
Monday, May 17, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] RE: Video: Farmers Find Hayseed Solution to Oil Spill -- REALLY!! (It Works!!!SEEING IS BELIEVING - OT)

This is an ill advised solution!!!  When you take any commodity, such as hay or straw, out of the market and use it for some other purpose, the lack of the use of it in its originally intended market causes prices to rise!  So in this case, if you take the hay that would be fed to cows away from them, this drives up the price of beef, because the ranchers must pay more to get their beef raised, so they charge more, so we consumers pay more.  It sounds like a good idea on the surface, but it ends up hurting the little guy…as usual!  And these two farmers, if they are farmers!, should know this!  They are out to make the big bucks, too.


And think of the enormous amounts of hay and straw that this would require, plus trucking it to the gulf, plus the fuel to do so, plus the ships to haul it to sea, plus some sort of a machine to break up the bales, so the oil could actually get to each stem -- as these guys demonstrate, it has to have surface to cling to.  Dumpling a bale into the gulf would only coat the bale on the outside, not all through the individual stems. 


There are so many holes in this idea that it really isn’t a good idea at all.  It’s just some half-baked idea to get the govt. to spend more on an ineffectual solution!  And being the idiots they are, they’d probably go for it!  “Look! We’re doing something!  Too bad it didn’t work, but we tried!”  ARRRRRGHHHH!


The booms they already use are a good idea.  It corrals the oil so it can be safely burned off.  They are reusable.  The whole problem came from BP NOT living up to its contract to have men and machines and booms ON HAND for just such an emergency.  They took the money and didn’t live up to their end of it.  Now we the taxpayers are having to pay to get men and machines there to stop this catastrophe!  BP skates again! 


What can be done?  I can only hope they have better technology or more help.  Hay isn’t the answer!



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