
Monday, June 9, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: Fwd: OZ newspaper

From a friend...

On Monday, June 9, 2014 8:39 PM,

My foreigner friends know more of what is going on there than our citizens. Pretty sad.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: OZ newspaper

Bowe Bergdahl will soon be returned to a US military facility, not to recover, not to adjust, but for investigators to discover exactly what he was up to before questioning his father who has repeatedly expressed a determination to free all terrorists from Guantanamo.
Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of desertion, a capital offence. He deserted to the enemy and converted to Islam before willingly co-operating with the Taliban to militarily disadvantage American forces. 
He and the Taliban then feigned "capture" in order to bargain for the release of Guantanamo terrorists. That there is more than enough to attract the death penalty.
Although there is no proof at this stage, it appears more than likely the anti-American father, Robert (he changed his name to Abdullah) Bergdahl, was the driving force behind his son's desertion and subsequent negotiations for the release of the five high-level Taliban operatives. 
Abdullah Bergdahl is a self-confessed Taliban sympathiser and, judging by his writings, is highly intelligent and fully capable of such a treasonous ruse. 
The US military is keeping the two suspects incommunicado to see if they can get their stories straight. It's doubtful they can, and if not, there will be serious charges and a court martial in the offing. 
Whether or not Barack Obama was knowingly complicit is another question, but his blatant disregard for his soldiers' welfare and his animated joy in the warm embrace of the victorious Abdullah Bergdahl is leaving a sick feeling in the stomachs of Americans who have lost over 2,000 of their sons.
This story stinks and is far from over.

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