
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

MedicalConspiracies- COLON CANCER CURE video

The treatment for colon cancer by Dr. Simoncini is vastly known among patients of this type of cancer

Until now, only in Japan and a few countries the treatment by Dr. Simoncini was still unknown and almost nobody had heard about it. Below you will find a video interview with a patient with colon cancer, through which Dr. Simoncini's name became famous all across the world.

This video was presented in a scientist convention and caused an enormous impact to the viewers. Shortly after being presented in this convention it was posted on YouTube and distributed by the mass media generating a great controversy in no time.Watch video

Summarizing, the patient develops colon cancer and the tumor obstructs the intestine as it grows. Dr. Simoncini using an endoscope gets to the obstructed part and through a catheter especially designed by himself, introduces a solution composed of sodium bicarbonate into the affected part. 

The most visible part of the intestine is become white, which according to Dr. Simoncini is due to the presence of candida albicans. After applying the solution, the tumor surprisingly reduces its size and the obstruction disappears. This process lasts for one to 6 weeks and the rate of success of the treatment is superior to 90%. 

After watching the so amazing results in this video, hundreds of patients from all around the world turned to Dr. Simoncini to get treatment. The patient of colon cancer protagonist of this video continues living a healthful life to date.

Pancreas Cancer

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