
Thursday, November 18, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Organic Bytes: Frankenfish Coupons, Coming Clean, Buying Nothing





Action of the Week

"50% Off Your First Taste of GMO Salmon" New Flyer for the Stop Frankenfish Campaign

If you had a coupon for 50% off your first taste of genetically modified salmon, would you try it?

What if you knew that the FDA had studies - from AquaBounty, the company that wants to commercialize GMO salmon - that showed that GMO salmon is:

o                           MORE ALLERGENIC: GMO salmon have mean allergenic potencies that are 20% and 52% higher than normal salmon.

o                           MORE CARCINOGENIC: GMO salmon has 40% more IGF1, a hormone linked to prostate, breast and colon cancers in humans.

o                           LESS NUTRITIOUS: GMO salmon has the lowest omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of any salmon.

o                           LIKELY TO CHANGE THE BACTERIA IN YOUR INTESTINES: Horizontal gene transfer, where the bacteria of the human gut takes up modified DNA from GMO foods during digestion, has been shown occur with soy and is likely to happen with GMO salmon, too.

o                           ALL MESSED UP: GMO salmon has increased frequency of skeletal malformations like "humpback" spinal compression, increased prevalence of jaw erosions or "screamer disease," and multisystemic, focal inflammation in its tissues.

o                           NOT GOING TO SAVE WILD SALMON: The main justification for GMO salmon is that it would supposedly reduce the pressure on wild fish stocks, but consumption isn't the primary pressure on wild Alaskan salmon, destruction of their habitat is.

Please download the "50% Off" flyer. Pass it out to your friends, at the fish market, the grocery store or a seafood restaurant.

Catch people's reactions when they learn that genetically engineered animals could soon be approved by the FDA and encourage them to learn more and take action.

Download flyer

Don't Forget, Tell the FDA: If you approve Frankenfish, it needs to be labeled "GMO!"

Take action before Nov. 22




Video of the Week

Value Everything, Buy Nothing

We in the US toss out a tremendous amount of packaging and food. We see it going into the garbage, but how often do we think of the forests, farmland, and fossil fuels that are wasted just to wrap presents, carry groceries or transport drinking water for a moment, before becoming the mountainous landfills and the vast islands of plastic floating in the oceans that are our long-term legacy?

Watch the video:

Buy Nothing Day, November 26, 2010




Little Bytes

OCA and Allies Push for Amendment to Controversial Senate Food Safety Bill

Organic Farms, Not GMOs, Can Sequester Over 3,000 Pounds of Greenhouse Gases Per Acre Every Year

It's Official: Rich Declare War on the Middle Class

Agencies Refused to Publicize Spread of Monsanto's Biotech Bentgrass

Nanotechnology, Climate and Energy: Over-heated Promises and Hot Air?

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print it, duplicate it and post it freely. Knowledge is power!

Organic Bytes is a publication of Organic Consumers Association

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