
Monday, November 21, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Radiation Rising In American Food


Sound Body


Data Accumulating That Radiation Is Rising In American Food

Sharply Higher Levels Of Cesium 134 and 137, and Strontium 89 Are Showing Up In US Food Samples Across The Country

As if to validate the warnings issued by Sound Body which began the first week of the Fukushima disaster, accelerating data studies are indicating the presence of radioactivity in American food -- and the mainstream political powers and media are either ignoring it, or downplaying its significance.  

It matters not whether we choose to dismiss the data, or even to seek to diminish the severity of the threat, because the fact is, radioactivity is spreading across the country.  

In evaluating the present situation concerning the media generated diminishment of the threat, we were reminded of an anecdotal account we heard some months back, so we recount it in the present context because it's illustrative.  

GEO Media Network host Dean Gotcher once told the fascinating story of how scientists in the space program had alerted officials that the tiles in the space shuttle mission were not sufficiently cohesive enough to handle another mission, and that the launch date should be scrubbed until the problem could be dealt with properly.  

Gotcher went on to note how the management, insisting that budgetary constraints required the scheduled launch to continue without a postponement, told the scientists to re-crunch the numbers, to show how, under certain circumstances, the tiles would hold. After a couple of rounds of this contrived effort to Dialogue to the desired Consensus, the techies finally said that, if we view the numbers a certain way, and if we assume some particularly arcane fact related to the weather on the launch date, the tiles would hold.
However, the fact was, the tiles could not hold, because no amount of Dialogue can change the laws of physics, and the astronauts ended up paying the ultimate price.  

With the fundamental fact that radiation is incredibly destructive to all living things, any media massaging of the facts, or government twisted statistics will not diminish the danger -- nor will it impede in any way the deleterious effects of these radiation exposures.  

We've seen pictures of birth defects which were attributed to the Chernobyl disaster, and they are horrifying. The fact is, the Fukushima radiation levels have been estimated by at least one nuclear expert to be 70 times worse than Chernobyl -- yet the American public is still not being alerted in a significant way concerning the true threat to their health.  

To put it another way, the data firmly suggests the mainstream media, and the federal government, are conspiring to black out the truth concerning the Japanese nuclear disaster, and how that lengthy radiation release is affecting America.  

The chances are, you've already eaten radioactive food and didn't even know it.  The truth is, most people are simply unaware that radiation is contaminating America's food supply right now.  

For instance, University of California at Berkeley researchers have discovered rising radiation in selected produce grown in California. Six items were recently tested: Spinach, Strawberries, Cilantro, Topsoil, Grass, and Mushrooms. Measured in Becquerel per kilogram, 5 of 6 items in that US food chain sampling were found to have radioactive particles.  

Rather ironically, in spite of the fact that here at Sound Body, we've been intently watching the Fukushima story unfold from the very beginning, this writer personally bought some mushrooms about 3 weeks ago, and became sick as a dog for a couple of days. Were they radioactive? Who knows, but clearly any damage will have already been done -- and that's just the point.  

Had there been a significant media coverage, I might have remembered that fact as I pushed the grocery cart down the aisle -- thinking I was buying healthy salad components, I might have instead opted for canned olives instead of the mushrooms I purchased for the garden salad I was envisioning.  

Although I stopped drinking milk years ago because of the hormones and other negative aspects of the commercial product, how many people are completely unaware of the fact that radioactive Strontium has been found milk samples in Hilo, Hawaii?  

Just because you don't live on the island does not mean your milk (or god forbid, the milk your kids are drinking) is safe. The facts are, Strontium has been found in milk in diverse places all the way to Montpelier VT, to say nothing up of milk found to be radioactive in Oakland California.  

If you don't drink milk and figure you're safe, consider the fact that radiation has been found in rainfall in Boise Idaho, Salt Lake City Utah, and Richmond California.

Sound Body has already reported on sharp spikes in the rate of sudden infant deaths up and down the West Coast, but a deeper problem is in the slower acting cancers that will eventually blossom in significant numbers among the general populace. This will occur because the lack of widely disseminated data has allowed the public to live carelessly, when there is actually serious danger lurking all around the food supply.  

Meanwhile, the radiation is spreading through the ocean and deadly particles are being carried by prevailing winds to North America.  

UC Berkeley has been steadily monitoring the situation, and has already released dozens of reports concerning the danger, but this material is being widely ignored in the public consciousness.  

There are alternative media sources -- the very media threatened by the American government's efforts at censoring and/or controlling the Internet --- which continue to sound the alarm, but their reach is very modest in terms of real numbers.  

Few have stopped to consider that Fukushima may very well be just the opening salvo in a host of far more disastrous nuclear events (such as exploding an above ground weapon in a military context), and when (not if) such an event occurs, the scramble for dietary shelter will be tumultuous.  

Thus, Sound Body repeats a refrain we've been singing for the last year or so. Items such as Potassium Iodate, which are good for a fast response to a sudden radiation exposure are clearly in order, but a longer term approach, where the Thyroid (the gland which is the most susceptible to radiation poisoning) is gradually and safely dosed with an organically derived plant iodine are, without a doubt, the best approach.  

You can get it in seaweed and other natural foods (assuming the seaweed itself wasn't contaminated with radioactivity), or you can begin thyroid supplementation in a pattern as consistent as the taking of vitamins.  

We've chosen Thyadine, and of course, that's only one brand as there are several other fine products, but the bottom line is, this is something that should be undertaken NOW.


For more on Thyadine, see the online video at THYADINE  


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The new GEO Television Network is now streaming video every weeknight, and one of the key programs offered is Sound Body which is hosted by Susan Lenox. This TV program is similar to the material you're reading, as it regularly exposes the medical monstrosity that our system has become. Sound Body airs on GEO every night at 5:30 PM Pacific (8:30 PM EST).

 GEO has other shows as well. For example, at 4 PM Pacific (7 PM EST), GEO TV is running Echoes of Enoch, with shows covering everything from  Parallel Dimensions to the Hollow Earth. Echoes of Enoch feature Jim Wilhelmsen, a regular guest on L A Marzulli's Acceleration Radio show (carried nightly  on the V Channel radio network).

Echoes Of Enoch is followed by HAARP expert Dr. Nich Begich with Earth Rising, covering Tesla technologies at 4:30 Pacific (7:30 PM EST). At 5 PM every weeknight, GEO TV has the 30 minute news update Christian Media Weekly News, followed by the just previously mentioned Alternative Health show Sound Body with Susan Lenox. 30 minutes of prophecy on The Apocalypse Chronicles with James Lloyd is followed by Streamwars, with interesting underground media TV guests. At 7 PM Pacific (10 PM EST), we run Echoes of Enoch and Earth Rising again. To view GEO TV, you must have high speed Internet, and go to the website at the hours just mentioned.

 Sound Body also has a longer, one hour radio show which runs every night on the GEO Radio Network. This one airs at 6 PM Pacific (9 PM EST), and may be found every weeknight at

 For those without sufficient Internet bandwidth to watch the GEO TV at, the radio network at, also covers the Political, Patriot, Alternative Health, and certainly preaching is alive and well on GEO.  Tune us in on a 24/7 basis at  



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