
Sunday, June 16, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- Fw: Fire Jihad Throughout the West

Kel is a highly reliable source, whom I've known for over 20 years.  Upon reading this,
I automatically recalled the muslim chemical engineering students who were caught
at the Quabbin Reservoir, late one night, a couple months ago.  IF they were assessing
the heavily forested Quabbin for future arson, IF committed, would shut down drinking
water to at least 25 Eastern Massachusetts communities, including mine, for likely
months, perhaps over a year.  I'm calling my DPW tomorrow.  There are other MA
residents receiving this message.  PLEASE watch the YouTube and call your DPW.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Kel
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 09:23:03 -0400

For over 10 years, Al Qaeda has had a detailed plan to start fires throughout the West and has published instructions for remote control ember bombs.  They have been responsible for massive property damage and deaths throughout the U.S. and Europe.

In order to adopt more effective strategies to fight this threat, the U.S. must begin treating these fires as a national security issue rather than a land management issue.

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

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