
Thursday, May 20, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] White House Covers Up Menacing Oil “Blob” videos - a dark horizon is looming

There is some sobering news and dire info at these links concerning the dark Horizon oil geyser event  :
US NAVY subs following semi frozen blob of oil
This is great work by Wayne Madsen and  kudos to Alex Jones and company to get this out - and should have been on the national news along with the sub videos
C2C has also kept up thru Captain Kelly's reports as well
And several web sites have tried to keep up
But I have been emailing everyone since the second week that there WERE LIVE data and video feeds from the Deepwater Horizon - both underwater and platform cams and sensors that exist like a black box of data which can and should reveal what happened
They had a direct live data FEED and still do
Where is that black box data ??
And why isn't the prime goal to seal the leak  - not preserve the pipeline ??
- this is the urgent need
not the protection of their 'pipeline ' investment
Note - what about the $1 Billion in Transocean's 2010 dividends about to be distributed - and Transocean had a massive change in exec's just prior to the leak - the outgoing CEO is ex Navy Intel and a Navy Academy grad - and the whole company grew out of a small US ground drilling company and has odd ties to the same folks as Bush's
Arbuso oil and its HQ was moved overseas to Switzerland to avoid transparency and disclosure of info
  • and where is the news about the second nearby platform collapse a week later ? evidence cover up like WTC 7 ?? Two platforms collapsed - NOT ONE
  • what caused two pontoons to rupture or be filled with water on the Horizon - two neighboring pontoons which caused the Horizon to list and roll over - and where is the effort to investigate that platform for sabotage ?
  • and where is the info from the HSD terror drill on that very platform just prior to the explosion?
  • and why haven't the WORKERS given testimony to Congress instead of  the 'suits' ?
  • who is studying the impact of the aerial and underwater release of tons of extremely toxic oil dispersant ?
  • why isn't the US begging for help from other world Navy's and environmental concerns - we have that nice new shiny Caribbean fleet we re-instituted but there are French and Russian and Chinese fleets in the area - this should be a massive world effort - but just as after Katrina where we chose to have citizens bloat and float while turning down helo's and emergency field hospitals from hurricane experienced folks like Cuba and Venezuela and France and the dike builders in Holland - once again we should have every marine biologist and merchant fleet, marine salvage and geophysicist , and geologist mind working on this - but Obama has tasks some 'nuclear' physicists to solve the leak ?
That  platform would have been moving off soon - BP had requested permission to CAP that well April 16 th , and Horizon was an historic semi submersible who had drilled to a record depth of over 35,000 feet in Sept 2009, That ship was like the  space shuttle  - - extremely complex, extremely computerized, hurricane hardened - that is why it required 125 - 135 people to run that ship
Why isn't there a massive rescue effort NOW to rescue the sea turtles and dolphins and manatee etc ?? There needs to be a massive rescue NOW not after they die en mass
AGAIN  = the demand should be to bury that leak NOW not preserve that pipeline
This should be an emergency under independent control NOT BP or Transocean
Tons and tons of heavy mud and hydro cement could have been poured and poured to seal that leak but the goal from day one was to save the pipeline not prevent a disaster
This is criminal - even to the failing booms , the lies, the cover up and more
Once again, sadly, follow the money - just like war - this 'event' will make a lot of folks even richer while the collateral damage is massive and horrific
This will probably lead to the merger of BP with another oil company to continue the monopolization and probably the take over of Transocean
Has anyone considered,  - not just the looming hurricane season which will be another huge factor in the drift and direction of those lakes of oil and tar and toxic oil dispersant -
but the impact of all that incredible pressure release and weight shift will have on earth shifts .. i.e. earth quakes ?
Why hasn't any one - like after 9/11 and OKC and Waco, Katrina  etc - why has no one has been removed or fired , or held accountable ??
Western govt incompetence and corporate greed  seems to be the theme for this century and all its disasters and man made crises
from those that continue to fail us :
"Department of Interior Mission statement :
"Our Mission: Protecting America's Great Outdoors and Powering Our Future  The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America's natural resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities,
and supplies the energy to power our future."
mission statement :
"This Department of Homeland Security's overriding and urgent mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms. While the Department was created to secure our country against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life, our charter also includes preparation for and response to all hazards and disasters. The citizens of the United States must have the utmost confidence that the Department can execute both of these missions......"
you just can't make this stuff up

        Peace, Hugs, and Purrs, 
Carolyn Rose Goyda

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