell me...which internal targets are the missiles at Ellsworth aimed at???"

He replied without hesitation, "WASHINGTON, DC; OMAHA, NE; CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN, CO..." and the Rapid City area.

"And they will fire missiles repeatedly until they take out every single underground floor of Cheyenne Mountain..."
Cheyenne Mountain, CO Springs

(Yes, there are military missiles today built with the capacity to burrow into the ground and then to detonate, to take out underground military installations. And forget trying to figure out WHY they have targeted certain locations. The NWO madmen have an agenda beyond the capacity of most people to understand WHY and WHAT they do. They have their strategic and military reasons for everything they do. "Martial law" means, in fact, MILITARY RULE.)

I have long known about the covert NWO plan to destroy Washington, DC. They reason that this must happen in order for the OLD world order to GO, and the NEW world order to come forth. 

The NEW CAPITOL OF AMERICA under the New World Order, is DENVER COLORADO, practically in the center of America. Even the CIA has been quietly relocating some of  it's offices to Denver, CO. Everyone involved in the NWO agenda knows that DC MUST GO, and DENVER WILL BE THE UPCOMING CAPITOL OF THE USA.  Of course, it is heavily connected with the DIA Deep underground Military Base located there.


"Pam, I know this is true! I recently encountered a General. He was angry. He was sputtering and muttering expletives as he told me, 'DARN it , AL! I JUST FOUND OUT that some of our missiles have been aimed at INTERNAL TARGETS!'"

And for the NWO gang, this all makes perfectly sinister sense!

A major NWO agenda motto is "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS." However, THEY create the chaos deliberately, and then out of it's ashes they bring forth THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER!

Destroy the OLD, so that the NEW may come forth! And these NWO murderers without conscience do not care how many innocent lives they destroy in the grim process of destroying the OLD. 

In fact, these Illuminati satanists consider everyone who dies in their black ops, to count as just ONE MORE SACRIFICE TO SATAN to obtain power from him to bring forth their NEW WORLD ORDER.

And former satanists/ Illuminati I have interviewed have universally told me so.


The Bible speaks of this dark world government that will appear on the earth before the return of Jesus Christ to establish His earthly millennial kingdom at last.

In Chapter 13 of the BOOK OF REVELATION, it is revealed that THE DRAGON, or Lucifer/Satan, will give unto this world government his throne (seat of power), his power, and great authority on the earth (and all of it is corrupt, of course.) 

That is because Satan/Lucifer is the false god over the NEW WORLD ORDER. It is HIS.

Yes, Satan has a corrupt kingdom and followers. All of it is a counterfeit to Almighty God's throne and power and kingdom, which Satan lusted for at one time but could not have, and even got thrown out of heaven for coveting.

This Bible chapter speaks of men worshiping THE DRAGON, who subsequently gives them power to bring forth his NEW WORLD ORDER, satan's manifest kingdom on earth...every Illuminati/Satanist's dream.

And HOW is he worshiped??? Primarily by HUMAN SACRIFICE! This is "Basic Satanism 101." People continually abducted worldwide for grim human sacrifice rituals is a sad fact of life in today's dark world, albeit well concealed from the public.

Therefore, it makes perfectly sinister sense that these NWO monsters and madmen would count every victim who dies in their black ops/false flags, as ONE MORE SACRIFICE TO SATAN to obtain power from him to bring forth his NEW WORLD ORDER.

Believe them, and believe me, when I tell you that all the innocent victims that are horribly destroyed by their nefarious false flags, have just become human sacrifices in their wicked and warped minds. They do not care how many innocent people die in the future under martial law, nor in their insane quest for world domination. 

And therefore, every person who will  someday die in the prisoner boxcars with shackles and the FEMA/DHS camps under martial law, will also count as dark sacrifices of the NEW WORLD ORDER, to get more power from Satan.

Yes, this is the mentality and reasoning of the masterminds behind the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for America...and the entire WORLD.

I personally believe that the missiles in various US military bases, now aimed at INTERNAL TARGETS for a martial law agenda, are also a part of "OPERATION RING OF FIRE, " the covert plan of the NWO agenda supporters to deliberately detonate the many planted nuked across this nation for a martial law scenario. The hidden nukes and rogue missiles can easily be used in conjunction with one another to wreak havoc and create chaos nationwide.

And with the recent advent of THE MILITARY DRONES, such missiles fired by them over America can also be used as well.

Regardless of exactly WHEN the NWO elements of the military and government decide to activate these terrifying agendas, both the planted nukes and the missiles remain in place and can be detonated or fired at any given time.

Just like a deadly serpent, undetected as it lies coiled in a dark and dusty corner, can unexpectedly strike the unsuspecting victim walking by it at any time, so these deadly nukes and missiles are in America today. Out of sight, out of mind, nevertheless lethal and able to strike unsuspecting victims at any given time.

And this is only part of the grim future that the NWO/Illuminati have planned for YOUR nation, America. 

Perhaps it is far past time for millions of concerned Americans to become angry, even as I am angry today.

And rise up and do something...anything...BUT just don't sit there and do nothing! Because that is why America is in the mess we find it in today.

SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE HAVE SAT BACK AND DONE NOTHING of any real consequence to stop them.

(Can it possibly be because they are 
paralyzed with fear...?

Read my previous article about casting off the shackles of FEAR and instead responding with FAITH and BOLDNESS and COURAGE instead!)

And because so many good people are 
doing nothing  to counter the darkness, 
the NWO is getting away with murder as a result.

Don't let them.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert-
I learned a lot a little too late,Donut learn as I did.  Take care & beware,FTG  The sun shineth upon the dunghill & isnt corrupted. We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them. Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis  
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Obama Pulls $5.7 Trillion Heist While Americans Remain Asleep;

Posted: 29 May 2013 01:22 PM PDT
Ever since Barrack Obama took office as the President of the United States (POTUS) governmental spending has been out of control, as the men behind the curtain seek to squeeze every last drop of lifeblood from this once great nation.
Although in some peoples minds governmental spending has always been out of control, the Obama Administration takes the cake.
It's a known fact that the federal debt was increased $5.8 trillion during Obama's first term. This is more debt in total, than all debt accumulated by every previous presidency in aggregate. That's over $50,000 for every household in America. Enough to payoff every mortgage in America, letting the economy flourish and the people. However, that would never happen, as it's not in the cards.
In fact, the $5.7 trillion heist, termed a "bailout", was only in favor of a select group of private bankers and businessmen on the top of the pyramid. The looting of an entire nation was underway, as the liquid started to flow into the accounts of international bankster's and other criminals alike. The globalists had a smile ear to ear.
Today our National Debt, or should I say debt created by criminals, nearly totals $17 trillion, and it's not lowering itself anytime soon. Simply because this is not a concern of politicians in office, nor is it a concern of Obama or his masters. In fact, it's in these peoples (New World Order) best interest to never pay back the National Debt, but rather to merely payout all they can.
That's right, their whole goal is to in fact, profiteer from the "bailouts" by laundering the Corporation of the United States moneys (i.e. tax dollars garnered) into their private banks, then disbursing the funds through their private corporations. These corporations would later then give unnecessary bonuses to their executive staff, resulting in what can be considered the greatest heist in history.
That's right, president Barrack Obama and his masters, should be listed as some of the biggest criminals to have lived. Rest assured it was Obama's stroke of the pen that signed away $5.7 trillion dollars of America's blood, sweat, and tears, as it all went into the pockets of the elite. Meanwhile, Obama and his masters, were smiling all the way to the bank, know they duped the populace.
Still to this day no one is doing anything about it, the looting just continues.
Posted: 29 May 2013 01:08 PM PDT
Smoke from the wildfire at California's Los Padres National Forest near Santa Barbara.
A rapidly-moving US wildfire in State of California's Santa Barbara County has so far forced over 1,000 travelers and campers to evacuate Los Padres National Forest, cutting short their Memorial Day holiday visits.
Thousands of residents were also advises to escape the wildfire, which flared up in the mountains about 12 miles north of Santa Barbara on Monday afternoon and quickly grew to over 1,000 acres by evening hours.
No injuries have yet been reported during the evacuations and according to a US Forest Service spokesman no houses have caught on fire in the affected region so far.
The official further added that residents were expected to be able to return home late Monday after the fire burned through the area.
Meanwhile, the fire has reportedly forced the closure of Paradise Road, which runs up a valley with numerous campsites in the popular recreational spot.
Firefighters from a number of nearby counties were dispatched to the affected area, along with four water-tanker airplanes and two helicopters.
Posted: 29 May 2013 12:56 PM PDT
A new poll has found that the majority of all Americans believe the federal government has too much power – news that comes in wake of numerous government scandals, including the IRS' targeting of conservatives and the feds' targeting of journalists.
Gallup on Monday released survey findings indicating that 54 percent of Americans consider the federal government too powerful, while only eight percent say it is not powerful enough and 36 percent says it has just the right amount of power.
"Americans' views of federal power have become a renewed focal point in recent weeks with allegations that the IRS used its power to selectively audit certain types of organizations, and news reports of Justice Department investigations into Associated Press and Fox News records and e-mails," Gallup writes before announcing the results of its survey.
The number of Americans who perceive the government as too powerful resembles 2005 figures and is only slightly higher than 2012 figures. The number is also marginally lower than 2010 and 2011 findings.
The survey results show a drastic difference between Democrats' and Republicans' views on federal power. About 76 percent of Republicans believe the government has too much power, while only 32 percent of Democrats believe so. Independents generally answered like Republicans, Gallup reports.
Of the 1,016 survey respondents, 48 percent said they also believed the federal government "poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens."
The numbers have remained relatively steady since 2005, despite recent cases in which the government may have overstepped its constitutional rights. Even though the majority of Americans consider the feds too powerful, the IRS' recent targeting of conservative groups and the Justice Department's secret investigation of AP and Fox reporters appears not to have drastically impacted the poll results. Gallup explains that it might take longer for Americans' views about the federal government to change significantly – especially since this term encompasses all departments.
"The relative stability of these measures suggests that the current news focused on allegations of misuse of government power has not had an immediate impact on the public's views of the federal government, at least as measured by these two questions," Gallup writes. "At the same time, an update on Americans' views of the IRS shows significantly more negative attitudes now than in 2009, underscoring the idea that the current scandals' impact may be more localized to specific agencies rather than generalized to the entire federal government."
Posted: 29 May 2013 12:43 PM PDT
While the world grows increasingly weary of government scams, and police brutality is the only violent statistic seeming to increase, the Scottish government seeks to force 'state issued guardians' on young children and parents, to ensure they grow up to be good little wage slaves. Or as they claim, 'to stop child abuse'
Many governments get away with considering parents who don't cooperate with the state, "abusive parents". Such examples as, parents who keep their children out of state schools that teach kids to cooperate with the system and (inject their minds with media), or parents who medicate with cannabis.
In a shocking control grip move, the Scottish government is pushing for issuing every child in Scotland a 'state minder', or a spy to ensure that each child is raised exactly how the state wishes. Sociology lecturer at the University of Albertay, Stuart Walton, says- "Unfortunately, this dystopian future has arrived a little faster then I imagined, as last week the Scottish government's plan was to give every child a state guardian from birth was launched."
He continued- "The state appointed overseer will be a specific named individual, and every child will have one from birth. The responsibility for creating this named guardian will will on the heads of health boards for the first five years of a child's life, before being transferred to a council.
According to Mr. Walton, the parental decisions that could be deemed child abuse could range from the child's diet, to a parent using harsh language directed at their child. It could include medicating with cannabis and having cannabis in the house (as if that could in any way hurt a child), to even what the parent allows the child to view on TV or the Internet.
Western governments and a few others, in cooperation with their gate keeping strictly censored, mockingbird mainstream media corporations, have been convincingly cultivating the illusion, that the public needs a government to handle even the most personal things in their lives. While nearly every single time a government provides services to its people, those services are poor in quality, the Scottish government wishes to convince parents that the state is to be trusted with having a death grip on their child's minds.
Though of course, violence statistically continues to go down almost everywhere, no thanks to confrontation starting police and government, and the governments are just up to their usual game of playing on the public's emotions, to manufacture consent for Orwellian laws, that will fail to do any good anyway.
They manage and build onto matrixes of control through media, public school, and now that the public is rapidly waking up to the dysfunctional nature of government and its scams, the Scotland government wishes to sink its vampiric teeth into the neck of Scottish society once and for all. In other words, government everywhere is being rendered obsolete.
In the wake of this nearly global, blatantly obvious government effort to clamp down their controls on the very people they are supposed to serve, the Internet and independent media are producing a renaissance of consciousness that has never been seen before. While the media corporations conspire to distort reality and control with fear, the statistics and truth are alive and well ideas. Contagious, viral concepts of liberty, independence from dysfunctional tyranny, agorism, and voluntaryism, spread across the World Wide Web, and fill the minds of many seeking the prosperity they have the potential to achieve. The potential that a human being has, when uninhibited by a tyranny.
At the same time, fewer and fewer people fall for state and corporate propaganda. In sharp contrast to the mainstream media's portrayals of the world, the world is increasingly conscious of government and corporate scams. Hopefully, the Scottish people will not have to deal with this draconian tyranny. Yet if they do, the situation is sure to end with a wider public disdain of government, and a deeper public understanding of how truly parasitic and dysfunctional government tends to be. The time for liberty, it seems, has simply come.
Posted: 28 May 2013 03:57 PM PDT
Maoist rebels at a training camp in eastern India
A team of India's top anti-terrorism investigators and security experts has launched an investigation into a recent deadly ambush by Maoist rebels in the central state of Chhattisgarh, officials say.
Indian officials say six-member National investigation Agency team held several meetings with the police and senior administration officials in the troubled region on Tuesday.
Sources say hundreds of police are also scouring forests for the rebels in the Darba town where two dozen people, including some top state politicians, were killed in the surprise attack on Saturday.
The investigation comes days after Indian Maoist rebels launched the attack on a convoy of cars carrying local leaders and supporters of the ruling Congress Party. At least 24 people died and several others sustained severe injuries in the deadly ambush.
Local sources in the volatile region say the assailants blocked the road, set off a mine and began firing at the convoy.
The rebels, who are supported by tribal groups and landless farmers, have fought against state and central government for many years. Thousands of people have died in the Maoist-related clashes over the past three decades.
The Maoist militancy has now spread to 20 of the 28 Indian states.
India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh considers the Maoists as the gravest threat to the country's internal security.
Posted: 28 May 2013 03:50 PM PDT
Francois Hollande didn't expect such vast public outcry when he signed the same-sex marriage law in order to satisfy the small lobby, which sponsored his campaign for French presidency, Bruno Vercken from La Manif Pour Tous movement told RT.
Central Paris has witnessed violence on its streets over the weekend, a mass rally in protest at laws allowing same-sex marriage turned into clashes.
Police cracked down on far-right activists who had joined the demonstration, arresting 350 people for refusing to disperse or occupying private property.
Bruno Vercken, regional coordinator of the anti-gay marriage movement that took part in protests on Sunday, says that so many Frenchmen are speaking out against the same-sex marriage and adoption law because it violates the rights of the children.
RT: Did the police go too far in the way they dealt with your protest?
Bruno Vercken: Yes, indeed. If you look at the numbers since last November several millions of people have gone into street to protest and you won't be able to provide any picture nor any film of any broken glass, any burned car, and any violence during the protests themselves. At the same time, many people have been arrested. Several hundred people have been arrested by the police just because they were wearing suits with this logo there [shows the logo of the Anti-Gay Marriage Movement]. No longer than last Saturday, people were arrested in Paris because there were two of them walking together. And, at the same time, many people and no later than two weeks ago when Paris Saint-Germain celebrated this title in the soccer league in France, many people ruined some shops and they were not arrested.
RT: What are the reasons for the police behaving in this manner towards the same-sex marriage protestors?
BV: The government is extremely surprised and annoyed by the breadth and the length, the duration of the movement. Francois Hollande had not anticipated that allowing same-sex marriage and adoption would create such a concern about so many people in France. He did this promise to satisfy a small lobby, particularly active lobby, who financed his presidential campaign. He didn't anticipate that same-sex marriage was meaning in France adoption and plenary adoption – which immediately triggers the risk of losing the biological link between the kid and his parents. And in France this is very unique. And people are protesting against that to defend the right of children.
RT: Was this all about your objection to gay-marriage, or was it hijacked by groups with other agendas?
BV: Really not, I'm personally a member of a political party in France, and the takeover of this movement by any political party is clearly not at stake. Many of these people are, by the way, from left or from right so it transcends the classical left-right boundaries.
RT: France is now the ninth European country to legalise gay marriage. Why can't you move with the times?
BV: You could put nine ladies together you wouldn't be able to create a baby even in one month. And I think people protest here because they… It's not a matter of being modern, going along with times. It's really against, at one point in time, to say: Who's at stake there? Have we thought, have we considered the right of the weakest person there – who's the kid? And, you know, when a kid has lost his parents, probably, his dearest wish is to be adopted by a man and a woman. You, me are the sons of a man and a woman and in this law there's a deep lie – imbedded in the law – is to make people believe in the future that they can be born from two men or two women. And this is extremely dangerous and, by the way, we'll open soon the rights to medically adopted procreation and surrogate mothers, which people in France are extremely worried about and are extremely against.
Posted: 28 May 2013 03:46 PM PDT
Nearly everywhere you turn, crowds of angry Americans are gathering, no longer content to merely sit idly by and remain spectators to the cavalcade of injustices being perpetuated ad nauseum against We the People by criminal governments that have long since lost their legitimacy.
Run by an elitist ruling class, they prove daily that an elected body can trample rights the same as a sitting monarch or dictator.
The soft tyranny we endure now on a daily basis has turned scores of Americans into reluctant activists, no longer satisfied with participation in mundane "demonstrations" that prove and accomplish nothing.
Rising tide of anger
Some recent cases in point bear rise to this unrest, and if history is a guide, such occurrences will only become more frequent – and more violent – as our rights, traditions and heritage are trampled, disregarded and disrespected.
Take one case in New Jersey recently, where a state Senate panel on gun control cut off testimony on a bill – citing "procedure" – when citizens in attendance clearly had more they wanted to say, as evidenced by their requests to do so from the gallery. As seen in this video, a couple of individuals who attempted to speak were made to leave by a court police officer, but when one man – Frank Fiamingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society – had enough of the Senate panel's dismissive attitude, he organized the dozens of attendees into reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, at which time the a) the Senate panel abandoned its attempts to have audience members thrown out; and b) mostly refused to stand during the recitation of the pledge (one senator finally stood towards the end of the pledge).
Here's how it went down, according to one witness account:
After a late start, and a "ten minute break" that lasted more than a half hour, the NJ Senate committee on gun control decides to cut off public comment on the proposed gun control bills at 4 o'clock. The chairman and most of the committee then refuse to honor the pledge of allegiance. This took place at the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013. People in the audience were wearing NRA caps which I am sure was not lost on the Senate committee members. The officers from the court who were harassing the people who attended at the end of the clip looked from behind like jack booted Nazi enforcers.
The anger in the room was palpable, as was the frustration.
Freedom going out of style?
At a separate protest, civil rights activist Adam Kokesh – who has pre-announced an armed civil disobedience march on Washington D.C. on July 4th – was violently dragged from a "Smoke Down Prohibition" protest in Philadelphia over the weekend of May 18. Though in this video Kokesh, who is being dragged away from the event by police, has his hands up and is clearly not resisting arrest, that was the ultimate charge leveled against him:
According to Adam Kokesh supporter "Brother Lucas," Kokesh never even smoked pot during the protest, so his arrest is sending shockwaves across the liberty movement because it appears to be illegal and unjustified. The video seems to depict a lawless gang of badge-wearing thugs committing an act of kidnapping against someone merely exercising their free speech rights in a public forum.
What is interesting – even encouraging, if you are lover of liberty – was the reaction of the crowd to Kokesh's detention. As you can see in the video, demonstrators followed police to a barricade they reinforced after taking Kokesh through it. The crowd openly challenged officers and was visibly angry.
These are scenes being repeated all around the country, and with increasing frequency, as more Americans tire of the soft tyranny being directed at them on a daily basis. Look for more unrest in the future.

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