
Saturday, May 15, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Stop Restrictions on rbGH Labeling

Stop Restrictions on rbGH Labeling | VIEW IN BROWSER

Action Alert

  Spilling the Beans Ad - rbGH video

Watch Jeffrey Smith explain the rbGH labeling restrictions and what you can do about it.

Protect Your Right to Choose Drug-Free Milk—Stop Restrictions on rbGH-Free Labeling

The rbGH/rbST-free labels on national dairy brands are threatened by Ohio’s labeling restrictions. Milk from cows injected with genetically modified bovine growth hormone (rbGH/rbST) has higher levels of pus, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, bovine growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1—linked to higher rates of cancer and fraternal twins. Tell Ohio Governor Strickland to rescind his anti-consumer law immediately!

Click and Send a Letter

Matching Grant

Matching Grant

Great News! A generous donor will match your donation amount up to $300. Please donate today so we can double your contribution to reclaim a healthier Non-GMO food supply. This matching grant offer lasts till the first day of summer, June 21st, for up to $10,000 total. (We REALLY need support right now, so please click the donate button.) Thanks so much.

Button - Donate Campaign for Healthier Eating

CODEX Update

CODEX Update

Well over 100,000 people signed petitions or sent emails protesting the US position on GMO labeling at the Codex meeting last week. Although the US delegation did not back down from their bizarre position that GMO labels falsely imply that GMOs are somehow different from other foods, the United States was nearly alone on this issue. Of the approximately 50 countries in the discussion, only Mexico, Costa Rica, and Argentina supported the US. We’ll let you know other steps you can take in the future on this.

Read Consumers Union Press Release

Join Us! As a Non-GMO Volunteer

Join Us as a Non-GMO Volunteer

Our Institute is seeking volunteers in two areas:

1) As a member of our staff—with a minimum commitment of 15 hours per week; or

2) On a project basis contributing expertise such as film editing, graphic design, legal, social media, transcription, and more. Tell us what you got.

“Save the planet.”
It’s on our To Do list. Put it on yours!

Please contact Sara Jennings at (641) 209-1765 or email

In The News

GM Crops Are Not the Answer
Jeffrey Smith's letter on GMOs in D.C.'s influential paper, The Hill (Scroll down to "Genetically modified food introduces host of dangers")

Unprecedented Dangers Faced by Biotech Workers
Indy Bay

US Farms Grow Superweeds
GM Watch

The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to end the genetic engineering of our food supply and the outdoor release of GM crops. We warmly welcome your donations and support. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.

Buy DVDs

The World According to Monsanto

World According to Monsanto $29.95

This DVD includes the bonus film Your Milk on Drugs and the audio CD Don't Put That in Your Mouth

Help us Create the Tipping Point in the American Marketplace!

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