
Sunday, November 21, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] There is no such thing as Rebiana in nature, or in a stevia plant!

On 11/21/2010 6:18 AM, repairman100_43068 wrote:
Since we are talking about Truvia I was wondering about what I use. It is Stevia Extract in the Raw ( from the makers of Sugar in the Raw), a product of Cumberland Packing Corp. of Brooklyn, NY. Ingredients only state that it has dextrose and stevia extract(rebiana). Thanks, Barb  
 Rebiana, the base of both Truvia and PureVia. There is no such thing as Rebiana in nature, or in a

Your article is very insightful, although it fails to mention SweetLeaf Sweetener. This product IS a

 stevia sweetener that is GRAS approved, and it is not a chemically produced pure Reb A product



 stevia plant. Rebiana is created under laboratory conditions by chemically splitting the stevioside

 molecule with ethanol or metanol, to create a Reb A molecule. This leaves a residual of methanol

 or ethanol in your sweetener. Would you want to put car fuel in your coffee or tea?? I didn’t think


 but that is precisely what you are doing when you use Truvia and PureVia. SweetLeaf Sweetener is

 the ONLY 100% natural stevia sweetener that is made using ONLY purified water…no residual

chemicals because chemicals are not used in the process. Sweetness as nature intended. SweetLeaf


Read more:

FDA Approves Stevia Natural Sweetener in Truvia and PureVia but ...

There is no such thing as Rebiana in nature, or in a stevia plant. ... Please be aware that their are serious side effects to Truvia.This is based on my ... - Cached - Similar

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