
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] do you keep a record of your DREAMS

11-26-00 - I was living in a nice house or apartment. During the early morning hours, I heard three descending tones quite loudly coming from my radio. Those tones reminded me that not everyone had the same communication that I did, and what remained was going to be shut off.

Everyone's house had a large grey box in their houses where the electricity came in.  If this was shut off, nobody would have communication with the outside world through their radios.

There was an election going on in which the outcome was to be a certain way and when it was over there was another box inside everyone's home that was going to be shut off.  This second box was small and was colored red.  Once the lever in the red box was shut off, nobody would remember that there was something to remember that they weren't supposed to know.  This was the ultimate box.

I went into my own livingroom and realized that there were certain radio stations on my radio that nobody needed to hear so they were shut off and wouldn't be heard anymore.  People with televisions which had 'V' chips in them will know and computers with children controls on them will understand that's coming.

I wanted to tell the people this news but who would believe me? It wouldn't be long before someone came to the house to shut off the little red box and even I wouldn't remember what it was to tell.

But I was expecting a couple of women to come to visit at lunch time so I would start with them and see how it went.  During the morning I busied myself with cleaning a little, sorting laundry, etc. I was really tired by the time noon came close and my visitors would arrive.

Finally, the first guest arrived, and I didn't want to tell just her so decided to wait until the other woman arrived and would tell them together so I waited.

To my surprise, more than one woman arrived ... several came together. I wasn't prepared for more guests and I felt a little guilty that my house wasn't perfect.  I knew that their house wasn't perfect either, but I didn't want mine to be worse than theirs.

But, more people started coming into the house.  These people were all dreamers ... they would understand my story if I put it into the form of a dream. But they all had dreams of their own to tell and I wanted to be polite and listen to their dreams. I would get my turn. So the women started to tell their dreams in turn.

One of the men sat by the radio and I heard him sing the three descending tones so I wasn't the only one who heard them. I could now tell my story and it would be believed.

Then some men dreamers came and I was about to tell my story which was now going to be in the form of a dream, but one of the men started to tell his dream and I still couldn't tell my 'dream'.

All of a sudden it was noon, so I asked everyone if they would like some coffee.  I wasn't prepared for that, so went to make the coffee. My friend Cary, who was a psychologist said that she wanted her coffee with a special raw egg cracked into the center of the cup. She had already picked out the egg and it was in the refrigerator.

I told her that was fine, but then I had to find the perfect cup so it had room for the egg.  That set me out on another search through the cupboards for othe perfect cup for her before I could tell my story which was now a 'dream'.

As I went through the dish rack and cupboards, I was finding beautiful crystal, fancy dishes like gravy boats, and vases, sugar and creamers, but no coffee cups that would hold a raw egg in the coffee.  Finally I found a dish that was more a soup cup but it would at least hold the egg.

I then went to make the coffee.  The coffee pot was in the livingroom because it was fancy and had a long spout on it and was for serving coffee to guests.

But I hadn't used the coffee pot in quite some time and when I picked it up, to my dismay there was a spider making a web in the spout. I was horrified so took the coffee pot to the sink to clean off the spider web. It seemed the more I pulled the faster the spider worked and I found fresh cedar boughs in the crook of the handle and it took me a long time to finally get the spider web off the coffee pot.

But I looked into the spout of the coffee pot and I saw three tiny snails and then some tiny fish in it. I couldn't serve coffee this way so I took it to the sink to pour hot water through it and rinse out the snails and the fish.

My son Ken was sitting in the livingroom under a bright light and I warned him that I was pouring hot water so he wouldn't get scalded by accident.

But when I shook the spout to dislodge the snails and the fish, they grew even larger and now I had an angel fish and an oscar in the coffee pot spout.  

I shook it even harder and the fish turned into a large black and white cow.  

I was never going to be able to serve the coffee so I could tell my story which was now a dream, and I got so frustrated, I woke up.

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