
Sunday, November 20, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- KISS TAXATION GOOD BYE !!!!! - Fw: Re: I'm in [Status update] CAFR1 / TRF

According to Burien, government at all levels already has enough
invested money to live off the interest to meet all their annual
needs.  Therefore, no individual taxes are needed.
Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
"The cure for cancer is in your grocery store."
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Walter Burien <>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2011 12:13:32 -0500


CAFR1 Reply to Alan from Texas.

Sent FYI to the CAFR1 National email list.


Walter Burien - CAFR1





Being that you used the phrase CITA you must of watched the video: The Biggest Game in Town, which was completed in 2000 on VHS and uploaded to Google Video on December 25th 2008.

In 2010, I completed the first cut of: The Only Game in Town and uploaded it to YouTube on 10/31/11.  I have changed the term of CITA (Citizens Investment Trust Account) to the term TRF (Tax Retirement Fund) as of 2010.

People are soundbite conditioned to react with: "can't change the Goliath"

The majority will only stick their heads out if they think they are in the majority on an issue and thus will win with the change they look to effect taking root and growing into the standard.

I have managed to reach over fifty-million people with disclosure of the current government financial structure and the ability to modify it to phase out all taxation.

There are now two Counties and one City in the US that are seriously considering implementation of the TRF to meet their general purpose operating budgets and thus eliminating taxation for their venues. Local venues are now learning how the City of Mesa, AZ over the last forty-years has partially used the same principles of the TRF to subsidize the cost of an operating budget to now know the TRF as CAFR1 has presented can do the job to not just subsidize but fulfill 100% of an operating budget if they elect to do so.

On the county level it will apply for the cities; towns; school districts in the county also. Additionally on the county level it can be written into the TRF Operating Prospectus (TOP) that upon the TRF's return allowing for the phasing out of taxation in the county the TRF fund return in excess of meeting the needs in the county, the excess return can be targeted to meet any "State" tax liability for the residents of the county and thus eliminating all local government tax liability for those residents of that county including State taxation.

When the first County is about to come on line with the TRF operation to meet general purpose budgetary costs without taxation, I arranged several years ago with about 25 to 30 of the top "independent" radio show hosts in the US, each going out to a million listeners plus, to do a two hour simulcast. It will be taped the day before and then aired the following day to meet the radio show hosts broadcast schedules with time slots for them to insert their own local show advertisements as if aired live by one and all.

In this way with the buzz that will circulate as to the simulcast, fifty to sixty million Americans will be reached at one time with full disclosure of the TRF and TOPs to end all taxation.  Additionally, the buzz about the simulcast could reach another thirty-million individuals from those that listen to the archive of the show and / or make tapes of the show for circulation. The  carry-through effect for implementation of the TRF nationally should be very exciting and exponential.

The simulcast will also be a first time event in this County's history. Believe me when I say: "It was no easy task to over-ride the egos and conflicts the show hosts had with each other to get them to cooperate as one, on one issue." But in final thought they understood the importance and dismissed their own egos to join as one in the mission of reaching all of the country, in one simulcast radio show, done simultaneously at one time.. 

Per passing on email addresses of people working to establish the TRF, I do not do this at this time. Most of the people that contact me to "establish groups" in their states are government shills trying to be a center to "defuse" and "confuse" effective action and build lists for the local controllers of who they need to keep an eye on. That has been the standard in all local governments from across the land due to the massive money involved. With that in mind I tell people to network within their local venue and thus they establish their own group.

Things are going to take off pretty soon and then state by state the groups (legitimate and gov shill operations until weeded out)  will tie into each other as a result of national expansion under natural exposure.

I secured the websites of and .us and .info and .net. The .info when launched will network the nation with a Google Map that will have colored flags (working on; at the voting stage; implemented) where people can click and connect. The .us will be a secure login for local governments (city; county; state; school district) to research and select management teams for the TRF management in their local venue. The .net will be a nationally structured chat board for articles and comment.

Please share this information with all that you know.


Truly yours,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854



From:  "Alan D. Smith"
Subject:  I'm in
Date:  Sun, November 20, 2011 1:21 am

Thank you, Walter, for the wonderful information.

I'm eager to get a CITA started in Dallas, Texas. If anyone from Dallas contacts you, please, give them my email address. I'll keep and distribute the list of those interested in ending the big squeeze in North Texas, if you like.

You might consider amending your YouTube video to let people know that you'll act as a locality match maker, to help germinate local groups. You see, our problem is that we have no way to unite. The banksters have seen to that. Theoretical, real democracy would certainly be their worst nightmare.

I tried to introduce real democracy to humanity. They quickly stomped it out with both feet.

I tried to start a MeetUp group about the water fluoridation nightmare. After six months, we had nine local members. So, I scheduled our first meeting. And, only one other person showed up.

I fear that some supernatural or esoteric force is being used to make humanity oblivious to any viable solutions to the root causes of Our common problems.

But, I'm willing to try again this one last time to do something about the hijacking of our world. If this doesn't work, I'll leave it up to the benevolent aliens who're supposed to save us from the Khazarians, lol.


Alan D. Smith ~ Still introducing real democracy



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