My professional career was Data Processing (DP), aka Management
Information Systems (MIS), aka Information Systems Technology
(IST), aka Information Systems (IS), aka ?. Nearly all my experience
was with applications -- financial, manufacturing, and other nifty
Short after becoming medically retired, in the 1980s, I bought an AI
(Artificial Intelligence) program generator for my 386 PC. Despite my
having been involved with developing some quite complex programs,
it took me considerable time to understand AI concepts, even with
fairly extensive, clickable, Help files. The program generator allowed
me to, providing that I had sufficient memory, create up to several
THOUSAND AI Nodes, each being a data manipulator and result
producer. As the then existent Boston Computer Society had no
Help contact member, my only other options were expensive, formal,
education, something that I could not afford, nor was particularly
motivated to spend 4+ years at MIT, or similar cutting edge AI
educational institution. Eventually, I discarded the program generator.
Through industry trade magazines, I kept abreast of AI developments.
What Mike Adams writes below is consistent with what I've read over
the past 30+ years. I presume that a QC (Quantum Computer) will be
interfaced with various human tracking technology and stalking decision
making, armed, drones, such as what Adams addresses in his article. I
project that more sophisticated human tracking will begin within the next
few years, and complete within the next 10. As at least a few cyberbuds
will note, "Certainly developments with Biblical proportion." bruce
Google has acquired a 512-bit quantum computer from a company called D-Wave. This computer will be deployed in a network of self-learning machines that will eventually take over the NSA and run the surveillance state.
All human analysts will be eliminated. Skynet (from the "Terminator") is about to become a reality:
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