
Sunday, April 14, 2013

MedicalConspiracies- Hitler's Secret Archives Open

Although this is about the Nazi death camps, that history is repeating, today, with the
fema / dhs "resettlement camps".  Different name, exactly the same concept.
Remember, it has been well verified that fema / dhs has inventoried double decker
railroad cars throughout America, each with welded wrist and leg manacles, from wall
to wall.  Also prepositioned throughout America, are guillotines.

Just as hitler ensured that his intended victims could not defend themselves. by
disarming them, so, now, that history is willfully being repeated by ubama.  Due
to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( JPFO ) Research Director,
Jay Simkin, and JPFO Board Member, Alan Rice, we now know that the hitler
enacted anti weapons laws specifically enacted against Jews, were slightly
modified and became the ameriKan federal 1968 gun control act, which the
nra supported.  bruce

Date: Sun, Apr 14, 2013 08:52 PM

This is an oldie, but I remember reading about this and being incensed that the Red Cross was the holder of all these documents.  Why?  Because the Red Cross were the ones who were duped by Hitler's henchmen at Theresienstadt Concentration camp.  The ARC was invited to look at one of these wonderful camps where people were moved, so the outside was made to look lovely, thousands were shipped off to their death at Auschwitz/Berkenau prior to the ARC visit.  It was a sham and instead of asking hard questions, the ARC accepted it and reported that Germany was not doing what they were doing.  As well, my two uncles and their cousins who fought in the European theatre would never ever give a dime to the RC.  When they came off the front, there was the RED CROSS, charging these bedraggled soldiers a dime for a cup of coffee. 
Harry Mazal of the Holocaust Library in San Antonio, Texas, and I spoke about this huge amount of documentation that had been restricted for so many decades when it could have so helped survivors...the cruelty continued.


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