
Saturday, November 20, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Truvia side effects - Cargill also has Erythrito - lProblems with New Sweetener

On 11/20/2010 4:39 AM, thesitesfamily wrote:
who can tell me what is in Truvia- I purchased a crystal light pure fitness drink mix and it has the truvia sweetener in it- they won't tell me what is in it as there is a patent on it-- any one out the know? 
Cargill's fake Stevia product Truvia is a MAJOR HEALTH RISK ...‎ - Dec 22, 2008

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Truvia side effects

Truvia side effectsI am collecting data on possible negative Truvia sweetener side effects. Since the FDA recently approved Truvia as a sweetener, it is sold in sachets. 

One reader emailed me with this: "I noticed recently after using Truvia for a short while, it seems my lactose intolerance has been much worse than usual." Truvia side effects

Another reader named Susan wrote:
 "I started using Truvia in an effort to get myself off of Sweet and Low. Actually I needed 1 1/2 packets to equal one S&L. I took it for about 3 weeks and then started having symptoms which at first I didn't relate to the Truvia." 

"First symptom was bad breath. Next one was back, neck and shoulder pain. I'm an avid tennis player so that was a problem for me. I went to my chiropractor a number of times and although I got temporary relief, it always returned. Finally it dawned on me that the only thing I was doing differently was using the Truvia. I stopped and within 48 hours all pains stopped and my breath problems disappeared. Clearly there is something in Truvia that I can't handle. I thought I was doing something good for my body but in this case I was wrong.

Chris wrote: "I have never had a bad reaction to Stevia so I tried the new product "Truvia". I put it into my coffee in the morning for a couple of weeks and I seemed to be fine. However, I baked a pie with it, (cooking it and using a larger quantity of Truvia). Within 10 mins of eating a piece of the pie I had a severe mental reaction. My mouth began to itch, and I broke out in hives. I am highly sensitive to mold and yeast and this is the reaction I usually get from a heavy mold or yeast exposure. Therefore, I assumed my reaction was possibly from the yeast that is used to ferment the Erythritol or perhaps the Erythritol itself.not sure. But I will not be using it again!" 

I have done some Googling and came up with this: 

..Truvia side effects..

"I bought some Truvia at the supermarket. It's a new sugar-substitute made from stevia and erythritol. I use stevia regularly to sweeten cocoa with no apparent side-effects. I was a bit cautious about consuming erythritol because I generally do not tolerate sugar alcohols. So I only used one packet of Truvia at a time, and usually only once a day. Then I used it twice a day and the side-effects showed up. I suffered some gas and diarrhea. Immediately I stopped using Truvia and went back to using plain stevia (which also can be purchased in packets). That was four days ago and the Truvia side-effects have not stopped."

Truvia                 side effectsThis posting is worrying on many levels. Firstly, people seem to think that Truvia is made of Stevia + Erythritol, which is only true if you stretch the truth a bit! Because Stevia is an extract of half a dozen natural steviosides (glycosides), and Truvia is chemically pure Rebaudioside A, derived from genetically modified plants. 

Not to mention the side effects of Erythritol, which is a "sugar alcohol" made by fermenting glucose with a yeast. I hope her alleged Truvia side effects are merely imaginary, because side effects that linger for four days are not good..

..Truvia adverse effects..

"I tried it. The taste was fine and all, but it seemed to spark some crazy carb cravings in me. It actually took me a few days to figure out it was the truvia." 

Hm. "crazy carb cravings" are not exactly good when trying to lose weight using a zero-calorie sweetener..

..Truvia bad effects..

I tried truvia also. It made me feel extremely tired, and I felt ill all day. The feeling was different than anything I had experienced before. It did not taste very good in my coffee either, tasted bitter and just nasty. When I tried two packets the side effects became more pronounced with added abdominal cramps and very loose stools and lasted all day. I E-mailed the company and told them what I thought of their marketing ploy of truvia as a "natural sweetner" too. Needless to say I have received no reply.  I do not perceive erythritol as a natural substance. On their website they NEVER  write exactly how they make or THEIR source of erythritol. Char Downs

..Truvia effects..

I have been using Truvia for about a week now. I use about 4-8 packets a day, mostly in the morning, in my coffee. For years I have used Splenda but I have wanted to try a healthier option. Ever since I have used Truvia I too have had bad side effects. I have had bad abdominal cramps. At times it has been pretty painful, feeling like trapped gas. I have also been constipated. I will not use this product anymore. I am a healthy 28 years old and I eat healthy everyday so I can only associate these new problems with Truvia. Thanks for the info on your website. Jennifer Tuscany

..Truvia and metallic taste..

Dear Sarah - Thank you for collecting this important information. I, too, wanted to use a "healthier" alternative to Splenda. Using 2 or 3 packets per day seemed reasonable. After three days I began having a terrible taste in my mouth whenever I ate or drank anything. It was a combination of a metallic and detergent sensation - awful! My husband made the connection with the Truvia and I stopped it all together. 24 hours in I still have the problem, but am hoping for resolution soon. A few teaspoons of raw sugar can't be that bad for me. Again my thanks! Anne

..Truvia side effects..

I just found your web site and want to report what happened to me this morning. Someone had put Truvia in our Splenda bin at work and I decided to try some in my coffee. The first one didn't sweeten the coffee enough so I put a second packet in and it was fine. Not long after starting to drink the coffee, I found myself getting groggy at my desk. It was like I had eaten a large lunch and was falling asleep from it. Except that it was early morning and I had only had half a bagel, an apple, and orange juice for breakfast. As I drank more coffee it got worse. I could not focus on what I was doing for any length of time. I decided I needed a second coffee to wake up. This time I just used Splenda which doesn't affect me and within a little while I started to come out of the haze. It is a few hours later now and I seem to be back to normal. John Karam, Sr. Programmer/Analyst, Friendly Ice Cream Corporation

..Truvia adverse effects..

I tried Truvia  about a month ago. I developed mouth sores which I thought was from my increased use of tomatoes this time of year. I stopped the Truvia as I suspected this new substance. I don't like stevia and I found the taste of Truvia to be good. Today I tried 3 packets of Truvia again and my mouth erupted again. Won't be trying that again. Just wanted to share this and was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of reaction. Karen Todd

..More side effects of Truvia..

I tried it for 3 months now. NO changes in my diet other than not using sugar and using truvia. Gained 15 pounds, loads of headaches and neck/shoulder pain. I called Truvia and they told me this was not a side effect, checked the internet and ooooo! I used stevia for years with no side effects, so there is something in this truvia that is no good! Gaining weight seems to be the opposite of what the point was!! Carol K

..Dangerous Truvia side effect?..

I went to google to lookup the side-effects of Truvia and came across your website. My story is a bit different from the other side-effects. After using Truvia for one week I ended up with the worst UTI I have ever had. The doctor said more than likely the artificial sweetner was the cause. This product should come with warnings! Pam Grubb

..Truvia and IBS..

I started using Truvia yesterday. I have IBS and within one hour of use, started having alot of abd pain. Then the next day, I had two packets again in my coffee. Within a few hours, the abdominals were going crazy, and had very loose diarrhea. How can they say its all natural? this tastes like Aspertame to me, yet I did not see this on the packet. I will have to trash this box. S. Miller

..Truvia and mouth sores..

Have recently (within the last 6-7 weeks) started using Truvia in a commercially prepared frozen product (one of my few vices!) that formerly was sweetened with Splenda. Developed strange mouth sores that lingered. Normally follow an organic, healthy diet and have not had this symptom. In a process of elimination, I realized yesterday that the only difference was that change/addition of Truvia, so I decided to Google Truvia side effects. The light was dawning that perhaps the one change I could document, Truvia, was contributing to the strange mouth sores (new for me). Tonight, found your commentary site and noted a similar response from a Karen Todd. Sounds like what I have been experiencing. No more of that particular vice - I'll go back to my favorite sweetener - Xylitol. Back to the old adage - "don't mess with Mother Nature..." Anonymous reader

..Truvia and bad taste..

I too tried Truvia, had an adverse response and found your website while googling Truvia's side effects. Two days ago I bought some Blue Bunny "fudgecicles" sweetened with Truvia. I ate one in the car on the way home; it left a slightly bad taste in my mouth but once I popped in a piece of minty gum, the taste went away. That evening after dinner I ate another and then nothing I put in my mouth made it go away. I liken it to the "sucking on a rusty pipe" taste I get from some antibiotics. I'm coming up on 48 hours from the first one I ate and I still have the taste at the back of my tongue. I'm curious if anyone else has reported this symptom. Needless to say I'm returning or pitching those suckers!!! Thank you for any info you can provide! Penny Cherrix, Salt Lake City, Utah

..Truvia and mouth sores..

I have been trying to change my diet to lose weight and so switched from soda to low calorie vitamin water around three weeks ago. I begin to have serious mouth sores - my tongue was covered with canker sores and the roof of my mouth was irritated and blistered. I couldn't figure it out - thought it might be stress. It continued but I noticed that it subsided on the weekends. I started looking for clues. The only time I drank the water - sweetened with Truvia - was during the week. I began to zero in more closely and I'm convinced the mouth sores are associated with the Truvia sweetened vitamin water. No more for me. Thanks for the website confirming my suspicions. Ann in Toledo

..Truvia and atrocious taste in the mouth..

Don't know how old your posting is, but I was glad to find it to know I wasn't nuts. I just started using Truvia two days ago--just one pack per day thank God because I, too, am getting the atrocious taste in my mouth now whenever I eat or drink anything at ALL! We can't be the only ones. Why is this stuff still on the market. It's repulsive!! Sue Phillips

..Truvia and back, neck and shoulder pain..

I am passing this along on behalf of my Mother. We had heard about Stevia and thought it worth trying Truvia. Bad mistake. When she started feeling awful and realized it was the Truvia, I started doing some research and found your site. I was shocked how her symptoms matched so many of those already on the site, but she had them all together at one time. 

She began using Truvia as a substitute for sugar in beverages. After several days of moderate (1 packet per day) use, she began experiencing minor back, neck, and shoulder pain in the muscles and joints but at that time didn't connect the pain with the Truvia. As she continued using the Truvia, she found the pain to be getting worse--severe in fact--and affecting more and more of her joints and muscles. In addition, she was starting to feel very sleepy all the time and was also beginning to feel very bloated. At that point we tried to figure out what was going on and realized that the only thing that had changed was her use of Truvia. The realization was based on noticing that her pains would peak, every time, 2 hours after consuming Truvia. She stopped the Truvia and within 2 day's time, all the side-effects disappeared. 

To me, that is the telling part. It took 2 days to clear the symptoms, i.e., clear the erythritol and rebaudioside A (or their metabolites?) from her system. Somebody needs to do a broad-based demographic study on how those things are cleared. 

Until then, my advice is stay away from Truvia. It's not safe and its release for public use is based on shoddy science, FDA incompetence and corporate avarice. 
Dave Landis

..Truvia and seriously upset stomach..

I have been using Truvia, everyday in my hot tea for about 2 weeks now. My stomach has been severely upset! Bloating, loose stools, cramps, sour stomach. I have not changed anything in my diet, except for using Truvia. I also decided to look up the side affects and am shocked and surprised of how many people have experienced the same thing! I will NOT continue using this. AnnaM. B..- Texas

..Truvia and severe migraines..

I am a diabetic who also suffers from frequent and severe migraine attacks. These attacks are definitely triggered by any foods or beverages containing Nutrasweet (aka: Equal) as an ingredient. Therefore, I have switched to buying products that are made exclusively with Splenda, and I strictly avoid eating or drinking anything that contains Nutrasweet. 

Making this switch has proven to be a real life saver for me, and my migraines have definitely diminished. However, I recently decided to try Truvia since I had a coupon for it. Not only did I not like the yucky, sickenly sweet aftertaste and dry feeling it left in my mouth, but I found that within about 45 minutes of drinking some coffee I'd sweetened with Truvia, I felt a migraine starting to come on. No other apparent triggers for the migraine were evident that day, so I can only attribute its onset to the Truvia I had consumed. 

I may try the Truvia one more time just to be certain that it was what actually triggered the migraine, but as I'm sure you can understand -- once bitten, twice shy! I'm extremely hesitant to try it again. So...I'll probably end up giving it all away to a friend and just sticking with my tried-and-true Splenda!!!
 Bridget Naylor in Easton, PA

..Truvia and severe insomnia..

I decided to try Truvia in place of splenda and have taken a total of 3 little packets on the first day of use spread out 1 in the morning and two in the later evening with my hot tea. I spent a horrible night of sleeplessness I DID NOT SLEEP AT ALL, I am extremely dizzy and my body aches in my neck and shoulders and my hands are numb, and I have a mind blowing headache. I have a MVP and all day my heart has been racing. I been trying to think all day what it is that could have caused all this I am a good sleeper nothing else in my diet had changed except this and I don't drink. This sweetner needs to come with side effect warnings specially for people with heart conditions. I will not be taking this sweetner again and I hope the store takes the box back I am going back to splenda I have never had side effects with it of any kind. Just thought I would share my story I have been googling the sweetner and so far this is the only site I have found that has any side effect warning for this product. Chantel Douglas

..Truvia and pains, abdominal cramps and loose stools..

I, too had bad side effects from truvia.I thought I had eaten something with gluten in it or milk but that wasn't the problem. I had tried the Truvia in my tea and within an hour I had bad pain, abdominal cramps and very loose stools.Never again....and it was something that was "natural" not by any should come with warnings. Erythrital is not as natural as stated on package. Sharon M.

..Truvia and low blood sugar..

I have diabetes and have used Splenda for a long time. Thought I'd try Truvia but it affected my blood sugar very badly. My blood sugar very quickly became very low, which made me extremely light-headed and very dizzy for most of the day. Has anyone else had this reaction?. The first time I tried it I had an overall sick feeling and am about to dump all of it in the garbage. Susan Postlewait

..Truvia and diarreah..

I drink two cups of coffee daily. In the past I have used aspartame. Thought I would try Truvia. I have been using it for three days and yesterday(Saturday) probably used 4-5 packets of it. Last night I had a severe case of diarrhea. Since my wife and I ate the same thing the past few days I only assume that Truvia was the culprit. I will abstain from it and see if my stools return to normal in the next few days. Not certain that Truvia was the cause. Jerry--Kentucky

..Truvia and loose stools..

I have used Truvia a couple times. Each time has resulted in extremely loose stools. I have to use 2-3 packets in a large ice coffee in order to taste it. I am really disappointed because I wanted a natural sugar alternative with zero or few calories. I'm starting to think that I should just use the sugar and learn to use less. Steve

..Truvia and extreme stomach problems, bad taste..

I've tried Truvia and found that I have developed an extreme case of stomach problems.Notably cramps and diarrhea.Also had a bad taste in my mouth. I am not going to continue using this product nor am I going to recommend it to anyone..... Joe in Ocala, Fl

..Truvia and abdominal pain..

I started using Truvia yesterday. I have IBS and within one hour of use, started having alot of abd pain. Then the next day, I had two packets again in my coffee. Within a few hours, the abdominals were going crazy, and had very loose diarrhea. 

How can they say its all natural? this tastes like Aspertame to me, yet I did not see this on the packet. I will have to trash this box.
 S. Miller

..Truvia and metallic, detergent taste..

I, too, wanted to use a "healthier" alternative to Splenda. Using 2 or 3 packets per day seemed reasonable. After three days I began having a terrible taste in my mouth whenever I ate or drank anything. It was a combination of a metallic and detergent sensation - awful! My husband made the connection with the Truvia and I stopped it all together. 24 hours in I still have the problem, but am hoping for resolution soon. A few teaspoons of raw sugar can't be that bad for me. Anne

..Truvia and mouth sores..

Have recently (within the last 6-7 weeks) started using Truvia in a commercially prepared frozen product (one of my few vices!) that formerly was sweetened with Splenda. 

Developed strange mouth sores that lingered. Normally follow an organic, healthy diet and have not had this symptom. 

In a process of elimination, I realized yesterday that the only difference was that change/addition of Truvia, so I decided to Google Truvia side effects. The light was dawning that perhaps the one change I could document, Truvia, was contributing to the strange mouth sores (new for me). 

Tonight, found your commentary site and noted a similar response from a Karen Todd. Sounds like what I have been experiencing. 

No more of that particular vice - I'll go back to my favorite sweetener - Xylitol. 

Back to the old adage - "don't mess with Mother Nature..." 
Anonymous reader

..Truvia and bad taste..

I too tried Truvia, had an adverse response and found your website while googling Truvia's side effects. Two days ago I bought some Blue Bunny 'fudgecicles' sweetened with Truvia. I ate one in the car on the way home; it left a slightly bad taste in my mouth but once I popped in a piece of minty gum, the taste went away. That evening after dinner I ate another and then nothing I put in my mouth made it go away. I liken it to the 'sucking on a rusty pipe' taste I get from some antibiotics. I'm coming up on 48 hours from the first one I ate and I still have the taste at the back of my tongue. I'm curious if anyone else has reported this symptom. Needless to say I'm returning or pitching those suckers!!! Penny Cherrix - Salt Lake City, UT

..Truvia and bloating, constipation, hives and itching..

Two anonymous readers reported resp. bloating and constipation after using Truvia, and severe hives and itching. Sigh. And Stevia is STILL illegal!


Natural Health News: Problems with New Sweetener

Aug 26, 2010 ... UPDATE: August 2010. Here's a toxic sweetener you most likely had never heard ... UPDATE 3, 23 December 08: A reader comments on Erythritol as not causing her any ... The FDA, in cahoots with Cargill and Coke, approved a ... - Cached - Similar

Problems with New Sweetener
UPDATE: August 2010
Here's a toxic sweetener you most likely had never heard of, but I would caution you to make sure you do not ingest it: 
HealthEdge's NaturallySweet 
This is manufactured by these folks.

Truvia, Purevia, Zevia, Zerose, Zsweet are marketing names for this artificially blended  erythritol and rebiana mix.  Rebiana is a chemically modified form of  stevia, it is NOT pure stevia.

UPDATE 4, Consumer complaints regarding Truvia

UPDATE 3, 23 December 08: A reader comments on Erythritol as not causing her any problems as noted in our researcher's report. Just like all substances, the ingestion of a substance needs to be in the right form, the right amount, et al, and the effect and outcomes are individual. Please realize that our researcher is a former FDA investigator who has an indepth background in the sciences necessary to make such statements. Please note that the artificial sweeteners referred to, Truvia (Cargill) and PureVia(Whole Earth Sweeteners) are manufactured by these agribusness corporations with an extract of stevia (rebiana)and erythritol and are NOT whole leaf stevia or pure(whole leaf)stevia extract.

UPDATE 2, 22 December 08: Please note that contrary to other reports you may be reading, the FDA DID NOT APPROVE STEVIA. The FDA, in cahoots with Cargill and Coke, approved a synthesized product - as reported originally in this article - manufactured with rebiana (an extract from Stevia) and erythritol (a sugar alcohol).

As Dr. Evangelista states (quoted below): "DO NOT CONFUSE REBIANA (TRUVIA) WITH STEVIA" 

UPDATE 1, 20 December 08: Zerose is the Cargill synthesized artificial sweetener made from stevia and erythritol. Zsweet is a similar product in UK and EU. There are numerous scientific studies presenting that this, and related products such as Truvia, may lead to calcium, potassium and phosphate loss with calcification (and lesions) in the kidneys (just like Splenda) and bowel alterations. Please read more. 

As to Zevia soda, it seems to me to be quite irresponsible on the part of the company CEO (an attorney)to make the following quote, "Why not supplement a steady breast milk diet with some refreshing ZEVIA?" This quote is associated with a photo of an infant being fed soda by the mother on the company blog. I would suggest the mother is irresponsible as well. While the company web site does not state that Zerose is the sweetener used in their products it does mention that eryrithritol is an ingredient.

I am sure this fellow was not in my 'Social Responsibility of Business' class in grad school.

We suggest Just Like Sugar, unaltered Stevia (order the extract via the Starwest link on this page) and Agave.

We do not endorse the use aspartame or sucralose or any forms of these chemicals, first developed as inseticides, or any products containing them, as they are known toxins to human health, nor do we endorse the use of acesulfame K.
The news this morning on NPR seems to be focused on helping you be in the spin on 'rebiana'(Truvia) and how it is "just stevia".

Coke (using Truvia) and Pepsi (using PureVia) are marketing this new artificial sweetener in their beverages but apparently aren't open to presenting both sides of the story.

Even the one TV ad I saw recently for "Truvia" would lead you to believe that this is a safe and natural additive.

Zevia(a soda), because it contains erythritol, may also have similar problems.

The problem is that is may come from natural sources but it is an extracted and modified chemical when it comes out the other end.

Do not confuse this with pure stevia, it is a combination of chemicals with a dab of the stevia plant. Stevia itself is a sweetener and yet they are using Erythritol which is a sugar alcohol known to cause such things as bloating, diarrhea and cramps. That tells you they are not using much stevia. Nor are they removing the poisonous aspartame from Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. They are simply trying to satisfy a part of the population that knows how deadly aspartame is and wants to use something else.

Notice this sentence: "Stevia was not approved as a food additive by U.S. regulators, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued letters to the companies on Wednesday saying it had no objections to their sweeteners, which are derived from the plant." The FDA has made themselves clear. Industry can do anything they please but they have no intention of approving something safe for the general public. They don't want to displease the aspartame industry who is powerful and takes care of those who defend their poison. Make sure you understand this is a combination of sweeteners and chemicals and not real stevia. The pop companies feel "a dab will do you, so just buy our product regardless of how its made". The public again will be the guinea pigs and lab rats. Also, see the admission that Pepsi's Purevia is being developed with Merisant, an aspartame manufacturer. Nobody should use these products until they are analyzed. Industry is constantly adding small amounts of aspartame because its addictive. If they do this to these products aspartame victims will react because aspartame is so poisonous it causes chemical hypersensitization.
Lab Tests Point to Problems with New Sweetener
Consumer group says product can increase cancer risk 
September 2, 2008 

A consumer group says a new commercial sweetner, said to be 200 times sweeter than sugar, may cause health problems and needs more study. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are planning to introduce new drinks made with the sweetner, rebiana, an extract of stevia leaves.

In a letter to the Food and Drug Administration, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says the agency should require additional tests, including a key animal study, before accepting rebiana as Generally Regarded as Safe, or GRAS.

The letter cites a new 26-page report by toxicologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, several, though not all, laboratory tests show that the sweetener causes mutations and DNA damage, which raises the prospect that it causes cancer.

"A safe, natural, high-potency sweetener would be a welcome addition to the food supply," said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. "But the FDA needs to be as sure as possible that rebiana is safe before allowing it into foods that would be consumed by tens of millions of people. It would be tragic if the sweetener turned out to cause cancer or other problems."

One key animal study has not been conducted, according to the UCLA experts and CSPI. The FDA's guidelines advise testing prospective major new food additives on two rodent species, usually rats and mice. The new sweetener has only been tested on rats, but not mice.

The toxicologists' report said that because several studies found mutations and DNA damage, a lifetime mouse study designed to evaluate the risk of carcinogenicity and other health problems was particularly important.

The UCLA toxicologists emphasized the need for more genotoxicity tests, because of the evidence that derivatives of stevia that are closely related to rebiana damage DNA and chromosomes.

Their report noted that much of the recent research on rebiana was sponsored by Cargill and urged the FDA to obtain independently conducted tests to ensure that corporate biases don't influence the design, conduct, or results of the tests.

Rebiana is shorthand for rebaudioside A, a component of stevia. It is obtained from the leaves of a shrub native to Brazil and Paraguay. Coke, Pepsi, and other companies are excited about rebiana, because it supposedly tastes better than crude stevia, which is sold as a dietary supplement in health-food stores.

After all the controversies pertaining to saccharin, aspartame, and other artificial sweeteners, the food industry expects many calorie-conscious consumers to eagerly opt for this natural sweetener.

Two companies -- Cargill and Merisant -- have told the FDA that rebiana should be considered GRAS, a category given less scrutiny by the FDA than ordinary food additives. A third company, Wisdom Natural Brands, has declared that its stevia-based sweetener is GRAS and will market it without giving evidence to, or even notifying, the FDA. That company gave CSPI only a heavily redacted report prepared by scientists it hired to declare its stevia derivative, which is of unknown purity, is safe.

Stevia is legal in foods in Japan and several other countries, but the United States, Canada, and the European Union bar stevia in foods because of older tests that suggested it might interfere with reproduction. New tests sponsored by Cargill did not find such problems.

"I am not saying that rebiana is harmful, but it should not be marketed until new studies establish that it is safe," Jacobson said.

Cargill's version of rebiana is called Truvia and would be used by Coca-Cola. Pepsi's version is called PureVia and is produced by Merisant's Whole Earth Sweetener division. Merisant is best known for marketing the Equal brand of aspartame.

CSPI has not questioned the safety of two artificial sweeteners, sucralose (Splenda) and neotame, but says that suggestive evidence indicates that saccharin, aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), and acesulfame-K pose small risks of cancer.

"The whole issue of what gets GRAS status needs to be reviewed by Congress," Jacobson said. "It's crazy that companies can just hire a few consultants to bless their new ingredients and rush them to market without any opportunity for the FDA and the public to review all the safety evidence."

Two of the most harmful ingredients in the food supply are considered GRAS: salt, which raises blood pressure and causes thousands of unnecessary heart attacks and strokes every year, and partially hydrogenated oil, which is the source of artery-clogging artificial trans fat. CSPI has long campaigned to get partially hydrogenated oil out of the food supply and to reduce salt to safe levels.
From Consumer Affairs


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