
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] believe it or not: this is scientology!


1. ALPHA - This is considered "regular programming."

Sources claim that the original purpose of Alpha was to program (train/condition the mind through torture) of the espionage agent to perform certain difficult tasks.

Allegedly Alpha programming also locks in photographic memory, improves physical strength up to 5 times, and visual acuity is radically improved to 40 times normal limits, along with a host of other super-human traits.

Alpha programming is apparently accomplished through a therapeutically induced subdivision the victim's personality, which in essence causes a left brain right brain division allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulations.

2. BETA -This is a combination of Alpha ; "logic" programming and Beta primordial (primitive mind) sex programming. This programming eliminates learned moral convictions and stimulates certain sexual behaviors devoid of love.

This training Program (usually for women) is for developing the "ultimate prostitute"...a sex machine.

Children of knowledgeable persons have been preconditioned through incest and "sold" into various directly or indirectly set-up MK:Ultra conspiracies for Beta conditioning tobecome "human tools" off politicians, bankers, drug lords...any people who will fall into place into the larger pyramid-style "set-up".

3. DELTA - This program was originally designed to train special agents and espionage agents' minds for becoming fearless terrorists devoid of fear and basic self preservation instincts capable of incredible feats of physical endurance and murder. The new revised edition of Delta has pulled from the Delta program information on training the new breed of man - one who kills and, if caught, self-destructs. This program is now applied to some Beta prostitutes who double as drug protect the identity of their owners if they are caught, they die -of "natural causes."

4. THETA -Neurolinguistic Programming Theta psychic programming  -- an observable and predictable fact of human science.

The initial results of Theta programmed subjects were inconsistent that the Theta project was virtually abandoned before its research completion date. Duke University, North Carolina, among other prominent "institutions", devoted many years to this project with what equated to poor results. Or so they've told researchers....Scientology, however, spends a great deal of time and money attempting to condition its subjects -- who pay money for the privelege of being conditioned -- into "Operating Thetans".

"Theta", the Church of Scientology teaches, is an optimal state of mental function wherein anything is possible.  

The scam is simply meant to get people to behave robotically -- and to get them to part with SCADS of money -- which is why the Scientologists, like Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, have focused so intensely on the Hollywood scene.  There are people with insecurities and tons of cash to dump...

The Soviets, meanwhile, invested billions of dollars into their version of psychic research and claimed/proved remarkable successes.  Privately, most oftenly.

The U. S. S. R. showed the repeated consistent pattern of claiming that an area of enquiry was dead and fruitless while they made new discoveries -- basically lying about whatever they discovered as they discovered it to gain an edge on the psionic battlefield.

Theta couldn't "die" because of the Soviets' reported evolved into bio-medical human telemetry and directed target energy involving lasers and/or electromagnetics...see Project MK: Ultra overviews for more details into this basically medical people have recovered.

Many people have recovered their self-understanding completely. Cathy O' Brien is one of many who have been enslaved and hypnotized and used for various projects -- who have recovered, with help and love from friends, their sense of self and ego-boundaries and who now speak out about their personal harrowing experiences as victims of this sort of secret conditioning.

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