
Friday, November 18, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Ron Paul Coverage.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
"The cure for cancer is in your grocery store."
Reality Check: An endorsement for fairness in dealing With Ron Paul
11-18-2011  • 
This is the first time Congressman Paul has polled in a first place slot in this race. So we are asking tonight, why is that? And what is so wrong with Ron Paul? 
Jon Stewart: Why Doesn't Ron Paul Get His Shot As Media Frontrunner?
11-18-2011  • 
Stewart took a stroll down memory lane, looking back on how almost each and every GOP candidate has enjoyed his (or her) time in the media spotlight. Every candidate, that is, except for Ron Paul. What gives? 
End Run Around the MSM: The Ron Paul Super Brochure Project
11-18-2011  •  Daily Paul 
The plan is to print 10 million brochures to get information about Ron Paul directly into the hands of voters. You can help by ordering brochures to pass out ($70 for 1,000)
Chief of CIA Bin Laden Unit Supports Ron Paul Plan
11-18-2011  •  Daily Paul 
Michael Scheuer on Ron Paul 
Paul Moves Into Second Place in Iowa AND New Hampshire
11-18-2011  • 
While Newt Gingrich attracts media attention as he moves up in national polls, Ron Paul is enjoying a surge of his own.
The American Upset
11-18-2011  •  YouTube 
Ron Paul's consistent message over the last 35 years...
Ron Paul on Fox News with Megyn Kelly
11-18-2011  •  YouTube 
Ron Paul tied with Cain, Romney, Gingrich for first place in Iowa.
Ron Paul Interview - Kudlow @ CNBC
11-18-2011  •  YouTube 
Everybody wants a piece of Ron Paul...
Sarah Palin Wants Ron Paul To Keep Educating Us
11-18-2011  •  YouTube 
Former Governor, Sarah Palin, on the 2012 Presidential Race (interview)
Ron Paul Interview @ Fox News
11-18-2011  •  YouTube 
Ron Paul Interview with Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch - Fox Business Channel 
Top Tier Candidate Ron Paul Tells CBS Camera Man: "That's rude" for Shoving Reporter
11-18-2011  •  Daily Paul 
Seems like CBS is having a change of heart since Saturday's debate.

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