
Thursday, November 3, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Super Committee more cuts to Social Security

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The National Memo


Thursday, November 03, 2011

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Super Committee Cuts To Social Security Distract From Real Issues

The Congressional Super Committee to cut the budget deficit, due to report soon, has let it be known that it will cut Social Security benefits. Let me be short and sour about this. It is a public relations stunt. All this is about is showing the world America is serious about cutting its long-term deficit. The nation has the guts to do what it takes. It is no bleeding heart country. It is willing to beat up on the elderly. READ MORE

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Obama Slams Congress: "What Are You Guys Debating!?" [VIDEO]

President Barack Obama ripped Congress on Wednesday for passing a resolution to reaffirm "In God We Trust" as the nation's motto, while his jobs bill still sits in limbo. "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people to work," he said. READ MORE

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Romney And The South Carolina Conundrum

Can Mitt Romney be dislodged as the fragile but disciplined front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination? If he can, South Carolina is the best bet for the role of spoiler. READ MORE

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Third Woman Accuses Herman Cain Of Sexual Harassment; He Blames Perry Campaign

Another former employee says she considered filing a workplace complaint over what she considered aggressive and unwanted behavior by Herman Cain when she worked for the presidential candidate in the 1990s, while Cain's campaign charged Rick Perry's staff with a smear campaign. READ MORE

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How Big Banks Take A Big Bite Of Government Benefits

Consumers scored a victory this week when Bank of America backed off its threat to charge a $5 month fee for using a debit card. But while other big banks have made clear they will avoid BofA's blunder, they are still raking in profits by doling out government benefits through prepaid debit cards. READ MORE

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