
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MedicalConspiracies- Medical Scope Risk Worse Than Previously Thought

I had no idea these scopes could not be cleaned, yuk that is sick.... G

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Health_and_Healing] Medical Scope Risk Worse Than Previously Thought
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:45:44 -0400
From: 'Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum.' [Health_and_Healing] <>
CC: Alliance for Natural Health USA <>

Dear Lists:

As many remember I almost died from these scopes used in hospitals.  They can't be cleaned and pass E. coli on to patients.    CDC cites a report that says 1 out of 2 die or 50%, but the CDC told me years ago when I did research for them that only 10% even report, if that much.

Here is my story: Every time someone asks me how I am and I explain what happened they tell me about somebody else who had a scope examination and died of E. coli. Could there be hundreds of thousands of deaths?  This has been going on for 7 years that we know about.  Peggy Sparks, a friend of mine, said her mother and a lady who shared a hospital room both had endoscopic examinations and got E. coli in the blood and died.  That was 6 years ago.  The FDA did nothing and in 2009 explained they were not allowed to make a decision or could be fired, and they were broken.  That came from 9 scientists of the FDA. Now the FDA has a Big Pharma lobbyist as FDA Commissioner.  The medical text, "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic" by the late world expert, H. J. Roberts, M.D., is over 1000 pages of ways to become disabled or die from sudden cardiac death to cancer, seizures and strokes.  The list never stops as more and more problems are found to stem from this deadly chemical poison thrust upon the world by Don Rumsfeld when he called in his markers, even though the FDA had revoked the petition for approval.

It is no longer safe to go to the hospital for these type of examinations, so much so my story is being published in a new book. I'll tell you about when its on the market. 

I suppose everyone now knows about Agenda  21, depopulation: I don't usually put this on my lists although it has a lot to do with aspartame.  Dr. M. Alemany told me in Barcelona that aspartame would kill over 200 million people.  However, so many are addicted its hard to get them off of it.  The methyl ester immediately becomes free methyl alcohol which is classified as a narcotic.  This causes chronic methanol poisoning which affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction.   In the meantime, as Dr. Alemany points out in the Trocho Study the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue, damages DNA and turns the tissues to plastic, "While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills", This web site will let you read the last chapter free on aspartame and autism and how the FDA made a deal with G. D. Searle to seal these teratology studies from the public and not add a pregnancy warning. 

I wrote the article on my case to warn others not only about the scopes but because Raglan and Zofran in generic form have aspartame.  It damages the mitochondria or powerhouse of the cell and interacts with drugs and vaccines as I've written about previously. So in two hospitals I broke out in urticaria or hives and stopped breathing.

There are probably at least 2000 drugs that have aspartame in it, and aspartame is a killer.  You might want to understand the mitochondria: There are many articles on the mitochondria but the point is mitochondria produce ATP, and ATP is absolutely essential for survival.  Without a sufficient generation of ATP, life would cease to exist.  ATP is  Adenosine triphosphate; a nucleotide found in the mitochondria of all plant and animal cells. It is the major source of energy for cellular reactions, this energy being released during its conversion to ADP.  ADP is a nucleotide C10H15N5O10P2 composed of adenosine and two phosphate groups that is formed in living cells as an intermediate between ATP and AMP and that is reversibly converted toATP for the storing of energy by the addition of a high-energy phosphate group ­called also adenosine diphosphate.

I know that's a little technical but I wanted the public to know how serious it is when you take a drug with aspartame.  Dr. James Bowen also wrote about the mitochondria and chemical hypersensitization.  Many times when you use aspartame you are chemically hypersensitive for life and why so many now carry epi-pens.  I'm chemically hypersensitive and broke out in urticaria or hives, and I'm not even an aspartame user, but that shows you aspartame in so many products unlabeled.  Remember when the dairy people and the jam people petitioned the FDA to allow aspartame in 17 dairy products and in jam?  Several people called and asked if they would do this since it's illegal and must require a PKU warning for those who cannot metabolize the 50% phenylalanine that is part of the molecule.  Actually as Dr. Bowen says,  aspartame actually triggers PKU and does great harm to all people. The FDA has refused to answer any of them that have notified me, including myself.    Here is what Dr. Bowen said about the mitochondria:

"Billions of people are now Aspartame victims or their friends. Individual answers to questions are now an impossible approach. The following article is meant to fill in that gap, to meet that need. As you read it you will master the medical knowledge you need to cope in a correctly intuitive manner. You also will painlessly gain the experience you need, vicariously as you follow me down the river of discovery. I am like a beat-up, exhausted old salmon with propeller slashes from the political powerboats, gnashes from predators, battered from pounding against the rocks while jumping cataracts, and exhausted from swimming all the way up to this spawning ground against the current. So jump in your armchair. You will lunch upon the fruit of 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil' (Genesis 2:17 and 3:1-22) and your eyes will be opened as we journey down stream. Hopefully this may become a 'river of life' for you (Revelation 22:1-2). May you find healing in the 'tree of life' (Gen 2:9 and 3:1-22). If you find the following article helpful, please help me spread it to any you may be able. 'CHz - What you need to know about Chemical Hypersensitivity disease: (CHz = Multiple Sensitivities, Poly Chemical Sensitivity, Persian Gulf Syndrome, etc.)' Because of your and/or your forbearers exposure to toxins like Aspartame, a summation of immune, mitochondrial, DNA, and MtDNA (genetic) damage has occurred in your body that has made your body unable to deal with chemical insults so slight that they might not even be noticed by others. With the lessening of mitochondrial competency, free radicals are produced, and the release of damaging combustion products into the cell occurs, causing exaggerated cellular reactivity and cellular damages from concentrations of substances that you would never even have noticed before. You have become "hyper sensitized." Now, even millions of times less a concentration of the same chemical exposures that didn't bother you at all before, will cause severe health damaging reactions, and autoimmune disease. The activation of mast cells and basophiles, and other pro-inflammatory immune mechanisms can really set your health problems off. This phenomenon tends to spread incrementally because it is a vicious circle type phenomenon. The more damage, the less the metabolic and genetic competence, as a direct result of the DNA and RNA, Mt DNA and, mitochondrial damage to the organism: The more free radical formation and inappropriate release of abnormal metabolites occurs within and beyond the "mitochondria." (The little "energy furnaces" within the cell that carry out certain otherwise dangerously energy loaded processes safely for the cell). This leads to more cellular compromise. In addition, specific features of a given chemical may incite damage. E.g., Benzoates directly stimulate the metabolism of the mast cells and basophiles making them more likely to fire off an inflammatory autoimmune response. It only makes sense that for a preservative to "preserve" anything it has to rapidly kill everything that has life or metabolism in it at very low doses. Such a compound cannot be very friendly to human tissue. In bread, for instance: I find vinegar (acetic acid), or calcium propionate harmless for me, but all other preservatives are harmful. Denatured human tissue itself causes massive immune disorientation."

This is just part of his article, of course.  Here is the whole article:

There are attorneys now on the Internet and I've not heard of any hospital so far who has had their's recalled.  This is just an additional warning for all people to be particularly careful.
I live in Duluth, Georgia and I'm about 2 hours from Elberton where the Georgia Guide Stones are:  They want to reduce the population to 500 million.  That means you have to eliminate 93% of the population.    So we have aspartame, sucralose/Splenda (carcinogenic like aspartame), acesulfame potassium (caused cancer and leukemia in original studies), vaccinations which have been exposed, genetic engineering, ChemTrails to speed up the deaths with aluminum and barium and on and on and now even terrorists in the US.  We are on our own so next time you go to the hospital make sure you take my article and check out what is going on. Aspartame triggers psychiatric and behavioral problems and interacts with antidepressants.  Many doctors have said that mental hospitals are full of patients that are simply aspartame victims and Dr. H. J. Roberts says when you see children killing children you have to consider aspartame. Study the dangerous drugs like statins that deplete COQ10 that is essential for survival.  We're now at the time when we must save our own life.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, FounderMission Possible World Health Intl770
More web sites on aspartame and sweeteners,,,, 

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The Pulse of Natural Health Newsletter

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Medical Scope Risk Worse than Previously Thought


We have more information, but even the additional information appears to be part of a cover up!

Last summer, we told you about the multiple serious "superbug" outbreaks that were traced back to endoscopes and colonoscopes­and about the FDA's failure to act even though they knew of the problem as far back as 2009.

A US Senate investigation into the matter showed that the number of patients infected in recent years far surpasses previous estimates reported by federal officials.

The Senate report found twenty-five outbreaks between 2012 and 2015 linked to duoendoscopes that infected at least 250 people in four countries and ten states. The FDA had previously reported only nine outbreaks linked to the scopes.

One company in particular, Olympus, was responsible for the vast majority of the outbreaks. Olympus products constitute about 85% of the scopes used in the US, and were responsible for nineteen of the outbreaks and for sickening 194 out of the 250 harmed patients. Olympus had been warned by three independent labs that the design of the scope made it extremely difficult to clean. The company received the first of these warning in June 2012. It wasn't until February 2015, after the LA Times reported on an outbreak at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center that infected seven patients and killed three, that Olympus (and the FDA) issued a warning that there was problem with the medical scope.

The Senate report also concluded that Olympus and other scope manufacturers "failed at every level to meet basic expectations of transparency and openness" and this "disregard for the spirit, and sometimes the letter, of the law resulted in potentially preventable fatal illnesses in hospitals around the world.

The FDA was also found at fault in the Senate investigation, which charged that the agency failed to rapidly identify and respond to the string of superbug outbreaks. The report also notes that the FDA's system for monitoring adverse events associated with medical devices is woefully inadequate since it relies almost exclusively on "self-reporting and self-regulation of manufacturers and hospitals."

Other evidence shows that the FDA looked the other way for much longer. During a 2009 outbreak in Florida, health experts from the CDC together with other epidemiologists warned the FDA that the problem was likely not limited to Florida, and that action should be taken to warn hospitals of the danger. Only months later did the FDA issue any warning whatsoever­a measly two sentences buried in the fifty-seventh paragraph in a general advisory on the proper cleaning of medical scopes!

As noted above, it wasn't until February of 2015­six years after they themselves were warned, and after at least twenty-eight people had died and dozens more had been made sick­that the FDA finally issued a proper warning that the endoscopes that are linked to superbug outbreaks may still transmit infections even when cleaned as directed by the manufacturers.

Even the Senate investigation, however, fails to address the root cause of this problem. In fact, it strikes us in some respects as a cover-up of the real problem. The report recommends the FDA evaluate the design of duodenoscopes and implement a phased recall to fix the devices­suggesting that it is simply a design flaw that, once fixed, will eliminate the issue. But the truth is that these scopes can never be fully sterilized, so the problem goes far beyond the malfeasance of one company.

In addition, the report ignores the real elephant in the room. The focus has been on endoscopes. But the same issues pertain to colonoscopies which also cannot really be sterilized. Given that there are approximately ten million colonoscopies done in the US every year, how many people are picking up infections or related problems from them? Keep in mind that colonoscopy has become a huge industry with $10 billion revenues in the US, so there are powerful vested interests which do not want to discuss this, no matter what the risks are for the patient.

This massive failure to protect the public from easily anticipated harm is unfortunately just one example among many. How many drugs have been given the green light by the FDA despite warning from the agency's own scientists that drugs were dangerous? With the fox guarding the henhouse (especially now that Dr. Califf, with his very close Big Pharma connections, has been confirmed as the next FDA chief), we can only expect even more of the same.


Other articles in this week's Pulse of Natural Health:

Final Hour for GMO Labeling Legislation

Wood Pulp in Your Cheese?

Now Even the US Attorney General Is Slandering Supplements!
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Posted by: "Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum." <>



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