
Monday, May 27, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- Cities Will Collapse Even Sooner Than We Fear

Years ago, I was informed that:

Incarcerated violent criminals would either be killed by gunshot in their cells OR
allowed to eat their cellmate(s).  Tap water may / not be turned off.  Generally,
humans can live up to 3 days without water, before dehydration begins to kill the
body; up to 14 days before cannibalism becomes an option;  up to 30 days, if no
cannibalistic opportunity, without solid food  What option(s) are employed will be
dependent upon State and / or Warden.

Incarcerated NON violent criminals may be freed.  IF not freed, then re read above
paragraph.  bruce

Cities Will Collapse Even Sooner Than We Fear

Lt. Dan writes :
As a retired LEO with over 30 yrs dealing with “society†I have a number of thoughts on this topic. I grew up on a working farm not close to any major metro center but in adulthood joined a sizable metro PD.  So I have perspective from various angles.
The speed and spread of lawlessness will be much faster than most will think.  Even now in “quiet†times LE staffing is usually based on the lowest number of officers to reasonably handle a “normal†day.  Any event(s) beyond “normal†immediately overwhelm on-duty forces. 
Planned events like anarchists protesting the latest capitalist conference allow time to plan for enough ON-DUTY personnel (plus resources from other agencies) to be available when violence breaks out.
In most major metro areas there are areas the police routinely avoid because they’re too hazardous.  The violent elements in these areas are constantly looking to explode their violence at a moment’s notice when the opportunity happens.  And when it happens it will spread like a ruptured gasoline storage tank afire.  LE forces will be quickly overwhelmed and retreat to a safe place/bunker for self-preservation.
Most LEO’s have families and a desire for self-preservation.  If the collapse involves monetary problems (like no paychecks) the officers will not be reporting to duty, they’ll be protecting their own.  When this happens the initial violent outbreaks will mushroom like a nuclear reaction.  If the officers are being paid yet, they’ll set up a “containment perimeter†IF they have enough manpower…. which is highly unlikely in a regional or national SHTF scenario.
On other really scary thought I never see mentioned is…. what happens to the tens of thousands of violent criminals in prisons??
In a farming community where religion/moral values are generally much higher than urban dwellers, the problems of violence will be much reduced.  Plus everyone usually knows each other so its harder to want to take advantage of them.  One tip for urbanites… are not working their butts off to feed the city slickers (who’ve been ridiculing them for years as hicks, etc) and they certainly will not welcome the urbanites showing up during a crisis. 

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