
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

MedicalConspiracies- How - pemf - works

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MedicalConspiracies- Nitric Oxide Benefits Cardiovascular Health

Bemer stimulates the release of Nitric Oxide in the body.


Nitric Oxide Benefits Cardiovascular Health

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Nitric Oxide Benefits Cardiovascular Health

Few people realize it, but nitric oxide (NO) is the most important chemical compound for cardiovascular health. Simply put, adequate NO production is the first step in a chain reaction that promotes healthy cardiovascular function, while insufficient NO triggers a cascade of destruction that eventually results in heart disease.

Nitric Oxide Benefits Several Important Things Inside Your Body

NO promotes healthy dilation of the veins and arteries so blood can move throughout your body. Plus, it prevents red blood cells from sticking together to create dangerous clots and blockages.

Your body naturally generates NO in the endothelium that line the blood vessel walls. But, in the early stages of arterial disease, this lining is damaged—which chokes off the production of NO, making the vessels vulnerable to inflammation and other negative factors.

So, How Do We Protect and Stimulate Nitric Oxide?

Exercise is beneficial, but not extreme activity along the lines of marathon running as severe exercise creates more oxidative stress. Plus, here's the "recipe" for my special nitric oxide benefits–boosting cocktail:

  • Organic kale eaten two to three times a week helps to boost nitric oxide in the body.
  • L-arginine, the original raw material that converts to NO in the body (3 grams of this nitric oxide supplement twice a day with food). But do not take arginine if you have had a heart attack within a year, and always work closely with your doctor.
  • Vitamin C and E, two basic antioxidants that help protect your blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals and promote the production of nitric oxide (1 gram of vitamin C and 200 IU mixed tocopherol vitamin E twice daily).
  • Fish oil acts as a natural anti-inflammatory (1–2 grams per daily).
  • Grape seed extract helps protect your endothelial lining by fostering NO production (50 mg twice daily)
  • Gycine propionyl L-carnitine (GPLC) has been specifically found to increase the level of nitric oxide along with exercise (500 mg of this nitric oxide supplement three times a day).

Since the discovery of nitric oxide benefits' important role in cardiovascular health, pharmaceutical companies have been scrambling to create a drug that ups NO production to no avail. However, by mitigating the factors that contribute to oxidative stress and incorporating healthy, pro-NO nutrients into your supplement regimen, you can start boosting your NO levels today to head off heart disease tomorrow.

Now it's your turn: Were you aware of the important nitric oxide benefits?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

MedicalConspiracies- European Best Practice” concerning MS patients, nitric oxide, Effect of BEMER.

need of a long-lasting medical treatment is usually incomplete. ..... of Best Practice" concerning MS patients. The European Code ..... changes in fatigue levels after treatment, or increase in neurological ..... nitric oxide, can result in neurological deficit. Yet it ...... 11: 302-305. Piatkowski J, Kern S, Ziemssen T. Effect of BEMER.

MedicalConspiracies- Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve Health

Bemer level of Boosting Nitric Oxide is the best and lasts longer!

Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve Health

by Dr. Julian Whitaker 
Filed Under: Heart HealthMen's Health 


Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve Health We knew about the health benefits of nitric oxide long before scientists were aware of its presence in the human body. Nitroglycerin, a drug that works on nitric oxide pathways, was adopted as a medical therapy for angina and high blood pressure in the 1880s, but another century passed before anyone had any inkling of why it worked.

The discovery of nitric oxide and its biological activities was so astounding that the 1998 Nobel Prize was awarded to the three pharmacologists who identified and furthered our understanding of this dynamic molecule. Let's take a look at the multiple roles and benefits of nitric oxide and how you can increase its production to improve numerous aspects of your health.

Multiple Roles and Benefits of Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide is a key signaling molecule throughout the body. Produced by the endothelial cells lining the arteries, it penetrates the underlying smooth muscles and acts as a potent vasodilator that relaxes the arteries. Therefore, nitric oxide plays a critical role in blood pressure and overall circulation. It also keeps the endothelium in shape by curbing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Unfortunately, atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of heart disease and other vascular disorders, is characterized by endothelial dysfunction and a limited capacity to produce nitric oxide. It's a vicious cycle. Diseased arteries can't generate enough protective nitric oxide, and low nitric oxide levels set the stage for further damage, hypertension, and increased risk of cardiac events.

This explains why nitroglycerin is such an effective therapy for angina. It triggers nitric oxide production, which dilates narrowed coronary arteries, improving circulation and delivering much-needed oxygen to the heart muscle. Restoring nitric oxide availability also lowers blood pressure and helps treat erectile dysfunction. In fact, the popular erectile dysfunction drugs Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra work on nitric oxide pathways to increase blood flow to the penis and substantially improve erections.

Additionally, this essential compound is generated in the brain, where it's involved in neurotransmission. That's why nitric oxide benefits also include protection against dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders. Nitric oxide is synthesized in the white blood cells as well and is used as a weapon against bacteria, fungi, parasites, and aberrant cancer cells.

In the gastrointestinal tract, it relaxes smooth muscle cells and helps regulate intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of mucus and gastric acid. Nitric oxide is also involved in insulin signaling, bone remodeling, respiratory function, ATP (energy) utilization, and mitochondrial biogenesis, or the creation of new cellular "energy factories." Since there are so many benefits of nitric oxide, it makes sense for all of us to boost our production of this essential compound.

Increase Nitric Oxide Levels With Lifestyle Changes

Because nitric oxide is synthesized from the amino acid arginine, dietary recommendations for boosting nitric oxide often include protein-rich meat and poultry. But recent research suggests that vegetables may be your best bet. Plant foods, particularly beets and leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard, arugula, and spinach, are rich in dietary nitrates and nitrites—compounds that stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body. Coupled with its abundance of protective potassium, it's not surprising that a plant-based diet is associated with lower blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and a variety of other health concerns.

Another way to up your intake of dietary nitrates is to drink beet juice. Studies have shown that two cups a day, which contain about six times the typical daily intake, can lower blood pressure, increase stamina during exercise, and, in older people, boost blood flow to the brain. I've been drinking beet juice myself and it's not as bad as it sounds—especially if you dilute it and add a natural sweetener. Start with a daily cup of diluted beet juice, flavored with stevia or xylitol, if desired, and build up to two cups per day over time.

I also recommend consuming more tea, onions, grapes, and other foods abundant in flavonoids, which preserve nitric oxide by shielding against free radical damage. You should also be aware that high-fat, high-carb diets tend to increase blood levels of asymmetric dimethyl-arginine (ADMA), a naturally occurring inhibitor of nitric oxide production, so go easy on fatty foods and high-glycemic carbohydrates.

Lastly, don't forget to engage in exercise most days of the week. Exercising muscles require extra oxygen and nutrients, and this prompts endothelial nitric oxide release, which relaxes the arteries and increases blood flow. Habitual physical activity keeps these mechanisms in shape and protects against disease and aging of the vascular system.

Supplements That Enhance Nitric Oxide Synthesis

On the supplement front, antioxidants are important because they protect the endothelium and guard against nitric oxide degradation, so make sure you're taking an antioxidant-rich daily multivitamin. There are also a few supplements that help enhance nitric oxide synthesis, thereby increasing its levels in the body. They include Pycnogenol® (a standardized extract of French maritime pine bark), Indian gooseberry (also known as amla), and quercetin.

In Summary

Whether you're concerned about heart disease, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, or any of the other health concerns I mentioned, or you're simply interested in preventing these and other challenges down the road, I encourage you to take steps to increase your nitric oxide levels and get on the road to optimal health.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

MedicalConspiracies- Fwd: Parts of the body stay alive after death

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MedicalConspiracies- Fwd: Make earthquakes with cern

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MedicalConspiracies- Fwd: Chemo fails 97% of the time

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MedicalConspiracies- GOOGLE blacklists Natural News here are some of the topics of most viewed articles

MedicalConspiracies- Media blackout over “unimaginable” radiation levels detected at Fukushima

Media blackout over "unimaginable" radiation levels detected at Fukushima… MOX fuel melts through reactor floor… half life of 24,000 years

Image: Media              blackout over

(Natural News) There are times when I'm convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality. While everyone was busy watching Lady Gaga channel Satanic symbolism and occult imagery in front of 100 million viewers at the Superbowl, the Fukushima nuclear accident just got a whole lot worse.

Almost no media outlets in the United States even mentioned the alarming news, either. As The Guardian reports, radiation levels have reach what experts call an "unimaginable" intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2, clocking in at 530 sieverts per hour.

A sievert is a unit of radiation exposure, and exposure to just five sieverts in a short amount of time has a 50% kill rate among humans. When it comes to radiation exposure, the intensity of the exposure (which is the inverse of the duration of exposure) matters a lot. Absorbing five sieverts of radiation over a year's time is not fatal, but exposure to five sieverts in just 60 seconds, for example, will almost certainly kill you from radiation poisoning (it's a miserable way to die, by the way).

The level of radiation measured inside Fukushima reactor No. 2 is 530 sieverts per hour, or over 100 times the intensity necessary to kill most humans who are exposed for just a short time.

The melted fuel rods which are generating this radiation have apparently bored a hole through the floor of the containment vessel, meaning they may be very close to coming into contact with ground water or ocean water (or may have already struck it). Melting fuel rods also vastly increases the risk of nuclear fuel criticality which could "explode" the deadly radioactive elements into the open atmosphere. Yet nearly the entire mainstream media remains in a complete news blackout over this devastating development that threatens the sustainability of all life in the Northern hemisphere.

I guess talking about Trump's so-called "Muslim ban" (which isn't even a ban on Muslims) is far more important than… I don't know… surviving the world's worst nuclear meltdown that's nowhere close to being resolved.

The same media that called "meltdown" a conspiracy theory now report it as a casual fact

Check out this paragraph from The Guardian, which casually admits the Fukushima facility suffered a "meltdown":

The facility's operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), said atmospheric readings as high as 530 sieverts an hour had been recorded inside the containment vessel of reactor No 2, one of three reactors that experienced a meltdown when the plant was crippled by a huge tsunami that struck the north-east coast of Japan in March 2011.

The reason I point this out is because back in 2011, when the entire independent media was sounding the alarm about the fuel meltdown that had obviously taken place, we were all called "conspiracy kooks" by the lying mainstream media. Also recall that in 2011, most people had not yet learned that the mainstream media is FAKE NEWS, so they believed whatever CNN was telling them. "Don't worry, it's not a meltdown. It's all under control. Fukushima is no big deal, don't listen to the alarmists."

Now, it's almost six years later. Fukushima's melted fuel rods are obviously not just continuing to pump out radiation — because you cannot change the laws of physics — but something has caused the intensity of the radiation output to suddenly escalate to insane levels. Possible explanations for this include, of course, more fuel rods being exposed or fuel rods coming into closer contact with each other, amplifying and accelerating the mass-to-energy conversion.

The world's largest "dirty bomb" just waiting to explode

In effect, Fukushima has become the world's largest dirty bomb, and the remaining fuel rods could explode (achieve criticality) at any moment. Even right now, the radiation is so intense that robots built to explore the wreckage can only survive for a few hours before their circuits are destroyed. Thus, there's almost no scenario in which Japan, Tepco or anybody in the world figures out how to clean up the wreckage, reclaim the melting fuel rods and reestablish control over the nuclear reactions that are still ongoing.

You can't even successfully build a containment vessel on top of it all because the melting nuclear fuel has already burned a massive hole in the floor and is melting its way into the ground water.

"Tepco also said image analysis had revealed a hole in metal grating beneath the same reactor's pressure vessel," reports The Guardian. "The one-metre-wide hole was probably created by nuclear fuel that melted and then penetrated the vessel after the tsunami knocked out Fukushima Daiichi's back-up cooling system."

Gee, ya think? I love how Tepco and the world's excuse-making media has been lying about Fukushima for so long that the truth still manages to escape them. Do they think a one-meter hole magically appears in nuclear containment vessels due to random chance? No, it's melting fuel rods, you morons. And some of that fuel is MOX fuel, which contains plutonium-239 that boasts a half life of 24,000 years. So sometime in the year 26000 A.D. the Fukushima nightmare will be HALF as toxic as it is right now. What a wonderful, progressive future to look forward to, eh? (RELATED: Find more uncensored truth about everything at

That's how stupid modern humans have become. They aren't just destroying life in the now; they're poisoning the planet for the next half a million years and calling it "green energy." Yeah, and biosolids are green fertilizer, right?

Given the potential for the mass poisoning of the northern hemisphere for the next half a million years, what exactly is the Japanese government's plan for Fukushima? Keep lying as long as possible and hope nobody notices. (That's also the basic plan of the mainstream media in the United States, which is now populated almost exclusively by brain-damaged idiots who suck down fluoride and mercury flu shots to keep their brains stupid enough to read the teleprompters.)

The radiation fries the robots in two hours… somebody call Superman!

"A remote-controlled robot that Tepco intends to send into the No 2 reactor's containment vessel is designed to withstand exposure to a total of 1,000 sieverts, meaning it would survive for less than two hours before malfunctioning," adds The Guardian.

Robots are f##ked, in other words. Unless you know how to build a radiation-proof robot, there's really no solution found in robotics.

Humans are almost instantly killed in an environment of 500+ sieverts / hour. It's basically like shoving your head into a network of 50,000 microwave ovens all set to "FRY" … without wearing sunscreen.

The only solution to all this, it turns out, is something that doesn't exist: Superman. Essentially, Tepco needs Superman to pull the fuel out of reactor No. 2. He can pull it off because, thankfully, Fukushima fuel rods aren't made from Kryptonite.

The problem with this solution, of course, is that Superman is a fictional superhero, not an actual person. I fully realize that fiction never gets in the way of fake science when it comes to covering the ass of the nuclear energy industry — nor even the vaccine industry for that matter — but in this case, we can't solve a REAL problem with an imaginary superhero.

Here's how The Guardian waters down this problem and makes it sound like a mild challenge rather than the nuclear holocaust it may actually become:

Tepco and its network of partner companies at Fukushima Daiichi have yet to identify the location and condition of melted fuel in the three most seriously damaged reactors. Removing it safely represents a challenge unprecedented in the history of nuclear power.

So wait a second. SIX YEARS into Fukushima, the Tepco company still can't find the "location and condition of melted fuel" in three of the reactors? (Please beat your head against the wall right now, then return to this article. It's the only way to hammer the "crazy" out of your consciousness.)

No, seriously. We are six years into this disaster. They still can't find the fuel rods. There's a one-meter hole burned in the floor. The radiation levels are skyrocketing to "unimaginable" intensity. The robots get fried in two hours. Humans are killed almost instantly…

From that, The Guardian concludes that the situation "represents a challenge unprecedented in the history of nuclear power."

I would say it's way more than a "challenge." It's basically FukuPocalypse. No one has a solution because there apparently isn't one.

But wait, CLIMATE CHANGE is going to doom our civilization, right?

Yet the entire blabbering, idiotic media puppets drone on endlessly about the imminent threat of "climate change" — the greatest quack science hoax and glorious disinformation theatrics ever pulled off in the history of our world. According to the climate change lunatics, ocean levels are going to rise over a few hundred years and might cause some coastal cities like New York to be under a couple of feet of water. Wow. That's the crisis? Really?

Meanwhile, Fukushima is about to go supercritical, spewing MOX dirty bomb radiation with a half life of 24,000 years across the entire northern hemisphere… yet there isn't a peep about it from the news morons.

Climate change is totally made up. Fukushima is REAL.

Climate change is based on flawed computer models which are themselves based on flawed assumptions. Fukushima is based on the laws of physics and cannot be stopped by legislation or wishful thinking.

Climate change says that carbon dioxide — an essential molecule for plant respiration — is evil and deadly. Yet covering up the truth about Fukushima denies the fact that Plutonium-239 is a billion times more dangerous than CO2, even at far lower concentrations in the atmosphere.

Somehow, you are being told to be alarmed, horrified and freaked out by a non-emergency (climate change) while remaining completely apathetic about an actual, real emergency (Fukushima).

We are all trapped in a planet-wide SUICIDE CULT run by incompetent morons

It is at moments like this that I seriously feel like humanity has become a planet-wide suicide cult run by incompetent morons. If they all want to drink the Kool-Aid, that's their choice, but I would prefer they don't take me with them. For my part, I would actually like to live on a planet that isn't contaminated and condemned by plutonium-239, cesium-137 and strontium-90.

According to the insanely stupid mainstream media, that somehow makes me crazy. But you and I both know that conforming to the stupidity of the delusional masses has never been a measure of sanity.

Stay informed on all this at and And don't believe a word of anything you read in the "fake news" mainstream media.