I can say that Vitamin C IV works! In 1998, I was diagnosed with CLL - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia -- and was told there was nothing to be done -- except to watch the white blood cells and then have chemotherapy when they got too high! I did not want to wait to be poisoned by chemo! So when I heard through a doctor my son in NY went to that I should find an oncologist who would give me Vitamin C IV ! Of course, the Mayo oncologist would look at me like I had two heads, so I found my holistic M.D. here in Jax. Beach, FL. I started C-IV one year ago (June 16th to be exact). My white blood count had been drifting UP steadily since 1998, but after NINE MONTHS of C-IV, my blood test revealed a drop of 8/10 of a point! Doesn't sound like much, but we're dealing with Cancer here! Anyway, I continue the IV, and I expect to continue getting better. This may be -- as "they say" -- anecdotal, but I'll take it! We need more publicity about this type of vitamin therapy -- which can't hurt -- and certainly doesn't poison like chemo! THANKS AGAIN - to you and Marie McCullough! Let's have more publicity on alternative therapies! (By the way, I've switched to alternatives for cholesterol, and after 3 months, my cholesterol was still under 200! I'm hoping this will continue so I don't have to go back on Lescol! )
Apr 8, 2013 - Uploaded by Sunridge Medical
Jack was diagnosed with (ALL) Leukemia (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia). After being told to immediately ... Jack was diagnosed with (ALL) Leukemia (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia). After being told to immediately check into the hospital they put him on a regimen of Chemotherapy. After loosing over 15 pounds Jack and his fiance decided that he couldn't go through it again and was just too weak. On route to the Mayo Clinic and a bone marrow transplant, the decision was made to seek out an alternative therapy and option. After treatment at Sunridge Medical, Jack is now getting his strength and life back enjoying walks and going fishing...
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