Sleeping sickness traps Kazakh town in waking nightmare
Scientists are baffled by a mysterious illness that has sent hundreds of people into days-long slumbers
For two years, the residents of the tiny Kazakh village of Kalachi have been
Kazakh village of Kalachi have been living through a nightmare – literally.
Whatever they are doing, whoever they are, and at anytime or day, a resident of this remote settlement on the central Asian steppe lives with the knowledge they may suddenly fall asleep – and remain unconscious for days.
"One moment you're talking, the next you're asleep," said Lyubov Bilkova, who told Russia's state-owned Vesti television station she had suffered no less than eight attacks of the mysterious "sleeping sickness." "Sometimes you don't sleep, but you look like you're drunk."
Almost every fourth person in Kalachi, population 600, has "slumbered" since the disturbing attacks of fatigue began two years ago in March 2013.
The symptoms include weakness, impaired speech, and long memory gaps, and the attacks vary in intensity from full sleep to a deep, sluggish drowsiness.
The unexplained "sickness" can strike at any moment – at work, in bed, or even just walking down the street – and sufferers can sleep for anything from a full day to nearly a week. Victims often wake up disorientated, and some have reported hallucinations.
And it can affect almost anyone, regardless of age, sex, health, or even species.
One day last September, eight schoolchildren drifted off in class in the space of an hour.
In January, a local woman told Russian journalists that her cat had even come down with the disease, falling into a deep sleep following a bizarre outburst of hyperactivity in the early hours of the morning that saw it attack the dog and bite his owner.
While the disease has baffled doctors, locals say there are several common factors to the attacks. They tend to come in waves, they seem to be more common during a thaw than when the ground is frozen, and, say some, there is a correlation with wind direction.
Amanbek Kalzhanov, the head of the district administration, announced the arrival of the ninth wave in early March, when a man and a woman were admitted to hospital with the complaint.
Doctors and scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, and further afield say they've failed to find any obvious cause of the attacks.
Viral and bacterial tests have ruled out known diseases like African trypanosomiasis, which can have similar symptoms.
But others have pointed to the legacy of the Soviet nuclear industry.
Kalachi stands next to Krasnogorsk, a once-bustling mining town that produced uranium ore for the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons program.
The uranium mines closed in the late 1980s, but many locals and some scientists suspect the abandoned works have left a disastrous legacy.
"Concentrations of radon at that particular place are four or five times normal. And there are uranium ore mines nearby. Maybe [the problem] comes from there," Artem Grigoriev, the head of research at the Kazakhstan national nuclear centre's institute for radiation safety.
No exact link between the radioactive gas and the repeated sleeping attacks has yet been proven, however, despite dozens of research expeditions.
And until some cause is identified, residents can do little but pack overnight bags when they leave the house to help them through what is becoming something of a nightmare.
"Everyone is afraid," said Ms Bilkova. "Everyone is afraid of sleeping."
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