
Saturday, February 1, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: WATCH These Workers' Faces As They Realize What ObamaCare Does To Them

On Saturday, February 1, 2014 4:55 PM, Western Journalism <> wrote:
WATCH These Workers' Faces As They Realize What ObamaCare Does To Them
WATCH These Workers' Faces As They Realize What  ObamaCare Does To Them

WATCH These Workers' Faces As They Realize What ObamaCare Does To Them

A local news station brings viewers inside one Pennsylvania company as the employees there learn about their new health care plans under Obamacare...
Wall Street Adviser  Exposes Obama's Soviet-Style Accounting

Wall Street Adviser Exposes Obama's Soviet-Style Accounting

According to the calculations of David John Marotta, our effective unemployment rate is not the 6.7% as reported by Obama's apparatchiks in media, but a staggering and more believable 37.2%.
Jon Stewart Laughs In Pelosi's Face After She  Admits She Doesn't Know Why ObamaCare Site Failed

Jon Stewart Laughs In Pelosi's Face After She Admits She Doesn't Know Why ObamaCare Site Failed

Jon Stewart and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sparred over the troubled rollout of the Affordable Care Act on Thursday's "Daily Show."
Sources Confirm Obama Purging Military  Commanders

Sources Confirm Obama Purging Military Commanders

Author Sara Carter joins Andrew Wilkow to discuss Obama's alarming purge of top military commanders...
Obama's Latest Decree: Releasing  Convicts Early

Obama's Latest Decree: Releasing Convicts Early

To a great number of Americans who already view Obama as an imperial president, watching him release countless criminals back into society will only create more cause for concern.
Obama's Brother Apparently Wants To  Eradicate Israel

Obama's Brother Apparently Wants To Eradicate Israel

Malik has been in the news previously, primarily regarding the controversy surrounding his establishment of the Barack H. Obama Foundation.
MSNBC Ties Comedy Central  In

MSNBC Ties Comedy Central In "Most Trusted" Poll

There is an undeniable correlation between a news network's popularity and its ability to provide relevant, accurate news.
Holder Tells Cruz He Didn't Know IRS  Investigator Was Obama Contributor

Holder Tells Cruz He Didn't Know IRS Investigator Was Obama Contributor

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder denied knowing that a top Democratic donor is leading the internal investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Krauthammer: A Republican President Would Be  Impeached If He Did What Obama Did

Krauthammer: A Republican President Would Be Impeached If He Did What Obama Did

Charles Krauthammer appeared on the Special Report All Star Panel to discuss the President's threat, from his State Of The Union Speech, to use executive orders if Congress doesn't pass laws in accordance with his vision...
The Last Week of January News In Review

The Last Week of January News In Review

As we close out the first month of 2014, this past week had a Navy SEAL dropping a Koran on the floor; Hillary talked about her biggest regret as Secretary of State at the NADA Convention; several Democrats are refusing Obama's help in their re-election campaigns; and some black activists say that Obama is more hurtful than helpful.
WATCH Michael Bloomberg's 12-Year Tyrannical  Legacy In 2 Minutes!

WATCH Michael Bloomberg's 12-Year Tyrannical Legacy In 2 Minutes!

Reason TV takes a brief year-by-year look back at Mayor Bloomberg's most outrageous assaults on freedom of choice and civil liberties...
Obama And Stalin's Legacy In  Ukraine

Obama And Stalin's Legacy In Ukraine

President Reagan believed in the liberation of the communist world; Obama seems oblivious to how Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet empire.
The WORST Part of Obama's State Of The Union  Speech

The WORST Part of Obama's State Of The Union Speech

Many if not most grownup Americans cannot watch a State of the Union address without feeling a little lump in their throat when the President enters the House chamber…and a little bit nauseous by the time it's over.
An Open Letter To Pro-Amnesty  Christians

An Open Letter To Pro-Amnesty Christians

Movements born out of compassion and mercy are often hijacked by those with prideful, even vengeful intentions...
Santa  Clause, Easter Bunnies, And Catastrophic Global Warming

Santa Clause, Easter Bunnies, And Catastrophic Global Warming

I never deny climate change... the climate has been changing since the beginning of time.  I simply reject hysteria and theories that suggest catastrophic anthropogenic (man made) CO2 based climate change is occurring.
There's a reason the left has changed vernacular... Global Warming ...
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