
Sunday, April 14, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- pig farms an abomination, please sign petition and PTO

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Multi-D News Spanish pig farms an abomination, please sign petition and PTO
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 12:59:06 -0700
From: Sibyl Walski <>

  • Shocking Findings: SPANISH PIG ABUSE

    In January 2013, Compassion in World Farming carried out an investigation into pig farming in Spain. Investigators visited 15 farms. What they uncovered was shocking.

    Despite existing European Legislation on pig welfare, and a new ban on some of the worst aspects being brought into force on 1st January 2013, investigators found footage of pigs kept in appalling conditions.

    EU law requires farmers to provide enrichment materials to allow pigs to engage in their natural investigation and manipulation activities. Yet the investigation proves that many farms still house pigs in squalid or completely barren conditions with no ‘manipulable materials’, like straw in any of the pens.

    EU law makes it illegal to keep sows in stalls beyond the first four weeks of pregnancy. Yet, evidence suggests that pigs are often kept confined inside sow stalls for far longer than the four weeks.

    In almost all farms visited, all pigs had their tails removed, almost certainly without pain relief, despite EU rules forbidding routine tail docking. In a few of the farms visited, dead pigs were left in bins at the farm gate.

    The eyewitness account of an investigator -

    “These are possibly some of the most barren, poorly managed farms I’ve ever seen.

    “These intensive pig units in Spain were very old and in a dilapidated condition – it was no surprise then that the thousands of pigs I saw were kept in barren conditions. With pigs having no access to the outside and living a life on concrete and slats surrounded by their own excrement, it was inevitable that we would document suffering.”

    “Individual cases of suffering stood out at every farm visited. Some pigs were covered snout to ‘docked’ tail with bites and scratches. They would cower in the corner away from their companions, but were unable to escape from aggression. Others were walking around with football-sized abscesses dangling from their bodies.”

    “I thought many of these pigs would end up in the large waste bins found on site, and on further inspection these bins were often full with both the old and the young.”

    “These were truly awful units and something I will never forget seeing”

    You can help by urging the Spanish Agriculture Minister to take immediate action to make sure that welfare is at the heart of pig farming in Spain.

    Sign the petition!

    Read more :

    Please join our fight to save animals all over the globe! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page:

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