
Saturday, November 19, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- The Causes of High-Cost Medical Care

This is an excellent article about unnecessary medical tests and
treatment.  Concludes that natural is better.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
"The cure for cancer is in your grocery store."
Are You a Victim of This Nearly One Trillion Dollar Scam?
Even your own doctor gets paid to do it, convincing you "it's necessary". Find out which doctors are more likely to play the money game, jeopardizing your health and your life. With the U.S. now ranking 49th in life expectancy, know the questions you must ask at your next routine checkup...

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