
Friday, January 3, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: Townhall PM - Breaking: Obama Issues Executive Action on Gun Background Checks - January 3, 2014

On Friday, January 3, 2014 1:12 PM, Jonathan Garthwaite <> wrote:
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BREAKING: Obama Issues New Executive Actions on Background Checks for Guns
Katie Pavlich
President Obama has released two new executive actions on background checks for gun purchases.
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The Latest Way the Department of Justice is Wasting Your Money
Katie Pavlich
Fear Not: Rob Ford Files Necessary Paperwork to Run for Re-election
Daniel Doherty
Study Shows Medicaid Expansion Leads to More ER Visits
Christine Rousselle
Publication Chooses 7-Year-Old Girl as a "Pro-Choice Hero of 2013"
Cortney O'Brien
Brutal Report: Kim Jong Un Killed His "Traitorous" Uncle by Feeding Him to Starved Dogs
Daniel Doherty
Obamacare Hates Babies
Katie Pavlich
VIDEO: Secretary of Labor with Details on Unemployment Benefits Expiring
Long-term unemployment benefits expired for around 1.3 million individuals on December 28. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez said he is optimistic that the benefits will be extended: "there is a long, rich bipartisan tradition of extending unemployment benefits when we continue to have have pesky long-term unemployment."
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Socialist Hollande Says Taxes are Too High
Mike Shedlock
French president François Hollande rang the bell on the new year the same way he rang the bell throughout 2013, with an economic as well as public relations gaffe. His vague promise of lower taxes coupled with an admission on national TV that taxes are too high, infuriated French households facing tax increases.
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Will States' Rights Go to Pot?
Jonah Goldberg
On Jan. 1, the Centennial State (it hasn't yet changed its nickname to "The Rocky Mountain High State") became the first place in the country to legalize marijuana sales for recreational purposes. And Brandon Harris is stoked.
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VIDEO: Ammo Producer Leaves Colorado to Support "Culture of Individual Liberties"
Magpul Industries Corp. is leaving Colorado due to state laws which will restrict the number of cartridges a magazine can hold.
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Answering Liberal Race Exploitation
David Limbaugh
A number of news items from the past few days underscore the painful reality that liberals are wholly unrepentant about their exploitation of the race issue and have no intention of changing their ways.
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VIDEO: NY Times: 2013, By the Numbers
The New York Times gathered key numbers to create a 2013 year in review. The tally of deaths and births, the number of phone records collected by the National Security Agency and even the most searched term on Google are included in the highlight reel.
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Obama's Afghanistan Mess
Michelle Malkin
Is President Obama sleeping well on his Hawaiian holiday? I can think of many families of American soldiers who might not be enjoying the same bliss right now.
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VIDEO: Ron Paul: Let Obamacare Self-Destruct, Opt-Out
The only way Obamacare will disappear quickly is if it self-destructs, former Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) said on Fox News Tuesday. The plan is conceivable, he claimed, because the Obama Administration is getting nowhere with the law.
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Obama Should Go to Sochi
Pat Buchanan
With twin suicide bombings in Volgograd, at a train station and on a trolley, 34 Russians are dead and scores are injured and hospitalized.
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Impervious to Evidence, Liberals Ride Again
Mona Charen
"We will restore science to its rightful place ... " So intoned a "dismissive and derisive" President Barack Obama in his first inaugural. It's been oft quoted in the five years since (frequently by me, I'll confess) for its arrogance and condescension, which has continuing relevance, but before turning to the left's latest departure from scientific rigor, I cannot resist a fuller quotation.
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Latest Obamacare Shortcoming: What About the Baby?
Sarah Jean Seman
While Obamacare coverage "officially" began Wednesday, the system still has many quirks to work out — such as accommodating for big life changes like, oh...say a baby.
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Debate: Was Obamacare Designed to Fail?
Guy Benson
Conservatives have long argued that Obamacare is a stalking horse for a fully government-run, single-payer healthcare system, much like the programs in Canada and Great Britain.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Krauthammer on Obama: "The Great Irony...He Has Created the Greatest Inequality"
Greg Hengler
Greg Hengler
Obamacare Taxmageddon 2014 is Here
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Liberals' Skewed View of Conservatives
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt  Schlichter
Democracy and Peace Pushed Farther Away
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Thanks for the Job, Mr. Rumsfeld
John Ransom
John Ransom
Time to Call Climate Change for What It Is: The Weather
John Ransom
John Ransom
Jesus Returns to the Woodlands!
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Medicaid Backdoor to Government Health Care
Star Parker
Star Parker
How Judicial Bypass Illegitimizes Abortion's Parental Consent Laws
Cortney O'Brien
Cortney O'Brien
Congress Defends Religious Freedom for the Troops
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
'Two Blasts" Biden pitches executive actions on gun background checks. But are they Constitutional? | Bob Owens
The "Obsolete" Second Amendment | Bob Owens
Detroit's top cop says that he wants more citizens armed to prevent crime | Bob Owens
Ex-con former cop murders gun store owner in Pennsylvania | Bob Owens
Cherokee County, NC becomes the latest to allow employees to carry concealed | Bob Owens
Political News
Democrats breaking GOP's long lock on Cuban vote | AP News
Snow, cold temps disrupt life in several states | AP News
Israeli denies it killed most of the AMIA bombers | AP News
Exclusive: Turmoil at East-West Center in Hawaii as energy team quits | Reuters News
Government moves to appeal surveillance ruling | AP News
Choosing the Academies is not just about Education...
Plus: How Liberals Twist Language
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