
Saturday, May 23, 2015

MedicalConspiracies- Lisinopril—Hidden Dangers

Lisinopril—Hidden Dangers

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Las Vegas, NV: Many prescription drugs are as common as aspirin; it's no wonder that many consumers don't read warning labels or consider that a medication could be associated with side effects. Take Lisinopril, for instance. It is one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the US, and it also has the potential to harm a lot of people.

Specifically, Lisinopril (brand names include Prinivil and Zestril) is the third most-prescribed drug in the US, according to WebMD Health News (April 20, 2011), with 87.4 million prescriptions filled last year. And to make sure that Lisinopril consumers keep taking the blood pressure drug, in August 23, 2011, Publix Pharmacy offered free 30-day supplies of generic Lisinopril to customers with a prescription for the medication. It is questionable whether how many Lisinopril customers know of the potential risks, including its link to liver damage.

Jose, who took Lisinopril for more than a decade, knows only too well the damage that Lisinopril can cause. "I was diagnosed with hepatocellular injury and my liver enzymes were elevated," he says. "I asked my physician what was causing the elevation and he said it's just normal because it is more important to protect my heart."

However, protecting your liver is also important. In Jose's case, several laboratory tests indicated abnormal results. "They showed elevated total protein, globulin, albumin, A/G ratio, altase, maltase, SGPT and SGOT, to name a few," says Jose, who is thinking about discontinuing Lisinopril, but not before talking with his doctor.

Hepatocellular injury is one of four major types of liver injury, including autoimmune, cholestatic and infiltrative. The US National Institute of Health states that "A hepatocellular pattern is marked by isolated or predominant elevations of serum transaminases," and the first step in the evaluation of elevated transaminases should include a complete history in order to identify the most common causes of liver injury including alcohol, hepatitis B and C, celiac disease, hemochromatosis, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

But Jose doesn't drink, nor has he ever had hepatitis or the other conditions associated with liver injury. But another common cause of acute liver failure is an idiosyncratic reaction to medication, which can include Lisinopril.

"Three months after I started taking Lisinopril I experienced several changes to my system," adds Jose, "and I will never forget what my physician told me. He said that 'Most of these changes are due to the effects of your medication and it is just normal.' But how normal are these changes? I experienced high elevation of the liver enzymes (and there is no family history of liver disease) and glucose elevation (again, my family doesn't have a history of diabetes). I also gained 30 pounds, I still have constant headaches and muscle cramps, dizziness, fatigue, vertigo, and decreased libido (and I was divorced, thanks to the latter side effect). But mainly I am concerned about the damage to my liver.

"I firmly believe Lisinopril is the culprit because I wasn't taking any other medications. And then when I read online about Lisinopril, I did some further research, and there you go, I saw the adverse effects and I experienced most of them. But it shouldn't come as such a surprise because we all know that drugmakers often lie—of course they want to make profits even if it means hiding their discoveries. Do you think they care about us? I don't think so. That's why they should be punished, and that's why I am joining a Lisinopril lawsuit."

Lisinopril Legal Help

If you or a loved one have suffered losses in this case, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a drugs & medical lawyer who may evaluate your Lisinopril claim at no cost or obligation.


Posted by
Candice Grant
I started Lisinopril in Jan 2015, 10 mg due to my bp running 160/100's. I never have high bp unless I have UTI"S but my doctor put me on med anyway even though I had UTI at time due to my family history. I explained to him I exercise and he said "Just stop it when it comes back down". Since March I have had huge cystic acne - never had acne in my life. Also have had two panic attacks, weight gain even with gym workouts, restless sleep, etc. My bp started running 100/60's so I decided to cut my dose in half for a week and then stop. I am on day three of being off it and am so fatigued I can barely get out of bed to shower for work. Every muscle in my body aches as well. I also have noticed my bp is now in the 140/80's area. Im wondering if it will stabilize with exercise soon or keep going up. Anyone have any ill effects like this when going off this med and if so, how long did they last?

Posted by
Marilyn Jarvi
Put on Lisinopril 2.5 mg for blood flow to kidney. Shortly after I started wih a cough and much mucus and been awake most of the nights using 15 plus Kleenex every night, filled with mucus. Certainly didn't allow much sleep! Took it for 3 months and six months later after still having issues. Dr. Feels it has caused Bronchial Spasms. Not sure why it is still on the market, when I have been told by more than one physician that at least 25-30% who take it have an issue! Even people who have taken it for years can develope a problem down the line. Help get it off the market!

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On Tuesday after leaving the dentist office from a routine cleaning I started to break out in a skin rash on my left arm. By the time I went to bed that night and got up the next morning my top lip was swollen. I went to the doctor, she immediately took me off Lisinopril. She didn't want to say that was the cause of the allergic reaction. I was given predniSone and Benadryl. The very next morning the swellening had spread to my face. Only after the a few hours later the swallening started to disappear. While i was in the doctor office. And I swear this is the GOD honest truth. I heard a Sales Person waiting to get a signature from a doctor state " WE NEVER TELL THEM THE TRUTH". Now I can't say what that was in reference to because I didn't hear the whole conversation. About 6 months prior to this incident the same thing happen with a swollen upper lip. At that time it was thought to be an allergic reaction to shellfish. The doctor suspected Lisinopril but wasn't sure. Now I've been diagnose with Chronic Kidney Disease. This is so messed up and I try to be healthy. I blame my doctor for one because i get my blood work done every year. And she never mentioned CKD. I'm sure it didn't just happen overnight. I also blame the drug manufacturor because they know the deadly side effect and still have it in the market.

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I was prescribed lisonpril in March 2014 I got hives and angioedema in June 2014 and have suffered with full body hives since June 2014 (it is now March 2015). I was out of work so much that they laid me off. I was given skin biopsies and multiple allergy testing and nothing came up. I had a cough and sore throat and facial swelling and closed eyes and hives every time I took this medicine. It should be taken off the market. It can kill a fetus. I am writing to say LISINIPRIL IS RUBBISH. FDA Needs to do something about it.

Posted by
lisa g
April 18th, 2014, my mother was rushed to the hospital-seemingly having an allergic reaction. By the time she got there,her throat was swollen shut and she was barely conscious. The e.r. nurse sat my father and I down and tried to figure out what happened...the morning was business as usual. ..I was working and they were watching my mom started noticing her tongue swelling and my dad called me at the time I got there, he had called the ambulance....talking to my mom on the phone that morning, which happened to be her birthday, was the last time I would hear her voice for ended up in a coma...and stayed there for about 6 weeks...during this time, she ended up with kidney failure and was given dialysis and ended up getting a trach in her throat. We had no idea if she would even live...when she finally came around, she had no idea what happened and what time had passed. She ended up in the hospital for about another month and then in a nursing home for another 6 weeks. My mom had been on this drug since 2011...and this drug is what the doctors attribute all of this is now almost a year later and though mom is home, she is not the same and cannot do the same things as before this ordeal....and she is only going to be 56 next month...with all of the medical issues and bills, my parents savings is now gone and they will end up losing their home...I hope some type of class action lawsuit comes about for this...

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I started taking 10mg Lisinopril Jan 2014 for hypertension. in April while doing some gardening, i passed out for the very first time in my life. After regaining consciousness, I checked my BP which was high but more alarmingly, my pulse rate was about 30 bpm. My doctor gave me an ECG and i was informed I had Heart Block. I now have a pacemaker. Prior to taking this drug I suffered no symptoms of this form of arrythmia. I'm wondering if anyone else may have a similar experience. After this experience I took myself off this awful drug and liowered my blood pressure by losing weight and using supplements especially magnesium.

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This drug Caused me and two family members bad reactions. I asked pharmacy (walgreens)a few years ago , "why is it still on the market". A friend in Chicago was hospitalized from reaction to this drug. After that i ask the name if the rx whenever they had a problem with their meds abd this one was nmber one. Yet years later they are still marketing it! Everyone had extreme coughing spells, etc.

Posted by
Tim Peters
On lisinopril for about six years. One night 3 weeks ago my tongue started to swell. By the time I got to the ER my airway was almost closed. They finally got a tube down my nose. I spent 4 days in the ICU. Doctor said it was life threating.

Posted by
Cathy Dodge
I have been taking Lisinipril/hydrochlorithiazide, Metformin and Lovestatin for over 10 years. I am a non insulin dependant diabetic for 10 plus years. Recently did some research, and saw that these cause Blood sugars to rise despite the Metformin! The dr added glimepride to the mix. I stopped Lisinopril/HYdrochlorathiazide cold turkey, thinking that my next fasting A1c blood test may be better.
The glimepride has caused me to feel not myself. To the point of depressive tendencies. Could it be that not taking the Lisinpril combo is the reason? I was feeling ok until starting the gimipride and stopping the Lisinipril/hydrochlorithiazide.
Wish a pill could be made to cure something, instead of mask disease! Happy 2015!

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I took it for awhile started coughing ended up in er told me I had copd and emphysema passed out a day later told me I had pneumonia. even though I had an xray the day before and they didn't see it. I forced my doctor to take me off of it. I hope it didn't hurt me any other way. I feel better now had a friend that it happened exactly the same for her. be careful if your coughing.

Posted by
Erikca Fleming
I was just rushed to the hospital for having stroke like symptoms on Monday. I was admitted into the hospital. After some lab testing and or testing I was told that I have been diagnosed with having chronic kidney failure from the use of lisinopril. I have been taking this drug for hypertension for some years now. I have totally went into shock over hearing this. Stressing over the thought of this disease and how it can alter my life and possible take my life. thinking what about my children, my grandchildren and my spouse. How was I never warned about this possible side effect of this drug. Please inform me of any actions I can take to help with this and possible for us to stop this from happening to any other people...It just is not fair or human to do this to people.

Posted by
nancy e. santa cruz
I've been reading patient reports about Lisinipril the last five months. I experienced two events that very nearly ended my life and both were within a six day period all because of Lisinipril usage; long time usage without any problems, probably 10 - 15 years. About 4 PM the left side of my face along the jawline was puffing up, too. I was feeling very odd and very puzzled as to what could be causing this reaction. Within an hour I thought I should go to the urgent care center to have it checked. In only one hour the left side of my face looked like balloon. The doctor at the clinic examined me and thought it was an allergic reaction and would be taken care with a shot of cortisone and a cortisone pack to take. I returned home and turned in for the night around 10 PM. I was jarred awake at 1:30 AM because I could not swallow and was having a very hard time breathing and my tongue no longer fit inside my mouth. My entire face was so severely swollen I no longer recognized myself. I jumped in my car and drove to the local hospital ER. There the doctor on call read my medications and said he was sure it was the Lisinipril I was taking. Epinephrine was administered but I became much worse. The doctor told me I'd have to be intubated so I could breathe. It was horrible. I knew things were very bad and wondered if I could die on the table. I understand I was admitted to the ICU. I was put on a ventilator. After 2 days I was moved to a regular unit and told I had had an angioedema attack with anaphlaxsis shock and told how close I had come to not waking up. I was taken off the ventilator and moved to a regular room. My internist immediately took me off the Lisinipril and substituted Carvedilol instead. I was really "out of it." My son and his fiance' came from Atlanta and I asked them if they had just come. No, they said "we've been here 2 days!" I was released on the third day and went home. I was as weak as a kitten. I could not help myself and the simpllist tasks required assistance from my family. Afterwards, I was so tired and weak, but kept my follow-up app't with my doctor. I told the PA that I still felt just as I had felt before the last attack. That was on a Friday and the next day I woke up with the symptom as before, ie. difficulty beatheing and swallowing and my tongue was huge again and protruded out of my mouth. I used the Epi pen that i was given and used it, but I was not successful giving myself the shot, because I was quickly losing all muscle tone and felt I was going to pass out. This time I knew what was happening. Just about didn't make it to the phone. Although I had many of the same symptoms as before, there were alarming others. I stretched out on the floor so I would not fall. 911 seemed to take forever. I had had to use only my toes to reach the phone two rooms away. My limbs simply would not work. Once again, I was treated and admitted "for observation" this time for one day and released. After these two events it took months to regain my strength and I was six weeks without a voice. I began researching symptoms connected with use of Lisinipril and allergic reactions. I was incredulous that so many people are bad sore mouth and throat. This is a bad drug and should be removed from the market. This is my opinion, not a study related to the medication. The doctor at the ER told me that "you could have been taking Lisinipril for many years and suddenly it can cause this kind of life-threatening reaction, or kidney and liver failure or damage your liver or intestines." I was never told about the most dangerous reactions or alerted about the symptoms which lead up to an event. doctors are completely in the dark about reactions and many do not properly diagnose the problem correctly. Word must get out to the public! You should advocate for yourself and request a change in blood pressure medication. Although, these reactions are considered "rare," you may have symptoms which you are not aware of that precede the radical event. I had so many problems suddenly at the start of the new year. Now I know the lead up in my experience (extreme fatigue, trouble swallowing and chocking, a sore mouth and throat, a continuous dry cough and sometimes it seemed my tongue was too large when I would start the day. I thought I was imagining it. I was sent to a top immunologist/professor to review my case. From the 15 vials of blood they took, there were no allergies to anything except dust mites! If you are taking any of the many form of Lisinipril; all "prils." in the ACE Inhibitor Class of drugs. I'm so thankful for the care I received at the ER and the doctor in ER knew what was actually happening. I want to use my experiences to warn others. There are so many other medications that could be used. Rare side effects? Well it's your life that we're discussing. It only takes one event that could end your life or someone very dear to you. Why gamble?

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I was on lisinopril and my reaction was a long list of side effects. I was on 40 mg per day. I felt terrible and looked the same. After 10 months at the 40 mg level, I stopped cold turkey when I discovered I felt immediately better when I did not take it for two days at an out of state conference. That was one year ago and I still feel that I have side effects. I am waiting for a class action suit. The Drs. don't get that this drug is dangerous.

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That drug almost killed me. The medicine cause me to swell. my face started swelling so quickly. i took the pill and the very next morning when i awaken the swelling had started. I got up and looked at my face and my face looked like a balloon. I went out to urgent care and was told i could of died from the swelling. That drug should be taking off of the market.

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I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Hypertension in January of 2014. My Cardiologist put me on 10mg of Lisinopril per day. Starting in March, a part of my lower or upper lip would swell and turn bright red (not a cold sore). In one to five hours the swelling would disappear. As the months went by, I noticed how dizzy I would get, I developed a very dry cough, I would actually shake and feel very anxious. In addition, I would have heart palpitations which I did not have before taking this drug and pain at bottom of my left jawline. Then a few weeks ago my bottom half lip swelled up so much that it made me look like I had a stroke with that part of my mouth drooping. I FINALLY started to research what was wrong and saw the side effects of taking Lisinopril. To my horror, I had many of the dangerous side effects. I decided to stop taking this "cold turkey" five days ago and I can share with all that I feel so much BETTER. My cough has almost gone. I am not dizzy. I have written a letter to my cardiologist which he should receive by 10/27 telling him what I experienced and how I stopped taking this. I also read on many different web sites that folks diagnosed with Stage 1 Hypertension should first be given a prescription for a diuretic, particularly thiazide diuretics. They're effective, safe, and available as low-cost generics.
I just don't understand "why" I was not put on a diuretic and in my letter to my cardiologist, I requested this.
It seems very strange that my husband, my brother as well as me were ALL put on Lisinopril. WHY?
Is it a matter of "money" kick backs to doctors or do they just prescribe the newest drug on the market instead of personalizing what makes most sense for EACH patient? By the way, all three of us go to the same group of cardiologists but each have a different one. Is this standard procedure in their office?
This personal incident has definitely made me think very seriously when I am put on any meds going forward. I will first ask why and is there a safer way to address whatever my situation is.
I wish all of you well and hope our collective voices will help other folks like us.
I guess even in medicine, it is the same old saying "buyer beware".

Posted by
Oletha Cardin
I have been taking Lisinopril for many yrs. And I have had problems almost as long as I have taken it. I have had every heart test imaginable. Started having major chest pains that ran up into both my jaws down both arms no energy at all. Yesterday something told me to take half a pill instead of whole because the previous day my bp was to low. I took the half no pains had more energy. I notified my doc this am about it and he said continue the half and see if it still not happening. I see him in 3 weeks. I'm asking to be taken off due to lawsuits and dangers of this drug. I am not even sure the doc knows of the lawsuits or deaths and etc.

Posted by
Carol Pearce
I have taking lisinopril for approximately 6 months. About 4 months ago I started coughing mostly at bedtime. I thought I had drainage from some sort of allergy I was developing. I have never had an allergy and so this seemed a bit unusual. But then I started coughing during the day for no apparent reason. Because I didn't have a sore throat normally associated with a cough as persistent as I had and didn't feel sick as one might think, as with flu-like symptoms, I was very confused what was going on with my body. The coughing continued to worsen, keeping me awake at night and even waking me up. At times, I have felt as if I needed to explain to people I was around, that I wasn't sick, but I didn't have an explanation either. Then I started to think I had a tumor in my throat or cancer, imagining something far worse than allergies.

Finally tonight, growing tired and increasingly concerned with my coughing, I started researching the drug lisinopril and discovered this website with all the stories from others that have been taking it. While some of my symptoms aren't as bad as those of others, I noted some of the same symptoms, weight gain, high glucose levels in addition to the coughing.

The ironic thing is that I just called in a new prescription that arrives via mail. But now when it arrives, I don't think I will be taking it after reading all of these other stories and articles. I just moved to another city from where I first got my prescription, but am going back to that city in a week. I plan on seeing my doctor and telling him the symptoms I've been experiencing and see what he had to say and what suggestions he has for me.

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When is a class action suit going to be started against Lisinopril. It is like a slow poison - damaging your body.

Posted by
Angela fulbright
The other day I had to go in for my blood pressure meds refill I had a cough waiting on the doctor to come back in the the room to let me go she comes back tell me to stop taking the linsinopril cause its making ppl sick so she said she need a chest X ray which I gotta go take and she took some blood she call me today and tell me my blood glucose is high on the levels of diabetes and to come in tomorrow I don't need appointment so something told me to Google this med and it raises your glucose to diabetes level

Posted by
Chuck Scheffreen
Recently my lip was swollen and appeared to be drooping. Thinking it might be a stroke my wife took me the the ER he physician on duty asked me if I was taking Lisinopril. When I told him I was he put me pn a benedryl drip. A short time later my lip was back to normal. To be on the safe side I was given a number of other tests including a CT scan. All tests were normal. I continued to take Benedryl for a couple of days and stopped taking Lisinopril. The swelling has not returned. Some time ago I saw a nuerologist because I often felt like I was going to pass out. All of his tests were normal. I wonder if that was Lisinopril..

Posted by
Hylton Kelly
I have taken Lisinopril for over 5-years and i went thru hell - i have been to the emmergency room over 50-times with the bottom of my feet extremely swollen and burning, my toungue was on many occassion swollen so big it could not fit into my mouth, then my lips and entire face was so swollen, when my fiancee came to the hospital she did not recognize me....i was in and out of the hospital, and many emmergency clinics, i had to travel with more that 3-epi-pen fear for my life....LISINOPRIL, is a death sentence for any one taking it.

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it has damage my intimate relation ships with my wife

Posted by
Juanita Spencer
I started off with this cough, then i later admitted to the hospital for phumonia. A week lateri got a nee prescription of my lisenopril.i took one on the eve of march 25th,2014. I woke up the following morning, and i noticed that my tongue was larger than normal, & there was 5 red spots on my tongue. Then my tongue started to swell to the point where it was beginning to protrude out of my mouth, and it became hard for me to speak. I eas rushed to the emergency room. I was asked by the doctor, mame did you take lisenopril?. I told him yes. He looked at me & said if i don't get a tube inside you in the next ten minutes, i will not be able to save you. When i seen anyone it was six days later. I woke up in ICU. I also had neen experiencing what tje doctors described as angiodemas all over my body.

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Posted by
pam dixon
Is there a reason to be concerned my daughter is 3months pregnant the first 2 she was on 25mg a day of lisinopril.

Posted by
Linda Lyons
My doctor's office called today, March 21, 2014, asking me to stop taking my Lisinopril 40mg immediately. My blood tests came back with abnormal kidney function. I have taken Lisinopril for 15 years and have had several side effects from the beginning. Coughing, allergies, fatigue, joint pain, etc. The doctor has never connected the dots. On Tuesday, I will find out how much damage has been done to my kidneys. Pray for me.

Posted by
Dawn Willett
I was just at the ER 2/17/14, I have been on Lisinopril 40mg for about 3 years. Never gave it a second thought until now. I was told on at the ER that I was in Kidney Failure, my potassium was too high and my BUN was grossly abnormal. When I mentioned the only thing I take is Lisinopril the ER Dr. just said "aw ha"...that was it. My BP had dropped to 101/54, which is NEVER the case with me. I had not even taken my medicated due to the reason I went in the first place was over 8 hours of chronic vomiting & diarrhea. It was not the flu, but likely the shut down of my kidneys. That is when I start to investigate this and found all this information out about this drug. I will NOT be taking this again. Over the years that I have taken this I have been told I have anxiety due to chest pains ending me up in the ER. Severe joint pain, debilitating physical disabilities that have caused me more time and life than I ever knew. So far I have had 3 surgeries for intestinal problems, etc. to correct these thing. My entire life, joy, and happiness has been removed from my life in the last few years. My GP doctor has done nothing but try to pump more pills in me for the symptoms of exactly what others are reporting here and every where else due to this drug. I've had it all, liver enzymes rise, kidney failure, constant flank pain now and this week just getting over the latest bout from using this drug. I didn't know this until today, and I thank God I didn't keep looking the other way. Please assist me, I would like to follow through with anyone who is going after getting this drug taken off the market before it kills others. Thank

Posted by
Karen Krupa
I was on lisinopril for about 15 years. Slowly numerous side effects began. I would go to the doctor. They do some tests and tell me I was fine. I'm sure they thought I was a hypochondriac. At one point I ended up in the ER and even though they could see that I was having heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat, they blamed it on stress. They put me on an anti-anxiety med which I refused to take. Never once did they consider they problems were being caused by the lisinopril. I got to a point that I wouldn't even tell them when something happened (face swelled up once and so did a large area of my thigh). Doing some research last weekend, I realized I was living with at least 8 side effects, the worst had started just last summer, fatigue. I stopped taking it 5 days ago and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. My missed symptoms which I went to the doctor about were: Upper respiratory (both headaches & infections), stomach pain & nausea, heart palpitation & anxiety, joint pain, insomnia, dizziness (they did tell me this was caused by the med), eye pain, & fatigue.

Posted by
I am really new to this (lisinopril). My Doc put me on this medication a little over a year. I never had my liver count to rise until I started taking this pill. My Doc asked me do I drink or take other meds? I said no and never had a problem with my liver. She told me at a later date they going to run some tests on my liver. Thanks for sharing testimonies with me. They should take this poison off the counter.

Posted by
wendi seuser
I have been lisinopril for over ten years have continued problems caughing,aniexty,trouble swallowing what do I do I have dizziness nausa ect...

Posted by
Lisa Renee Nockowitz Hutcherson
I Took LIsiniProl For 8 To 10 Years For High Bp ALways Coughed
Saw Dr. Always Was Told Me It Was Asthma. My.Left.Bottom
Lip Got Swollen 3-4 Times. Never Did Anything It Just Went Away.
Well A Few Weeks Ago It Happened Again The Lip droOped And The Cheek Swelled Up. I Went To Urgent Care He Told me Parotitis. Go To Ent Dr
If It Happens Again. I Took Benadryl It Went Away.
. I Already Had Taken A Pic OF Me To Show Dr. I Saw My Primary.
Dr And She Said Same Thing. Those Two Never Looked At
My Records To C If It Was Meds That I Was Taking. I Went To Ent Dr And Saw My Pic I Took. He Looked At. My Paperwork And Immediately
Said Get The Hell Off Lisiniprol! I Cried. IM Mad That I Was MisDiagnosed
By Two Other Drs. Especially My Primary. They Could Have Killed Me. If I Never Saw Ent Dr I Could Have Had My Throat CLose Up And Died. IM Not Using My Dr No More.... They.Never Looked My Paperwork! Omg....
So Now I Switched Meds. Xo Drs Today Stink And Lisiniprol
Is Deadly.

Posted by
Linda Zacchio
cardiologist put me on lisinipril Feb. 29 2012. started coughing about a week later and thought I had an alegery. Called my IM Doctor and he felt that it might be my acid refluxing causing the cough and told me to take an extra prilocec before dinner. coughing persisted 24/7 - went to IM doctor and he said he didn't hear anything wrong with my lungs but said he was going to treat this a pneumonia because my grandson just recovered from it. gave me antibiotics, then prednisone then sent me to pulmonary specialist. he couldn't figure it out - still coughing 24/7 and couldn't breath put me in hospital did ct scan and found pneumonitis - kept me on prednisone for 4 1/2 months 2 cat scans later found more nodoles and a huge mass in my left lung. Pet scan lit up like a christmas tree. Thorasic surgeon at Mt. Sinai removed 9cm of upper left lobe and 5.5 cms of lower left lobe and lymph nodes. Pathology report came back TB. How did I get this - prednisone surpressed my immune system and I breathed it in. Why all because the cardiologist put me on lisinipril which was an irritent to my lungs. The pulmonary doctor immediately stopped the lisinipril but not before the damage was done to my lungs.

Posted by
michael a orick
I took lisinopril for about 1 year before I ended up in icu in a local hospital for 3 days not knowing if I was going to live or not the drug shut my kidneys down I was told that I only had 10% of my kidneys working and they werent sure if they could pull me through it or nor I remember asking them at 3 in the morning if I was going to make it or not they just said they were doing everything they could and werent sure if they could or not well for allmost 3 days of ivs in both arms they pulled me through still dont know about any long term problems but they are keeping a close watch me I remember my son and a friend of his carring me into the house and telling me what happened and to look at my finger he told me I was talking to him and then just went out and I guess I landed on my small finger and it very badly broken had to have surgery on that with 3 pins to put it back where it belonged I guess it was a good thing I broke it or I may not have gone to the hospital the docs told me if I hadnt come in when I did I would probably have been gone by morning so that was my experience with lisinopril the doctors said this was a fine way for my family doctor to find I couldnt take ace inhibitors am just hopeing I wont have any long term effects from this experience

Posted by
David Giese
have cirrious liver and Hep C and the dr. has me on zestril? i have been feeling worse and worse as time goes by. when i tell him i confused,etc,dtc. he says it is because I have Hep C. I thiunk it is zestril. thanks

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