
Monday, July 20, 2015

MedicalConspiracies- FDA-approved drug turns ordinary people into obedient zombies... saps free will


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From: NaturalNews <>
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:45 PM
Subject: FDA-approved drug turns ordinary people into obedient zombies... saps free will

The Health                              Ranger

If you've ever wondered why so many people behave like total zombies, this might have something to do with it:

An FDA-approved drug sold in the USA is derived from a South American flower pollen that immediately turns ordinary people into obedient zombies, sapping their free will and making them do anything they're commanded to carry out.

Sounds like a dream come true for the powers that be, doesn't it?

Read the full story

The Roman Empire was brought down by more than decadence; lead poisoning played a role. Are we doomed to repeat history with today's toxins?

Falsified reports, missing data, incorrect data...this is how you mislead the masses in the name of science. What is the real endgame to the global warming agenda?

You can make your own nut and seed milks at home and forego the expense and the unneeded additives included in the store-bought versions:

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We can choose health for our kids or a lifetime of medical problems. The choices we make in the first 6 years will affect them for life:

The foods we choose to eat dictate our overall health and how long we live. Enjoy these foods often and live longer:

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For young Americans, grocery money is typically spent on processed food. If they're not going out to eat, they're using the microwave:

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Robert Scott                              Bell

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EST: Mike Adams joins us to announce the launch of the new non-pharmaceutically conflicted search engine and RSB and Dr. Rashid Buttar discuss how the majority of science publishing is controlled by just six companies.

Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at »


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- 9 Natural Herbs and Spices to Use As Salt Substitutes

- 8 Super Organic Herbs You Can Use For Medical Emergencies

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