
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- GMOs found to cause horrible deformities in piglets

------- Original Message --------
Subject: Multi-D News : GMOs found to cause horrible deformities in piglets
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 14:44:04 -0500
From: Lucky <>

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletter

Dear NaturalNews readers,

GMOs are once again generating headlines thanks to the discovery that they cause "horrible deformities" in piglets.

It just makes you wanna eat a bowl of genetically modified corn cereal laced with HFCS, doesn't it?


It also turns out an ex-Monsanto employee was deeply involved in the effort to discredit important research linking GMOs to cancer tumors in rats:


Splenda found to release cancer-causing dioxins when cooked in food:


Hemp is the most versatile plant in the world... so why is it still illegal for U.S. farmers to produce hemp crops? (Hemp seeds, oil, fiber, etc.)


more news continues below...



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- Beware of FAKE online shopping sites

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- Too little vitamin D may cause brain damage



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