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Fukushima Ocean Radiation To Hit West Coast In Seven Days
Saturday, 19 April 2014
April 20, 2014 -- (TRN) -- According to scientists and marine biologists, radiation in the Pacific Ocean from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, will begin making landfall along the west coast of North America 7 days from today. The three melted-down reactors in Fukushima have been spewing 300 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific each and every day since the March, 2011 earthquake and tsunami which caused the triple-meltdown. That water, some from trenches around the reactors containing four million times the legal radiation limit, has been carried by ocean currents from Japan toward north America for the last three years. It will begin hitting the west coast next weekend. Most frightening: NO ocean water testing or emergency preparations at all have been undertaken by either states or the U.S. federal government. When the ocean radiation plume hits, you are on your own.
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and is located on the east coast of Japan. The facility has six nuclear reactors, which generated enough electricity to power 14 million homes.
This will help you understand the layout of the plant:
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck Japan; the quake was centered in the Pacific Ocean off the coast. The quake generated a tsunami wave which came ashore about 45 minutes later. The wave overtook the sea wall at the Fukushima plant and flooded the entire area, proceeding upwards of six miles inland.
When the tsunami hit the Power Plant, it wiped out all electric supplies in and to the plant. Back-up generators on-site failed because the buildings they were in got flooded. Emergency back-up batteries kicked-in, but only supplied power for about one day. When those batteries died, there was no power to operate pumps which provided cooling water for the reactor cores, or the pools containing spent nuclear fuel.
Without water to cool the reactor cores, they overheated, becoming molten metal. During this process, enormous amounts of hydrogen gas was emitted, causing two of the reactors to explode. Here's what the explosions looked like, as seen from west-to-east:
The two minute video below explains what happened:
The explosions ripped open the reactors and spewed tons of radiation into the air. Later, a spent-fuel pool inside another reactor, boiled-off its water and fuel in that pool gave off hydrogen gas which caused another explosion, spewing even more radiation into the air.
Reactor #1 was the first to melt down. A hydrogen explosion damaged the building. Workers have put a giant cover over it to stop the spread of radioactive substances
Reactor #2 also melted-down but there was no explosion. As such, building #2 remains mostly intact.
A meltdown and subsequent hydrogen explosion mangled the reactor 3 building. The structure still shows signs of damage even though workers have cleared away most of the debris from the top of it. This particular reactor is the biggest problem because its fuel was a mixture containing Plutonium. To this very day, workers have not been able to enter that building because the radiation levels inside are immediately deadly. That means to this very day, no one knows what's actually still going on inside that building, or how to stop it.
The reactor 4 building looks quite different from the others. The unit wasn't loaded with nuclear fuel at the time. So...no meltdown. But an explosion still ripped through the structure, because hydrogen flowed from the un-cooled spent fuel pool rods which also overheated. Crews raced to reinforce the building to safeguard its spent fuel assemblies. It stored the largest number of assemblies among the 4 reactors.
The radiation from the events above was carried from Japan toward north America by prevailing weather patterns. Days later, around March 25, 2011, the radiation saturated vast portions of north America. The level of radiation was, in fact, dangerous, but this information was deliberately concealed from the public by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and other agencies. The graphic below, created by the French nuclear agency, shows how much of north America was covered with airborne radioactive Cesium-137:
The radiation was so dangerous that it immediately started causing birth defects in newborn American babies. NBC NEWS confirms:
A mysterious cluster of severe birth defects in rural Washington state is confounding health experts, who say they can find no cause, even as reports of new cases continue to climb.
Federal and state officials won't say how many women in a three-county area near Yakima, Wash., have had babies with anencephaly, a heart-breaking condition in which they're born missing parts of the brain or skull. And they admit they haven't interviewed any of the women in question, or told the mothers there's a potentially widespread problem.
But as of January 2013, officials with the Washington state health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had counted nearly two dozen cases in three years, a rate four times the national average.
Notice the last paragraph -- "two dozen cases in 3 years . . ." the exact timeline following the Fukushima radiation release. Notice too, the final sentence in the third paragraph: They aren't telling mothers there's a widespread problem! More concealment by the government !!!
Slightly over two years AFTER the disaster at Fukushima, TEPCO admitted that tons and tons of radioactive water was leaking into the Pacific Ocean -- and had been leaking each and every day since the reactor explosions. TEPCO had been pumping as much water as they could into the damaged reactors to keep the melted-down fuel cool; but the water was leaking out of the exploded reactors, going into the basements of the reactor buildings, then leaking out into piping trenches into the Pacific Ocean. Here's a diagram:
Naturally flowing groundwater has been the vehicle for carrying the radiation into the Pacific since this disaster began. Engineers "hoped" to build a "freeze wall" to stop the flow but as of the publication of this story three years later, no wall has been built. Here's a diagram of what's been taking place each and every day since the disaster:
A little ways inland from the reactor buildings, you can see rows of storage tanks for contaminated water. There are more than 1,000 of them and quite a number of them have developed leaks too. The pink highlighted diagram below shows mostly where the tanks are located:
Here's an photo of the actual tanks so you have an idea of exactly how large they are:
When these tanks leak, it's like a double-dose of radiation hitting the ocean that day because the tank water is above and beyond the 300 tons of groundwater hitting the ocean each day. The photo below shows the leaks; notice the ground between the tanks is saturated with leaked radioactive water!
Scientists and marine biologists have repeatedly stated that there is so much water in the Pacific Ocean, that the radioactive water will be diluted by the time it gets here. . . . they hope. They happily announce "Dilution is the solution." The simple fact is that all of their projections about the concentration of radiation are based on assumptions that asingle batch of radiation was released from Fukushima in March, 2011 -- and NO MORE! But those assumptions were proved wrong when, two years after the accident, TEPCO confirmed that 300 tons of radioactive water were pouring into the Pacific each and every day! NONE of the projections being touted by scientists have factored this reality into their projection. NONE OF THEM! In fact, the graphic below is a perfect example of the ERRONEOUS projection being used:
Notice how the plume thins-out as it leaves Japan? That's because this projection fails to take into account the ONGOING daily radiation releases! Not only are the releases ongoing, they are, in fact WORSE than the original disaster release because after the disaster, the water being pumped into the reactor cores was touching the melted fuel and getting far more irradiated than what was released when the disaster first took place! Instead of thinning-out as it leaves Japan, it should be heavier at origin because the radiation got worse over time!
Therein lies the dangerous surprise that some believe will make itself known in 7 days or so. Once the initial part of the Fukushima ocean radiation plume begins hitting the west coast, more and more-potent radiation is coming right behind it; the 300 tons a day that has washed through the reactors, leaked into the basements, and flooded out into the ocean. That radiation will accumulate along the west coast to the point where radiation along the west coast beaches will be WORSE IN NORTH AMERICA THAN IN JAPAN!
Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of this situation is the position of the U.S. federal government. They are not doing ANY testing of ocean water for radiation. NONE. It's "government logic" which goes like this: "If we don't test, then we have no proof there's a problem. Since we have no proof there's a problem, there's no need for us to do anything."
It may seem unimaginable to you that such circular insanity could actually be taking place in the US government, but it is. Want proof? Contact your Congressmen and Senators, they'll confirm: NO DEPARTMENT OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS TESTING PACIFIC OCEAN WATER FOR RADIATION LEVELS.
NHK's Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi, which aired in Japan on Mar. 29, 2014 (at 18:15 in) confirms:
"A network of trenches runs between the reactor buildings and the shore. They are flooded with extremely radioactive water... since the triple meltdown. TEPCO data shows concentrations of cesium up to 4 million times above the government safety limit. Engineers estimate that the trenches hold about 15,000 tons of toxic water but radiation levels are too high for them to get a more precise look at the situation. Some experts point out these trenches are a source of contamination for the Pacific Ocean."
TheYomiuri Shimbunnewspaper of Mar. 6, 2014 confirmed:
It appears that high-level radioactive contaminated water from tunnels [trenches] extending from the No. 1 to No. 4 reactor building is flowing into the sea."
On February 25 of this year, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) did a storyon the ocean radiation plume that warned it would arrive within 60 days. Using February 25 as the 60 day timeline, the arrival date for the radiation is next weekend: April 27, 2014. Are you ready?
What will you do if you are woken-up in the middle of the night and told by authorities to evacuate because radiation levels are too dangerous to stay? What if the reverse happens and you're told you cannot come out of your house for a week or two because radiation is too high?
Do you have any clue at all what you should be doing to prepare? We'll try to help.
(We do NOT sell any of the items suggested below)
a) Make a "bug-out bag" for each member of your family.
It should have enough personal items to tie-you-over in case you have to make an emergency evacuation to somewhere else for awhile. These bags should be PRE-PACKED; don't simply make a list then try to go pack when the crap hits the fan. You want this bug-out bag packed and ready to go because if the crap hits the fan, minutes matter. You want to grab the bag and go -- it takes only seconds and could save your life.
* Clothes (Underwear, Socks, Shirts, Pants, Belts, shoes and outerwear that is appropriate for the season)
* Extra eye glasses or contact lenses
* Medicine (If you take something for chronic care, make sure you have a supply to get you through until you get settled elsewhere)
* Toiletries (Soap, Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, Floss, mouthwash, deodorant, nail clipper, comb or brush, TOILET PAPER!)
* Over-the-counter Health aids like Aspirin/Tylenol/Advil or Aleve, cough medicine, allergy medicine, hydrocortizone creme, HEARTBURN relief, baby powder, etc.
* RADIATION-RELATED PRODUCT: 30 or 60 mg Potassium Iodate pills - to be taken ONLY when actually exposed to radiation; protects thyroid.
* Sanitation (A single plastic bag to use for trash or waste as needed)
* Canned and dry foods (Just enough to tie-you-over for 3 - 5 days it may take to get somewhere else, don't forget a CAN OPENER.)
* Water or portable personal water filter (You can go weeks without food, but only 3 to 5 days without water.)
* CASH - Just enough to make-do until you can get squared away.
* A NIOSH-Certified Filter mask rated at P-95 or, more preferably P-100. These are re-usable masks that filter 99.97% of all particles.
* Swimming goggles - as temporary eye protection from radiation particles while traveling. Cheap, fast, washable, reusable.
* Flashlight
* Portable radio
Put the Bug-Out bag in the bedroom of each family member and teach them that THEY and THEY ALONE are responsible for bringing it with the family if it is time to Bug-out.
b) Equip your home to ride-out radiation plumes
* Roll of plastic film - (INSTALL ONLY WHEN ACTUALLY NEEDED DURING ACTUAL HIGH-RADIATION) to seal-up your windows in case of a radiation surge.
* Adhesive "snap-and-lock" plastic track to secure the plastic (above) around your windows
* Water Filters - Get one either for the whole house (expensive) or one for a main faucet that all of you will drink/cook from exclusively. Get filters for shower heads too. Thebest bet is a reverse-osmosis system combined with Activated carbon and an Ion Exchanger as this three step process is pretty much the only reliable way to filter radiation from water. Whichever type of filter you choose, know that having SOMETHING is better than having nothing. Sadly, to our knowledge, there is no reverse osmosis filter available for shower heads, so you're best bet is Activated carbon (charcoal) for the shower head.
* Doorway intercom to the outside so you can talk to people outside without opening your door.
* Disposable floor protectors at entryways. People will track radiation into the house on shoes. Use these throw-away paper mats inside all entryways, make everyone take shoes OFF in the entryway - DO NOT WALK THROUGH HOUSE WITH SHOES and track radiation all over.
* Entryway trash can with sealing lid - keep all disposable paper in this after use. Do not walk it through the house to your regular trashcan.
* Entryway coat racks - to hang coats immediately upon entry. Radiation will get on clothes when you're outside. You don't want to bring it in and throw those clothes on the floor or the bed thus contaminating the insides of your house or surfaces of furniture/bedding.
* Entryway Clothes Hamper - This will be weird, but get prepared to change clothes in the entryway to the house. Radiation gets on clothes and you do not want to bring it into the house everywhere you walk, sit down or lay down because it rubs off clothing. Put contaminated clothes in entryway hamper
* Entryway clothing shelf or cubby - to have a change of clothes at the entryway for you to change into when you come in.
c) Your car
* Get a CB radio + antenna for the car. Have it in the car so you can hear what's going on from truckers and other motorists nearby using Channel 19. It's a LOT better than a cellphone or local traffic radio for live information and can tell you what's ahead if you have to detour.
* Have a gas can in the trunk - if permitted by local laws. A small 2, 3 or even 5 gallon can get you another 20, 30, 50 miles and save your life.
* NEVER allow your car to go below half a tank of gasoline. NEVER! Not even once. If you have to bug-out fast, everyone else will too. The gas stations might all be closed because they already evacuated! Moreover, there won't be time to stop for gas - or sit in a long gas line waiting and hoping the gas station doesn't run out. (We all saw how that worked out in hurricanes like Katrina where people were fighting - even shooting each other - for gasoline. You don't want any part of that. The farther you get away from the danger, the more options you'll have to get fuel later.)
* Bear in mind your car will accumulate radiation on the seats, and floors from you getting in and out regularly. It will also accumulate radiation in the A/C and heating vents which bring in outside air. You'll have to meticulously clean those areas once in awhile to get rid of any build-up and REPLACE the A/C air filter once in awhile.
D) Stock up on food & medicine for the house
If you were forbidden by authorities to leave your home for a week or two because of radiation outside, would you have enough food and medicine to live? The pizza guy and the Chinese food place won't be able to deliver, neither will the local pharmacy, so you'd better prepare.
Presuming that all utilities remain functioning (and there's no reason to think they won't) you'd have electric, gas and water, but do you have enough food? You'd want to eat as normally as possible, but who has enough milk or bread to last a week or two?
* Have dehydrated milk powder so you can mix your own milk.
* Have long-shelf-life DRY foods like:
1. Oatmeal, farina and Pancake/Waffle mix for breakfast
>>2. Pasta, rice, beans that you can have for lunch and dinner
* Have a Bread maker so you can make your own bread
* Have some frozen juice concentrate (orange, grapefruit, cranberry etc.)
* Have some dry mixes for flavored drinks like Iced Tea, Lemonade or other drinks (Kool-Aid mix, Tang mix, Nestle's Quick, Ovaltine etc.)
* Have some canned foods like soups, vegetables, canned Chicken, canned Ham, Chile, canned fruits, etc.
* Have condiment packets (Saved from every time you eat fast food) Ketchup Mustard, mayonnaise, Tartar Sauce, relish, Salt, Pepper, etc.
All the things above have LONG shelf lives and while you may not like the notion of eating this stuff, if you're unable to go outside, it becomes a matter of survival. You do what you have to do to survive.
e) Schools
It is essential for those of you who have children of school age, to go to the next Board of Education meeting and ask what plans - if any - the schools have to deal with possible troubles from radiation that's coming?
* Will schools be closed on days when radiation is high?
* Will students be able to telecommute to learn online via computers if radiation is too high to go to school?
* If radiation spikes during a school day, will children be given P-95 or P-100 masks? Anything less won't work. Can they bring their own to school?
* Will the school system spend the $600 or so (per school) to equip each school with a Geiger Counter capable of continuous measuring of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation in the air? Who at each school will be in the office to watch that Geiger counter all day?
* Will schools have Potassium Iodate tablets to administer to children if radiation levels suddenly spike? If not, can children bring their own?
f) Work
When you head out to work tomorrow, ask for a few minutes to speak to your boss. Explain that this may be making a mountain out of a mole hill BUT, given the fact that a huge radiation plume is going to make landfall on the west coast within 7 days:
* Will work be closed on days when radiation is high?
* Will employees be able to telecommute to work online via computers if radiation is too high to go out?
* If radiation spikes during a work day, will employees be given P-95 or P-100 masks? Anything less won't work. Can they bring their own to work?
* Will the Employer spend the $600 or so to equip the job site with a Geiger Counter capable of continuous measuring of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation in the air?
* Will the Employer have Potassium Iodate tablets to administer to workers if radiation levels suddenly spike? If not, can employees bring their own?
* Will the employer install a water filter system for employee use?
* Will the employer make arrangements to prevent the tracking of radiation into and throughout the workplace as people come and go?
h) Your local town/city government
Head on over to the next Town Council meeting, explain to the local officials about the inbound radiation and ask the local elected officials if they would be willing to invest $600 or so in a Geiger Counter that could be located at City Hall - or perhaps a few Geiger Counters, one for City Hall, a couple at Fire Stations around town, with all of them connected to the Internet so people in town could see the readings online through the town web site?
For most towns, this is literally "chump change" as far as the cost and it would serve to give all of you a little peace-of-mind that you could see what's actually happening in YOUR town.
g) Getting rid of radiation on you, in your home, car etc.
Radiation from Fukushima can be washed off with soap and water. It's THAT easy!The danger is if the radiation is INHALED or INGESTED. Once it gets inside your body, is wreaks absolute havoc through a process called "bio-accumulation." You may inhale or ingest a small amount and its no big deal. But it STAYS in you. Certain radioactive materials mimic calcium, and end-up heading straight to your bones where they screw-up bone marrow, setting the stage for Leukemia and other cancer. Other radioactive materials foul up Liver and Kidneys. If you happen to inhale a "hot particle" floating in the air, it gets into your lungs and burns through your fragile lung tissue; lodging there and causing lung cancer. Then you inhale or eat another small amount. It too accumulates. A while later, you inhale or ingest a little more . . . . . see the pattern? The radiation ACCUMULATES, it doesn't go away. So getting the stuff OFF you, and making certain you
don't breathe or eat any is top priority!
Of course, this list is not perfect. But for many readers, it contains things they haven't previously thought about. You still have time to prepare. Use it wisely.
If you would like to be alerted by e-mail about future news of this type or of RADIATION ALERTS as the radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan hits U.S. and Canadian shores, you can subscribe to our "ALERTS" e-mail service, free! This is *NOT* a discussion list; you will *NOT* be deluged with email and your email will *NEVER* be sold or rented to anyone. To sign-up, click HERE
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