
Saturday, December 31, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Healthcare Workers Oppose The Flu Vaccination - Scientist Think Sick Seals May Be Radioactive

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Freedom Watch

 Even Healthcare Workers Oppose The                                 Flu Vaccination Even Healthcare Workers Oppose The Flu Vaccination »
Annual flu vaccinations are big business for Big Pharma, doctors and others who get commissions on every vaccination they give. If this were not so, do you think big chain pharmacies would spend so much money and time promoting them? More »

Here's a Special Message From
Our Friends at The Healthy Back Institute

5 Most Dangerous                                                   Pain Killers
4 Foods That Melt                                                   Away Stomach Fat

 Eric Holder: Too Many Guns Have                                 Fallen Into Wrong Hands Eric Holder: Too Many Guns Have Fallen Into Wrong Hands »
Attorney General Eric Holder, whose Department of Justice orchestrated the Fast and Furious gunwalking scheme to supply Mexican drug cartels with illegal firearms, released a statement on Wednesday decrying the fact that too many people who are not legally permitted to own guns have access to them. More »

 White House Announces Weapons Sale                                 To Saudi Arabia White House Announces Weapons Sale To Saudi Arabia »
The White House has forged an agreement with Saudi Arabia to sell the kingdom $29.4 billion worth of equipment for the Royal Saudi Air Force. The agreement includes production of 84 new Boeing F-15SA aircraft and the modernization of 70 existing aircraft as well as munitions, spare parts, training, maintenance and logistics. More »

 Scientist Think Sick Seals May Be                                 Radioactive Scientist Think Sick Seals May Be Radioactive »
Scientists are investigating whether seals in Alaska that have recently fallen ill are being sickened by radiation from the destroyed Japanese Fukushima nuclear plant. Several seals have washed up on Alaska's Arctic coastline since July, suffering or killed by a mysterious disease. More »

Chip Shots

Hysterical Over Ron Paul

The frantic attacks on Ron Paul. The Iowa caucuses are just days away. And the thought that Representative Ron Paul might actually come in first has some people hysterical. Iowa governor Terry Branstad proclaimed that the results should be ignored if Paul finishes first. People need to look at "who comes in second and who comes in third" if that happens, he declared. Reaching even lower, Wall Street Journal editorial board member and columnist Dorothy Rabinowitz called Paul "the best-known of American propagandists for our enemies" in a lengthy op-ed smear. As I've said before, folks, next year will sure be interesting. More »

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