
Saturday, February 4, 2012

MedicalConspiracies- Heal Bone Spurs

Heal Bone Spurs

Updated: 11/13/2011

Natural Remedies to Heal or Treat a Bone Spur

"Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are bony projections that form along joints. Bone spurs form due to the body's increase of a damaged joint's surface area; most commonly from the onset of arthritis. Bone spurs usually limit joint movement and typically cause pain.

Bone spurs form naturally on the back of spine as a person ages and are a sign of degeneration in the spine. In this case the spurs are not the source of back pains, but instead are the common symptom of a deeper problem. However, bone spurs on the spine can impinge on nerves, which leave the spine for other parts of the body. This impingement can cause pain in both upper and lower limbs and a numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet due to the nerves supplying sensation to their dermatomes.

Spurs can also appear on the feet, either along toes or the heel, and can also occur on the hands. In extreme cases it has been known for these spurs to grow along a person's entire skeletal structure, along the knees, hips, shoulders, ribs, arms and ankles." (Wikipedia)

Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.







05/30/2010: Linda from Sugarcreek, Ohio replies: "In response to the person who had a heel spur on the back of the heel I have THE answer. I went to a Chiropractic physician whom I told I had the problem (didn't actually know what it was-but painful). This particular doctor treated me with ultra-sound and it was gone THAT DAY! He treated it as part of my routine visit. It was painless (just warmth) and far from a surgical treatment which I hear usually fails. Not all naturopathic or chiropractic offices might do this so please check around. My help came from the Fedorko Chiropractic Clinic in Canton, Ohio. Contact to see if there is a similar situation in your area. Good luck! Linda"


[YEA] 07/21/2010: Maral from Peoria, Il replies: "Apple cider vinegar DOES work for heel spurs. You don't drink it. Before you go to bed wet a cotton ball with ACV and rub it over your entire foot and let it dry. My chiropractor gave me this remedy. I could not even put my foot down on the floor in the morning without excruciating pain. The first morning after using it I could not only step down on my foot but I could walk across the floor. There was still some pain- comparable to the pain/discomfort you have at the end of the day after walking on it. Believe me- THIS WORKS!!!"

05/23/2011: Danielle from Casselman, Ontario replies: "I have a painful heel spur in my left heel and I sure want to try rubbing ACV on it and see if it'll help me. Thank you for your tip."

Then there is ultra sound. Podiatrists have this.. No pain. It worked once for me but not the second time.

Never walk barefoot again, and make sure the silicone pads are even in slippers. A block heeled shoe at least 1 or 1 1/2 inches high helps in the beginning take pressure off the heel. But keep using the silicone for life. Then try taking boswellia or tumeric for the inflammation. It’s the inflammation that is causing the pain. No one told me this trick.. I learned it from trying it on my sore back and it works.

Forget surgery!


[YEA] 12/23/2006: Sarah from Richmond Heights, CA writes: "Bone spurs are often a result of fluoride ingestion, primarily from fluoridated water and/or dental treatments. DMAE detoxifies fluoride as shown by years of clinical findings at the Bioenergy Balancing Centers in California."

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[YEA] Allen writes: "Hello, I am looking for herbs, etc, that I can use topically, and/or internally with DMSO, to reduce, or eliminate bone spur growth in my cervical spinal chord channel. I have been using DMSO mixed with natural ingredients since the mid 70's and have seen many miraculous results, both in and on my own body and the bodies of friends. Thanks for you time and efforts."


[YEA] 07/28/2011: Tracy from San Augustine, Tx - Usa replies: "If you are using DMSO as a carrier for herbs to treat BONE SPURS topically, two of the best herbs to use are HORSETAIL (Scouring Rush) & STINGING NETTLE (Urtical Diorica). I would suggest adding the liquid extract to the DMSO instead of the dried herb. Equal amounts of each would probably be okay. Herbs & homeopathic remedies high in silica content have been used a long time to treat bone spurs & help remove them. The herbal teas of the same plants can be used internally to treat the condition, as well."


Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "Bone spurs are caused by ineffective calcium metabolism or excess calcium. What you need to do is find some food rich with silica, such as horsetail, or get some chemical alternative such sodium metasilicate.

Secondly, you need boron supplements to allow proper calcium bone metabolism.

Thirdly, proper bone metabolism also depends on proper levels of potassium which is found in bananas and electrolyte drinks. Magnesium is abundant in leafy dark green vegetables that is taken or eaten in raw. Take also sunflower seeds (salted or unsalted) as they are rich in magnesium.

DMSO helps with absorption, but don't forget that a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per liter of water will also be helpful with the bone conditions. Dosages of magnesium in form of magnesium chloride is about 500-1000 mg/day. Boron is best at about 5-10 mg/day. Silica supplements is about 100 mg/day. Most people in U.S. actually have silica and boron deficiency. Israel's drinking water is high in boron which is why they have relatively low in bone spurs compared with U.S. I suspect that excess calcium and excess fluoride is a major culprit in bone spurs - everyone with bone spurs seems to use fluoride toothpaste and seems to interfere with calcium metabolism. This happens in plants also, which is why pesticides must be low in fluoride for it stunts plant growth as well."


07/31/2011: Paulapooh66 from Boston, Ma replies: "what is DMSO? new to this site~thx! "

EC: See this page:


06/20/2008: TAN KOON PENG from SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE writes: "Mimosa is useful for bone spur. It is also useful for detoxing our body of toxins. It is an effective Cancer Killer as it can get rid of toxins which is one of the main cause of Cancer. Our body when clear of toxins can function well and allow our immune system to effectively kill the Cancer cells naturally.

For Medical uses, the pink flower, red stem type of mimosa is most useful. All parts of mimosa can be used to treat Cancer but the most important part is the roots. Mimosa can be soak overnight for easy washing. Mimosa should be cook in very low flame for 2 to 3 hour as this process can get rid of the mild toxins in this useful plant.

18 red dates and 12 slices of old ginger should also to added for better results.This herbs should be taken on empty stomach for best results.  If you are not a vegetarian, you can also add some garlic for better results. After taking this herbs patients can expect to pass out black and smelly feces.

Mimosa is also effective for internal injury, diabetes, kidney problems, liver problem, diarrhea, skin problems, arthritis, urinary tract stone, rheumatism, anti-aging, child fever, relieve cough, clear phlegm, sprain injury, insomnia, gastric infection, clearing excessive heat in body, promote urination, bronchial infection, child indigestion, stiff neck, bone spur, piles, thyroid, blood purifier etc etc.

If fresh mimosa is not available, you can buy it from chinese medical shop.

Bone spur patients are to abstain from kang kong, carrot, banana, celery, peanut.

NOTE: Not suitable for pregnant woman.

Please share with others if you have any feedback after using this herb."


10/18/2008: Bee from Baltimore, MD replies: "Hi Tan, I saw your information regarding bone spurs on Green Earth and your response in your posting that Bone spur patients are to abstain from kang kong, carrot, banana, celery, peanut. How do these affect bone spur patients. Is this remedy safe to take with other medications?

Thank you."

08/10/2011: Karen from Nuevo, Ca Usa replies: "How much mimosa in the recipe do you use?"

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[YEA] 04/11/2010: Bancheck from Idaho Falls, Idaho writes: "I am 45 and I have bone spurs on my spine, feet, and hands. One bone spur on my right thumb ruptured in 2002. I lost some function in my right hand to the point of getting my thumb caught and broken twice. I was 380 pounds, pre-diabetic, and walking on broken bones in my feet quite often (Lots of broken toes and my right ankle). Last October 2009 I was hurting and could not breath (Darth Vader had more stealth then I did).

I am a man that should be in his prime but I was unable to work. My ego was more than broken.

I found the solution and in the last 6 months I've been experimenting to make sure its the real deal. Here it is:

First- Vitamin D3 6000 IUs a day (get a non-oil preparation)

Second- No oils, No fried food, No deep fried food, and NO MARGARINE of any kind

Third- No soda of any kind (lowers body pH for 36 hours)

Fourth- Lots of eggs, butter, and avocados real fat (if it won't rot in three days or less don't eat it)

Fifth- Meat needs to be cooked under 210 Degrees for a longer time to keep the fat body ready (the flavor and texture is so much improved anyway).

Sixth- There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate sugar, starch, or fiber (think of these as fertilizer for good and bad bacteria and fungi in the intestines and body) Celiac and Fungi both produce a intestine damaging protein that stops mineral absorption. If eating the fiber gluten doesn't trip it sugar feeding a fungi may. This intestinal distress can last 2 weeks per episode of gluten eaten.

Seventh- Body pH is the problem. Your bones are part of the body's endocrine system. the bones bank minerals for use in hormone production. however they also dump large amounts of calcium into the blood stream to counter low blood pH if needs be. Bad fats (even bottled olive oil) and carbohydrates lower body pH causing such an event.

Eighth- Eat salt, good sea salt, you need salt to make hydrochloric acid to digest food and absorb minerals (chloride ion from salt). You need sodium bicarbonate made in the pancreas and kidneys to get the minerals to the cells. (sodium from salt)

Ninth- get 60 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential proteins, and 3 essential fatty acids daily. I have been using a supplement with a good balance. But, I have 7000 to 12000 MG Calcium with Boron, copper, and the rest in combination with clean gelatin to rebuild my bone matrix and tissue.

Tenth- I drink high pH waters with an ORAC count below -300. I also drink (Ferric Ferrus salt in my water) This salt in an aquarium will support both salt water and fresh water fish simultaneously in the same water for years.)

Eleventh- to get my fungi under control I've been using 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in 8 or 12 Oz water every morning for 1 month then off for 2 weeks then 1 more month.

Twelveth- eating less good food daily keeps the body from taxing pH reserves and builds bones back faster. Bone spurs are a symptom of osteoporosis. It can be healed in 6 months (documented). I've made progress I can walk again and my weight is falling off, My diabetes went away, and I haven't broken a toe in months still fighting with the fungi. Gluten hides in a lot of food. Just a little stops the bones healing until my guts heal in usually two weeks per episode.

More notes:

Pasteurized milk will not help but hinder the healing of bones. Raw milk has a balance of enzymes, proteins, fats, calcium, and other minerals and vitamins, However, pasteurizing milk kills the enzymes throwing the amino acid (protein), fatty acids, and mineral pH (Calcium and other minerals) out of balance in so much that it requires additional calcium and minerals to now digest the milk.

Homogenized milk imbalances the minerals and fatty acids even more as once homogenized milk fat no longer needs to be digested to leave the intestine wondering in the blood stream unsupervised."


04/14/2010: Bancheck from Idaho Falls, Idaho replies: "More notes:

Exercise can be overdone. Exercise dumps multiple forms of acid into the body that then needs to be neutralized. Exercise is more of a result of good body pH balance and not a cause. Large muscle masses require small high pH meals to maintain them over the essential amino and fatty acids required to heal them from the damage of exercise in order to preserve bone and maintain pH reserves.

Fat comes from carbohydrates and poor pH reserves. Fat is what happens when acidic foods are dumped into the blood stream without the calcium to burn them. Increase the calcium and fat disappears.

For more information on how to live a very long healthy life look for books by Dr Joel D Wallach His work as I've tested it so far in combination with a few other things holds water."


[YEA] 08/10/2011: Karen from Nuevo, Ca Usa replies: "This is to Bancheck in Idaho Falls... I sympathize with you. I walked for several years with my foot bones continually broken to some degree... Heal... Then re-break again. Dmso has worked miracles for me. Can take it internally 5 drops in a glass a day or make a 70% dmso and 30% carrier oil and spray where it on 3-4 x day. If no sensitive skin can apply straigtht to skin. Look at Dmso.Org.Nz. This stuff has done miracles for me and my horse too. Good luck. I too have changed my diet similar to yours and yes that has helped so much. No meat. Similar eating habits to the Garden of Eden. Ironic, huh? Garden of Eden heals and mans habits of eating cause disease. Those of us, like you and me, are figuring this out and changing."

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11/07/2011: Melody from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada replies: "This is in regards to the people talking about bone spurs on their feet or toes. What worked for me was heating up flax seed oil and putting it on a bandaid, or a gauze and putting it on the toe I had the bone spur on. I did this for a period of about 5 days to a week I guess, and eventually the bone spur dissolved. My bone spur you could feel through the skin and I just used the heated oil on a bandaid. Hope this helps someone :)"



Love and blessings, 


Jan Slama

Vibrant Energy

Change your energy, change your life!

Your source for MMS, Diatomaceous Earth and Lugol’s 5% Iodine.


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Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.”  Zach. 4:6.

“But, if any nation does not listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it,” declares the Lord.  Jere.12:17

Pray without ceasing, because our only hope for our nation is in God.


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