
Thursday, January 30, 2014

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: RACING WITH THE SUN - We must not lose the race

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:00 PM, G. Edward Griffin <> wrote:
2014 January 30                         from G. Edward Griffin

Will we survive the solar storms ahead?
That's the title of a new documentary that we now have in the first stage of production. It is about the urgent need to protect the power grid from future solar eruptions. We are entering a new cycle of solar flares, and their intensity is expected to increase. The power grid is not hardened to withstand high-energy electro-magnetic bombardment, and scientists are deeply concerned over the possibility that the grid could be virtually destroyed. Not shut down, but destroyed.

If the power grid went down for several years – or even several months – the consequences would be apocalyptic. There is no other word to describe the death of modern civilization that would follow the long-term loss of electricity. Mankind would say goodbye to lights, refrigerators, furnaces, water from pipes, sewage disposal, trash removal, television, Internet, telephones, computers, hospitals, pharmacies, credit cards, banks, grocery stores, gasoline stations, automobiles, trains, air travel, and police protection.
"It would literally paralyze all the United States, not just for a day or an hour, but for months to years."
~~ Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics, City College of New York

Everything we now take for granted for convenience – and even for survival – depends on electrical power. We have backup systems for short-term outages, but none of them are capable of more than a few weeks of emergency power. No individual, no institution, no government in the world is prepared for what would follow after that.

Life in cities would be impossible. Commerce would cease. Mechanized transportation would be a memory. Chaos and anarchy would rule as people compete for dwindling resources. Pursuit of literature, science, and the arts would be replaced by pursuit of food, drinkable water, and shelter. Disease, starvation, and murder would eliminate perhaps 80% of the present population.

Could this really happen – or is it just the wild imagination of alarmists? Didn't we hear all of that prior to Y2K?

The grim reality is that this scenario not only is possible but, with each passing day, its likelihood increases and, unless preventive action is taken, it will be inevitable.

"The likelihood of a severe geomagnetic event capable of crippling our electric grid is 100%"
~~ Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, ranking member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cyber-security, Science, and Technology

For more information, click here

G. Edward Griffin              

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