
Friday, November 5, 2010

[MedicalConspiracies] Saccharin is safe! -was: Cancer Mortality and Saccharin Consumption in Diabetics

On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 11:56:51AM -0400, Dr.BettyMartini wrote:
>Interesting Report. This is why I tell people I
>would not use an artificial sweetener ever.

The article quoted below concludes that

"these relatively high levels of saccharin intake had
NOT increased the risk of cancer in general among
[British Diabetic Association] members."

Sodium saccharin causes bladder tumors in rats because
rats are unique in having very concentrated urine and
extremely high amounts of protein in the urine, which
results in irritating crystals being formed due to the
sodium, not the saccharin. The urine of primates,
including humans, does not have these characteristics,
and experiments on monkeys and surveys of people
indicate that saccharin does not cause cancer in people
or other primates.

See pages 23 and 24 of the pdf version of this article
(the html version omits some of the text), which is about
a monkey study and gives the exact numbers for rat urine
parameters compared with human urine:

One should not be confused by articles that say that
thousands of people will die from saccharin-induced
bladder cancer based on the rat results. In the case
of saccharin, the rat results can NOT be extrapolated
to humans, because of the differences in urine described
above. In humans and other primates, the urinary crystals
from sodium saccharin never form, and so the hyperplasia
of the bladder epithelium and the tumors resulting from
it (in rats) never take place.



>Br J Prev Soc Med. 1976 September; 30(3): 151–157.
>PMCID: PMC478956
>Cancer mortality and saccharin consumption in diabetics.
>B Armstrong, A J Lea, A M Adelstein, J W Donovan, G C White, and S Ruttle
>The mortality experience of 5971 members of the
>British Diabetic Association (BDA) was
>followed-up for between five and eight years to
>mid-1973. Overall, 1207 deaths occurred compared
>with 778 expected from the mortality of the
>population of England and Wales in 1972. This
>excess of deaths was due almost entirely to
>diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease.
>Deaths from cancer (128) were significantly fewer
>than expected (168), mainly because of a deficit
>in the number of deaths from cancers related to
>smoking (cancers of the buccal cavity and
>pharynx, oesophagus, respiratory system, and
>bladder). There was also a lower than expected
>mortality from chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
>Data on saccharin consumption by BDA members
>showed that more than half of them used saccharin
>tablets daily, with an overall daily intake of
>three to six tablets, depending on age and sex.
>Information on a small sample of survivors from
>the mortality study suggested that about 23% of
>them would have taken saccharin daily for 10
>years or more and 10% for 25 years or more by the
>end of the follow-up. It was concluded that these
>relatively high levels of saccharin intake had
>not increased the risk of cancer in general among
>BDA members.

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below this line by Yahoo. -- Mark S Bilk

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