
Friday, February 7, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: Supreme Court To Authorize Internment Camps | Legacy Of OKC Bombing | Murder At The FDA

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 6:42 PM, The Sleuth Journal <> wrote:
Supreme Court To Authorize FEMA Camps | Legacy Of OKC Bombing | Murder At The FDA
Articles in this newsletter are displayed in ascending order (newest to oldest).

Firefighter Arrested While Doing His Job (VIDEO)

A firefighter responding to an accident on a Southern California freeway was arrested Tuesday after getting into a dispute with an officer about where he'd parked the fire truck. The Chula Vista, Calif. fire department was on scene at a rollover accident Tuesday night when a highway patrol officer arrived and told one of the firefighters to move the fire …
american flag

It's Not America Anymore

Many of us in the liberty movement find ourselves searching for a distinct root cause of the trials and tribulations of American culture — the Holy Grail catalyst that, if unraveled, would save this country and  heal the septic wounds covering the landscape of our hobbled society.  The obvious answer would be to remove the global elites who are poisoning the well from …
justice scalia

Supreme Court Will Authorize FEMA/Internment Camps Again

Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, made a rather staggering remark today. He stated the Supreme Court will someday allow internment camps to open again. Justice Antonin Scalia predicted today that the Supreme Court will once again allow for the use of internment/FEMA camps to be used in America, as they were in World War II. During WWII, Japanese …

The All New 12 Months Of Prepping – One Month At A Time

It was right about this time that the term "prepper" started to enter the mainstream.  Of course this was pre-2012 and the deadline for the apocalyptic prophecies of 2012 loomed ahead. A lot has changed since then.  Preppers are now a force to be contended with, so much so that they have been defined by Wikipedia as: "A group of …
russia bans gmo foods

Total Ban On GM Food Production Mulled In Russia

A group of Russian MPs have prepared a bill severely restricting imports of genetically modified agricultural produce, and completely banning its domestic production. The initiative is backed by Evgeny Fyodorov of the parliamentary majority United Russia and a group called Russian Sovereignty, which unites MPs from various parties and parliamentary factions. The politicians want to amend the existing law On Safety …

White House Wrote Pro-Obamacare Tweets For NFL Players To Parrot

White House officials sent out pre-formed tweets to the NFL players union to get former and current football stars to tout Obamacare on game day, the Washington Free Beacon reports. Kyle Lierman, a White House Office of Public Engagement liaison, emailed a representative at the NFL Players Association Sunday, encouraging players to tweet in support of Obamacare during the Super …
saudi female driver

Female Drivers Could Be Charged With Terrorism Under Saudi Law

But feminists are more concerned over "masculine" Wikipedia Female Saudi driver (YouTube). Saudi women who get behind the wheel of a car could be charged as terrorists under a draconian new law, but feminists are seemingly more concerned with "fixing" Wikipedia because it is too "masculine." "Saudi Arabia put into effect a sweeping new counterterrorism law Sunday that human rights …
steve  marsh

I Am Steve Marsh: Global Organic Protection Campaign Faces Trial

Steve Marsh's organic canola fields in Western Australia suffered 70% genetic contamination from a neighboring biotech farm that sowed Monsanto seeds. As a result, he lost organic certification after 11 years, and his livelihood was destroyed. Marsh is the first organic farmer in the world, according to a 22-minute video (below), to sue a biotech farmer for damages.  The trial …
oklahoma city bombing

The Legacy Of The Oklahoma City Bombing

From a MHB Reader. The correspondence below, received over one month ago from a former Oklahoma City resident, is especially timely given recent developments in the Boston Marathon bombing case. On January 30 the US Department of Justice announced that it will pursue the death penalty against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston bombing. (See BMB Timeline.) This is the most …
farm  bill

Victory! King Amendment Dropped From Farm Bill!

Thanks to the work of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of activists, the King Amendment—an attempt by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to wipe out hundreds of state laws designed to protect food and agriculture standards—has been dethroned. The amendment did not survive the House version of the Farm Bill, which passed this week. It's a huge victory. For …
agenda 21

What Does It Take To Motivate The Resistance?

As I travel around the world speaking about UN Agenda 21 and the powerful totalitarian corporatocracy through regionalization and the standardization of all systems, I rage.  What does it take to motivate the Resistance further?  It's a hassle to take action, I know that.  You risk loss of friends, embarrassment, ostracism from colleagues----the list goes on.   But what do …
Israel's  Secret Nuclear Program

Israel's Secret Nuclear Program

It's an open secret. It's been known for years. Media scoundrels suppress it. They pretend none exists. It's real. It's menacing. Imagine ignoring what threatens humanity. Imagine pretending Iran's peaceful nuclear program does so. Imagine risking regional or global war by doing it. London's Guardian is an establishment broadsheet. It's usually conformist. Once in a while it's not. It wrote …
organics vs natural food

In US, 'Natural' Food Label Means Nothing

In the United States, pre-packaged foods loaded with artificial ingredients and chemicals can make it onto grocery store shelves boasting the label "natural." Why? Because in America, there is no definition of "natural." This gray area has led consumer advocates to threaten lawsuit after lawsuit against big food giants, alleging that their claims are misleading and illegal. "There are just …

Murder At The FDA

File this one under: "studiously ignored by major media." I posted this story in August of 2012. It was based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs for public consumption. Pharmaceutical companies must have their new drugs certified as safe and effective before they can …
restaurant  menu

Obamacare Will Regulate Restaurant Menus?

Section 4025 of The Affordable Care Act requires restaurants with 20 or more locations to list calorie-content information for each menu item on a board at every establishment. The Affordable Care Act, or H.R. 3590; is a 950 page bill that presumably, no lawmaker has read in it's entirely. Furthermore, most good reporters, and journalists likely haven't read this novel …
skinny puppy

Metal Band Invoices US Government For Using Its Music To Torture Guantanamo Detainees

In a recent interview with Pheonix New Times, the industrial rock band Skinny Puppy didn't just chat about what it was like to make their new album and what the band's future plans are; they also discussed how it felt to find out the U.S. military was using their music as a torture device on prisoners being held in Guantanamo …
toxic beauty products

If Looks Could Kill: Is Your Beauty Regimen Putting You At Risk For Cancer?

Want to avoid becoming part of the cancer epidemic?  Here's a good rule of thumb: If you wouldn't eat it, perhaps you shouldn't rub it on your skin. Of course, this is oversimplified – there are many natural cosmetics that are not really items you'd want to ingest, but the principal is sound.  Why?  First of all, because your skin …
school lunch

No Lunch For You: Cafeteria Nazis Take Lunches From Kids, Throw Food In The Trash

Because nothing says "nurturing children" like snatching their lunches out of their wee little hands and throwing the food in the garbage can. Admittedly, recent efforts to start an after-school dinner program in New Jersey met with adamant disapproval, but it seems as though the pendulum in one Utah school just swung way too far in the opposite direction. At …
lady  gaga

Pop Stars: Our Real Legislators!

"Let me make the songs of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." – Plato quoted by Grout, Donald J. A History of Western Music, 1973. p. 8 During a television interview in California last week, I was asked what the people thought of my appearance when doing events across the country, as if to say that …
ukraine protests

Mainstream Media Scoundrels Target Ukraine

They do it in editorials. It's in commentaries. It's in feature op-eds. More on this below. Previous articles discussed Ukraine. It's under attack. Western dark forces want regime change. At stake is its national sovereignty. What's ongoing involves weakening and isolating Russia. Western-sponsored violence continues. It erupted in November. Police showed remarkable restraint. They still do. Western officials wrongfully blame …

Monsanto's Evil Twin

Before there was Monsanto with its GMOs (genetically modified organisms), there were junk food companies hard at work peddling their influence, and promoting their agendas, in Congress. Now, the Grocery Manufacturer's Association of America (GMA), which represents the world's largest purveyors of junk food, is working in cahoots with Monsanto to protect their obscene profits by doing everything in their …
gun owners

Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse To Register Firearms And Magazines

Gun owners in Connecticut have revolted against a new gun control law, with just 38,000 out of 2.4 million high capacity magazines being registered with authorities. Following the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, Connecticut passed a law which banned ammunition magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds. Residents who had acquired such magazines before the law came into …
syrian peace talks

Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks

So-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) officials are US stooges. They have no legitimacy whatever. They're self-serving. They represent Western interests. They're mindless of fundamental Syrian rights. It showed in Geneva II talks. It didn't take long. On Saturday they began face-to-face. On Monday they deadlocked. America bears full responsibility. SNC stooge delegates take orders from Washington. They act accordingly. On …

Why Is The Government Reconstituting Deadly Viruses?

There are several very disturbing events presently taking place in the United States with regard to pandemic preparations and what could very possibly be preparations by the US government to deploy the resources needed to contain a massive outbreak of a deadly pathogen. If the United States were to ever experience a biological pandemic, such as the current H5N1 influenza, …
agenda 21 trojan horse

Agenda 21 Is Increasing The Scope Of Its Enslavement Of America

Agenda 21 destroys people from all walks of life. Its policies are draconian. Its unconstitutional dictates are carried out with impunity. Agenda 21 seeks to destroy the family by separating children from parents. Its allies are destroying private property rights. Agenda 21 wants to remove all people from rural areas through the enforcement of the anti-small farmer administratively contrived policies …

'American Anthrax' Exposes Attacks As Inside Job (VIDEOS)

Media Roots presents American Anthrax, a documentary that establishes how everything you've been told about the Anthrax Attacks after 9/11 is a lie. Conceptualized, edited and produced by Robbie Martin, co-host of Media Roots Radio. Martin appeared on Breaking the Set to talk about his new documentary 'American Anthrax' which attempts to piece together the unresolved aspects of the 2001 …

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