
Saturday, July 26, 2014

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Bemer Machine Speeds Recovery, Cures Pain & Builds Muscle
Bettina Torres Owner of Regeneration Point
Many people know I am a fitness buff. I can be classified as a gym rat. I love the clink of the iron, the musty smell of a boxing gym and the good feeling you get when your workout is complete. One of the biggest issues for me can be over-training, not giving my muscles enough rest and recovery. When I was approached by Bettina Torres I must say I was skeptical. She told me about a machine called "Bemer" that could help me with recovery, soreness and getting back to the gym with out soreness. Now I honestly don't know how the Bemer works but I quickly realized if it's good enough for NASA then I'll give it a shot. I am not being paid to say this. I consider myself a journalist of the highest integrity. But when I use something that works I want to share it. The Bemer makes me feel great! That's why I'm sharing this technology with you. The following are questions I asked Bettina Torres, owner of Regeneration Point in Spokane about the new technology. 

Bettina I've been using the Bemer a little over a month now and I'm amazed about how it helps my recovery...can you explain the processes that help that become possible? Because I must say, when I have a session with the Bemer I have energy the entire day and the next day I am not sore.    

BEMER Technology helps blood flow parameters improve. At the basis of all cell function is for our blood to flow and meet all transport requirements meaning: it delivers oxygen and nutrients and also takes away wastes and carbon dioxide away. When you exercise you need a lot of oxygen for cells to perform. This continues to be a requirement for the regenerative phase as well. With increase in blood flow of 30% BEMER supports exactly this function. With the delivery of oxygen our cells create energy (ATP), thereby also enabling the repair process after exercise. That is why you feel more energetic and less sore.  

Tell me about your mother in law and the type of condition she was is when she first starting working with you?(Can you tell me her age and whatever details about her)    My mother-in-law Millie Torres is 82 years old. She has two major conditions: Multiple Sclerosis and Scoliosis. With MS, people experience an extreme fatigue and with this increase in fatigue her scoliosis became very extreme as well. She was bend over standing up and you could not see her head looking at her from behind. She completely collapsed into herself when sitting and falling asleep at a moment's notice even when sitting at a table eating her food. She was in constant pain and did not sleep well as you can imagine. When she started falling, she ended up in a nursing facility in New York where she was living. The prognosis of her doctors were that nothing else could be done.    

How far has she come?When we brought her to Spokane in January 2011, she was in bad shape. I put the BEMER full body mat in her recliner and turned it on 3 or 4 times per day. Within one, yes one, week she was climbing stairs, was more upright, had more energy and started doing much better. Today she comes to REGENERATION Point and exercises almost every day. It is really remarkable how her quality of life has changed. Without BEMER all this would not have been possible. She can sleep, she has more energy, she sits upright, she has no pain and that is a great improvement!!!

You also are working with John who has some real heart issues, how far has he come? John came to me through a referral from a patient of Dr. Soto's. This is also a fascinating story. Let me quickly describe how I met Norman. He suffers from shingles and experienced extreme pain for 2 years. Dr. Soto's last option was to surgically implant a pain pump. But before going that route, he referred Norm to me to try the BEMER. He had edema in his legs and feet, he had a seeping wound on his hand that bled for 4 weeks and he described his continuous pain at levels 7 - 10. With one BEMER application, the seeping wound stopped bleeding, the swelling in his feet, ankles and calves greatly reduced and his pain level went down to a 4. He and his wife rented a BEMER and now his pain level, since using the BEMER daily, has reduced now to a 0 - 3; and his feet, ankles and legs look normal again. Since he had such great results, he and his wife thought of their friend John, who has congestive heart failure and extreme, extreme edema. He came in and also saw an immediate reduction in the swelling and discoloration of the skin. After a couple of sessions, he also could bend his knees. He decided to rent the BEMER as well and use it daily because it gives him great relief. The BEMER Technology is a fantastic tool and aid for your body's innate self-regulatory processes to work. I see it again and again with all different issues when people start using it on a regular basis. While people with chronic issues may initially start using BEMER at REGENERATION Point, it is available for home users to rent for a trial period and/or purchase.    Tell me about Sharron when she first came in and where she is right now?

Sharon came in at the beginning of January. She had seen my flier at the assisted living facility where she works as a social services advocate. She looked at my program and wanted to try it. She was amazed by how fast and consistent she improved. She is 62 and had bad knee problems. Constant pain prevented her from activities to keep her well and fit. Well, she quickly was able to do more and more being on the BEMER regularly. My program offers a membership with 10 visits per month. Even only coming 10 times per month got rid of her knee issues. After a very short period of time, she came in one week and excitedly told me that she ran up and down the bleachers at one of her grand children's games that weekend to show off her ability to move. Before she never even would have attempted to go up the bleachers let alone run up and down.

She and her husband bought a BEMER and they see fantastic benefits also for his health issues.Obviously this is not main stream technology and quite innovative...tell me what other organizations are using the Bemer?   Yes, indeed, this technology is very innovative. In Germany, for instance, BEMER is used more and more in hospitals, clinic, doctors' offices, etc. The research done with BEMER is also topic in a third of the book "Micro circulation" by Dr. Rainer Klopp. This is standard text book in German medical schools.

We are also turning a page in the U.S. as more and more physicians are integrating BEMER technology into their practices; e.g. NDs, LAcs, P.T.s, Nurse Practitioners, in sports, etc. What will the sessions cost?   I charge $30 per 1/2 hour;  however, I always recommend a series of 10 sessions at $20 per session, to really gauge an effect. Can you work out a payment plan?  If people decide on the 10 sessions, they usually pay the $200 (plus tax) up front. I try to keep it affordable for people. For some it is less than a regular co-pay for a doctor's visit. Tell me about renting the units?  People can rent BEMER on a 6 or 8 week trial basis. A security deposit is required and the rental fee will be deducted from that deposit. If a person wants to buy after the rental period is up, the deposit is applied minus a service fee for initially processing the rental.  Add anything that you'd like us to know.   I give regular weekly presentations on this topic. I believe that knowing about this spectacular technology can benefit a lot of people. BEMER is non-chemical and has no side-effects. It is non-invasive and very effective. It is well researched and shows consistent results. This technology is based on empirical scientific data and not merely on mathematical formulas and assumptions.

My next few presentation dates are on Thursday, September 20th at 6:30pm to 7:30pmThursday, September 27th at 6:30pm to 7:30pmSaturday, October 6th at 11am to 12pmThursday, October 11th at 6:30pmTuesday, October 16th at 6:30pmSaturday, October 27th at 6:30pmI hope you can make it to one of the Saturdays. 

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