
Saturday, October 17, 2015

MedicalConspiracies- Advanced-beings-who-walked-earth-millions-of-years-ago-controversial-ancient-history/

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Subject: Multi-D News advanced-beings-who-walked-earth-millions-of-years-ago-controversial-ancient-history/
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 07:00:02 -0400
From: 'k.r. ladubec' [TheMulti-DimensionalNewsPortal] <>

Advanced Beings Who                        Walked Earth Millions Of Years Ago: Controversial                        Ancient History

Advanced Beings Who Walked Earth Millions Of Years Ago: Controversial Ancient History – Current evolutionary theory is continuously being challenged as the world's leading professional archaeologists and amateurs make many ground-breaking discoveries.

In his famous book " The Hidden History of the Human Race", Michael Cremo writes:

"In 1830, letter-like shapes were discovered within a solid block of marble from a quarry 12 miles northwest of Philadelphia. The marble block was taken from a depth of 60-70 feet," reported the American Journal of Science (vol. 19, 1831, p. 361).
The quarry workers removed layers of gneiss, mica slate, hornblende, talcose slate, and primitive clay slate before coming to the layer from which the block containing the letter-like shapes were cut.

artifacts - "The Hidden History of                            the Human Race"

While they were sawing through the block, the workmen happened to notice a rectangular indentation, about 1.5 inches wide by .625 inches high, displaying two raised characters.


Several respectable gentlemen from nearby Norristown, Pennsylvania, were called to the scene and inspected the object. It is hard to explain the formation of the characters as products of natural physical processes.

This suggests the characters were made by intelligent humans in the distant past…"
According to traditional science, sixty-five million years ago, humans did not exist on Earth, not to mention someone who was skilled enough to work with metal.
However, there is an evidence of such activities, for example, in form of semi-oval metallic tubes dug in France from the Cretaceous chalk.

In 1968, two speleologists Y. Druet and H. Salfati studied caves and other karst features and discovered a number of such tubes of identical shape but varying size, from 30 and 90 mm in length, and 10 and 40 mm in width.

"The chalk bed, exposed in a quarry at Saint-Jean de Livet, France, is estimated to be least 65 million years old. Having considered and eliminated several hypotheses, Druet and Salfati concluded that intelligent beings had lived 65 million years ago…" Cremo writes.

Partial                            shoe sole in Triassic rock from Nevada. The                            Triassic is dated at 213-248 million years                            ago.

Partial shoe sole in Triassic rock from Nevada. The Triassic is dated at 213-248 million years ago.

This archaeological discovery is still subject of speculation.

One of the foremost mysteries that baffle scientists is a fossil discovered in Nevada several decades ago.
According to a story published in the October 8, 1922 edition of the New York Sunday American, a mining engineer and geologist, John T. Reid – while prospecting in Nevada – discovered a mysterious petrified 'Shoe Sole' estimated to be 5,000,000 years old.

The fossil was showed to several experts like Dr. James F. Kemp, geologist of Columbia University and Professors H. F. Osborn, W.D. Matthew and E. O. Hovey of the American Museum of Natural History.

Additionally, experts from the Rockefeller Institute, made photos and analyses of the specimen, which removed any doubt of the shoe sole having been subjected to Triassic fossilization.

The microphoto magnifications revealed details of thread twist and warp, which proved that the shoe sole is strictly the handiwork of man.

"Even to the naked eye the threads can be seen distinctly, along with the definitely symmetrical outlines of the shoe sole. Inside this rim and running parallel to it is a line which appears to be regularly perforated as if for stitches…
"… the shoe sole is valid. a genuine fossilization in Triassic rocks… The Triassic period is now generally dated at 213-248 million years ago," Cremo writes in his book.

In 1968, William J. Meister, a draftsman and amateur trilobite collector, reported finding a shoe print in the Wheeler Shale near Antelope Spring, Utah.
This shoe-like indentation and its cast were revealed when Meister split open a block of shale.

Shoelike                            print discovered in Cambrian shale near                            Antelope Spring, Utah. If genuine, the print                            would be over 505 million years old.

Shoelike print discovered in Cambrian shale near Antelope Spring, Utah. If genuine, the print would be over 505 million years old.

Clearly visible within the imprint were the remains of trilobites, extinct marine arthropods. The shale holding the print and the trilobite fossils is from the Cambrian, and would thus be 505 to 590 million years old. The footprint however, appears to be made by a sandal.

A close-up examination of the shoe print                            fossil

The sandal measured 10 inches (or approximately 26 cm) in length, with the sole showing a width of 3 inches (or 8.9 cm) and the heel a width of 3 inches (or 7.6 cm). The heel appeared to be approximately 1/8 of an inch thick (or 1.7 cm).

"The heel print was indented in the rock about an eighth of an inch more than the sole. The footprint was clearly that of the right foot because the sandal was well worn on the right side of the heel in the characteristic fashion."

Apparently, an intelligent being walked the Earth in modern shoes long before the dinosaurs appeared on Earth and certainly also 15 million years as we see on the image below that depicts this mark on the fossil was found in the formation of coal in Fisher Canyon, Nevada.
A close-up examination of the shoe print fossil showed clearly visible traces of the double seam line around the perimeter of the form.

See also:

10 Remarkable Similarities Between Ancient Civilizations That Offer Proof Of Universal Prehistoric Knowledge

11 Extraordinary Out-Of-Place Artifacts That Science Cannot Explain

This                            mostly controversial artifact contradicts the                            current evolutionary theory but it has not                            been debunked.

This mostly controversial artifact contradicts the current evolutionary theory but it has not been debunked.

An amazing, very controversial dicovery that has not been debunked was made in New Mexico, in 1987, when paleontologist Jerry MacDonald discovered the clear prints of a human footprint, among the various fossilized tracks.
This footprint of which, authenticity has not been argued by evolutionists – anatomically similar to those of modern man – is estimated to be approximately 290 million years because the Permian strata (according to modern scientific thinking) has been dated from 290 to 248 million years ago, which means millions of years before animals, dinosaurs and birds were supposed to exist.

How then could a man exist?

Could it be possible that millions of years ago, humans or human-like beings lived on this planet but we simply do not have historical data regarding their existence?

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