
Friday, May 14, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Chemtrails environmental modification earthquake weapon - BIO effects of elf has longest recognized EM effects on humans

Andrija PUHARICH: ELF-EMF Pollution Shield (Transformation *****
The use of ELF magnetic emissions in contemporary undeclared warfare is so new that there ... human beings interact in the well known "laying on of hands" effect ...
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Chemtrails environmental modification earthquake weapon ... ****
Discover information on how and why poisonous aerosols are possibly related to electromagnetic radiation. Find articles, guestbook and links.
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The Bio-Behavioral Effects of ELF ***
Perhaps the longest recognized EM effects on human subjects have been perceptual changes. ... Another class of ELF EM effects include circadian rhythm changes, which in turn ...
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Information Ventures, Inc. - About Our Work - Case Studies ***
IVI identified and analyzed a range of extremely low frequency (ELF) EMF literature regarding biological and health effects and ...
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January 1998 CAHRA [now Mind Justice] Research Report **
Currently research into the effects of Elf on the human brain are well- ... We might call it, in its new form, "brain warfare. The Helms memorandum was ... On the TV interview Paranormal Warfare- a Secret Military Power? with Larry
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24k - Adobe PDF - View as htmlconclusively proved that the Soviet Transmissions could indeed entrain the human ... In 1981, the U.S. government went into full scale ELF warfare and set up all their
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Extremely Low Frequency Transmitter Site *
610k - Adobe PDF - View as htmlsince January 1977 about biological and human health effects of extremely low frequency non-ionizing ... wide-spread, adverse effects of EMFs associated with the ELF antennas.
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HAARP - New World Order Mind Control and Weather Warfare Weapon **
Flanagan cited the example of known effects of ELF on the Circadian rhythms ... impacts on human health has been raised. The debate on the impact of ELF is ... the bioeffects of ELF fields, coupled with the fact that HAARP causes ELF hardtruth/ haarp_mind_weather_control.htm
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Spannered | Deadly Vibrations | A Brief History of Sonic **
comment A Brief History of Sonic Warfare Deadly Vibrations ... Human beings respond to certain categories of sound in a number of complex ways involving auditory perception ...
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Haarp And Elf Video **
Watch over 20 of the best Haarp And Elf Videos, hand selected by the Vodpod community.
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