
Friday, April 15, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- Radiation: Protect Yourself and Loved Ones – Not a Drill.

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Since the government and the media are covering up and lying to us it is up to us to protect ourselves from the deadly harm that this out of control meltdown poses for the US and the rest of the world. If you don't have a Geiger counter get one and learn how to read it. It will save you and your families lives. This meltdown is far worse than Chernobyl and the Japanese don't have a clue how to deal with this. Don't eat anything from Japan and think hard about eating seafood from the Pacific Ocean.



Protect Yourself and Loved Ones – Not a Drill.

(San Francisco) – What we know:

  1. The daily outflow of deadly radiation from Japan's Four Chernobyl'd Reactors increased Ten Times on March 31.
  2. The Japanese Government in conjunction with GE and the American CIA cut off information the next day.
  3. Information has resumed and is "controlled".
  4. The March 31st Radioactive Plume is expected in the States, the EU and Asia on April 11th and 12th. The Southern Hemisphere will get all this spread out over the next year.
  5. The Plume contains Radioactive Iodine, Strontium, Plutonium, Cesium and other highly lethal radioactive substances.
  6. Take all the precautions you can:

A. Stay indoors as much as you can, and especially when it rains.

B.Get into the habit of checking your shoes and those of guests at the front door. Store umbrellas away from clothes

C. Drink spring water from deep underground old sources. Try to make it local.

D. Do not bathe or wash clothes/dishes in radioactively contaminated water. That is a bit of a problem. You can stock up on baby wipes.

That should help some. In the Northeast US Poland Springs is good if a bit acid, so counteract with bicarb once a day – a tsp. in a glass of water.

E. Food: This is a puzzle.

Buy New Zealand beef from US Wellness Meats. In about a year's time that will no longer be a good source, as the radiation will eventually cross the equator. Broad leafy greens are known to absorb radiation from rainwater.

There was an idea that thicker skinned veggies would be the best but as it turns out, foods rich in minerals will pick up all the nasties as easily for they are heavy metals. Beware of coconuts, and avocados, both rich in potassium, and therefore good at picking up metals .

All dairy products are no good. They have Strontium 90, which at the behest of the dairy industry, was made illegal to report the last time this happened. Take it on faith because the probe that will pick it up is attached to a isotope radiation detector that costs $10,000, and up, and there is a waiting list!

However you might want to get one of the 400 dollar detectors and you can use it to measure Gamma rays on your food in the market while you are shopping. Gammas are easier to detect. That way you can buy more intelligently. There are waiting lists for those, too.

Proceed as if everything changed on March 11, 2011.  It did.

*Google:  "DOSIMETERS", Geiger counters

Sources and Notes:
  • Responsible media and individuals from around the world.
  • The loosely affiliated, freedom loving group Writers and Warriors, without whose co-operation, encouragement and support these articles would not exist.
  • The people of the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and the City of San Francisco; as well as the Bay Area.
  • The support and encouragement of the 75 Plus writers, editors and staff of the Veterans Today web site.

Bob Nichols Bio and articles, Veterans Today, March 12, 2011.

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