
Sunday, November 27, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control

I've read Begich's book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" and its updates.
This is Tesla technology that the Russians first brought online, we
discovered them doing so, and quickly developed HAARP.  Its been
stated that several countries now have their own in operation.  Since
it can alter the weather, can you say "global warming" ?  "Climate
change" ?  OR, how about Hurricane Katrina ?  OR, weather patterns
that your local meteorologist states, on camera, are "UNUSUAL" ?  
BTW, it is known that al gore knew about HAARP before touting "global
warming".  "Angels..." and updates are available through
Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
"The cure for cancer is in your grocery store."
Dr. Nick Begich: HAARP, Secret Sciences & High Tech Mind Control
11-26-2011  • 
Dr. Begich talks about many controversial science experiments, including HAARP, Mind Control technology, compartmentalization within the science community, and how these technologies... currently controlled by secret military industrial complex inter 

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