From: NWRaven <>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 10:22 PM
Subject: MedicalConspiracies- Monkey Blood, RH Negative Blood Types, Presidents And Royalty
Monkey Blood, RH Negative Blood Types, Presidents And Royalty
Posted on AugustSat, 18 Aug 2012 17:58:58 +00005818pm12 PMpSat, 18 Aug 2012 17:58:58 +000058Saturday 13, 2012We have all seen various discussions concerning RH negative blood types. It seems to be the dominant blood group of European royalty who feel they have the right to rule through DNA and a relationship they claim through the Merovingian blood line. The shroud of Turin is supposed to verify this showing Jesus as RH negative but many insist it is a fake. There is no denying we have many former presidents with this blood type as well as fairly well publicized people. We read glowing reports that such people are sensitive and caring but I am not seeing this outside of possibly John Kennedy.Possibly you have seen articles concerning the ability of royals to shape shift. It does seem a bit bizarre to me, but not something I could prove either way. We do know the human embryo does have a tail at about 3 months. It is called in Sanskrit the caudo draconis, in latin the dragon's tail. Now the interesting part is we are told many RH negatives are born with the tail intact to varying degrees! They go through life with a small tail. I have never run into this but it is interesting.I have left various links here concerning this topic, some of the propositions I don't agree with. Nevertheless it adds to the discussion.The CAUDA EQUINA is the bundle of spinal nerve roots arising from the end of the spinal cord and filling the lower part of the spinal canal(from approximately the thoraco-lumbar junction down). Embryology : Caudally the tail region projects over the cloacal membrane.The Basque are known as a maritime group and are the largest known RH negative group. They do not seem to enjoy any special favors when it comes to the European movers and shakers. In fact at times they seem persecuted as do Palestinians, American indians, Japanese Ainu, the white tribe which was pushed to almost extinction in Japan and have large percentages of RH negative blood. They also have one of the highest percentages of rare AB blood type. Why would this be the case? RH negatives do seem to experience a high rate of disappearance. Is there a DNA or blood type needed for something we know little about?Here is another theory."The Reptilians are tracking those with Rh-Negative Factor Blood. Going back into time…. the Rh-Neg Hybrids came from the DRACO Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. They were mostly RED Haired, with Green Eyes and Black haired, with Brown Eyes. They tried to infiltrate themselves into the Blond/Brown Haired, with Blue Eyes, Civilization. They wanted to Mate with those who were not Rh-Negatives. Most Rh-Negs have a Lower Body temperature and Blood pressure than Rh-Positives. Many Rh-Negs are born with a CAUDA(tail) or an Extra Vertebra (Tail Bone). Rh-Negs are Hybrids. They are Part Reptilian/part human. If two Rh-Negs try to have a baby it will usually die or be born a "BLUE Baby", because it is Not processing oxygen properly. Thus "Blue-Bloods", if they survive. 5% of the Earth's population are currently Rh-Negatives. But, they are 15% of the population of the England and the USA.""Dr. Luigi Cavalli-Sforza from Stanford University wrote an article entitled "Genes, Peoples and Languages" (Scientific American, Nov.'91). He pointed out the high Rh-negative concentrations among the people of Morocco, the Basque country of Euskadi, Ireland, Scotland and the Norwegian islands."The only people among these still to speak their original neolithic language were the Basques…"Those who originated in Samaria have a high percentage of RH negative blood, as do some American Indian groups. We have to wonder about the American Indian trait of becoming blood brothers. Were they mixing antigens or what was going on? Were some of the native American hostilities based on blood type? The totem poles were carefully designed records of genealogy. We know that native Americans referred to some as "evil spirits"? The Greeks considered the blood of the Gods to be poisonous to mortals. The Chinese and Africans have almost no RH negative blood types.Sumerian tablets, Vedas, the Atrahasis explicitly say the Nefilim were different from the subjects they created on earth. They were surprised when the initial humans had foreskins as they did not. We might assume this lead to the practice of circumcision as the earthlings wished to be as the Gods. There is a quote in Genesis where the Lord of the Universe says something to other Nefilim along the lines of, the earthlings wish to be like us. What is up with the story of Michael slaying the "reptilian" dragon?Former U.S PresidentsFormer President Eisenhower Type O-Neg
Former President John F. Kennedy Type AB-Neg
Former President Richard Nixon Type O-Neg
Former President Bill Clinton AB-Neg
Former President George W. Bush Sr. Type A-NegMonarchsPharaoh Ramses II Type B-Neg
Shroud Of Turin was AB-Neg is this correct?
Prince Charles Type O-Neg and his late Grandmother
Queen Elizabeth Type O-Neg
Prince William is also negativeInteresting AuthorsZacharia Sitchin Type Neg
Brad Steiger O-Neg
Erik Von Daniken Type O-Neg
Robert Anton Wilson Type NegCelebritiesMick Jagger Type AB-Neg (Of running with the devil fame)
Fox Mulder "X-files" Type O-Neg
Marilyn Monroe was Type AB-Neg
Dan Aykroyd Type O-NegHigh Profile MurdersO.J. Simpson is Type A-Neg "who killed"
Ron Goldman Type O-Neg
Laci Peterson Type O-Neg (remember she was kidnapped and killed)"The researches of R. Frank, a scholar at the University of Iowa, suggest that the Basques were far-advanced in navigational skills and other aspects of technology long before the rise of the Roman Empire. The Basques, she believes, are the last remnants of the megalith builders, who left behind dolmens, standing stones, and other rock structures all across Europe and perhaps even in eastern North America.""Two facts set the Basque peoples apart from the other Europeans who have dominated the continent the past 3,000 years: (1) The Basque language is distinctly different; and (2) The Basques have the highest recorded level of Rh-negative blood (roughly twice that of most Europeans), as well as substantially lower levels of Type B blood and a higher incidence of Type O blood."Southern France and Northern Spain is where you can find most of the RH-negative factor in the Basque people. Another group is the Eastern/Oriental Jews. In general, about 40 – 45% of Europeans have the RH-negative group. Only about 3% of African descendents and about 1% of Asian or Native Americans have the RH-negative group although in some groups it appears to be relatively high. Due to the larger European numbers, it is a safe bet that was where it was introduced into the human genetic code. Could this also be where the Caucasian was introduced? Is the introduction of the Caucasian related to the RH-blood factor? The caucasian is generally associated with Cromagnon man. Is it a factor in bio specific weapon production?It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor seen in the rhesus monkey. It is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is not related to the AB, A, B, O blood types. RH negative factor has to be a mutation or points out descendants from a different family tree. Negative blood types cannot be cloned. You can breed a horse and a donkey but the mule will be sterile.It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor in common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely a separate issue from the A, B, O blood types.Here's a sciencey perspective on Rh- blood. "(The interesting bit is that no solid scientific explanation exists as to how or why Rh- blood came about. It is presumed to be the result of a random mutation.) What we know is somehow a mother will build up antibodies to reject an alien factor and this does not happen anywhere else in nature. This is the mother's body rejecting her own offspring. It suggest cross breeding between different species. This does not lend credence to all of us being from the Noah family tree and suggests a control system whether through ignorance or by design.""Only 5 percent of the entire world were said to be Rh negative, when I first started researching it. Now, it is stated that the Rh negative factor is 15 percent of the world's blood types. I think this may have come about due to more research that has been done in third world countries, and in areas of the world where scientists had no communications with data. The theories of the origins on the phenomena of the Rh negative blood types have been vast, strange and controversial. Some of these theories of which mostly, I truly don't believe, but it is fodder for some bizarre coincidences, and hopefully enlightening into this mystery.""The Rh negative blood type is said to be of unknown origin. There is no one scientist that can give a single reason for its existence other than a mutation that occurred tens of thousands of years ago. I gathered a lot of pseudo, and actual details over the years of which are amusing, and contradictory to what I really think was the cause of this negative blood type factor."There are of course theories of genes brought to earth by the Annunaki. One was the Enki. The Enuma Elish indicates they came from heaven to earth in flying machines. It seems on further review this is where tales in the bible were first plagarized.The royal families of Europe claim to be descendants of the Gods and blue bloods as a result of their RH negative blood type. What if they are wrong and RH negative is not even the key factor in blood types? I don't take it as a given they even know what they are talking about.Peter whom Jesus had given the keys to heaven was quoted as saying that "we will be judging angels." Bear in mind however there is no evidence Peter or Jesus were RH negative.The rarest of blood groups is AB. Individuals with the blood group AB contain both antigen A and antigen B. Thus, they can receive blood from individuals of all blood groups. Nevertheless, people with AB blood group can donate blood only to people who have the AB blood group. One researcher believes all groups were at one time AB and copper deficiency causes deterioration down to type O and reduces life span. So we really don't know do we? It could be that AB is the original blood group. I tend to believe that might be the case, but what of the RH negative factor? I hardly think it is a mutation. Some say O is the strongest blood and others like Boutillier disagree and say AB is the original blood type. AB positive is almost as rare as AB negative. So there is much disagreement. Most all say never take a blood transfusion as there are over 5000 varying blood factors.
Rh-negative women and men have several "Unusual Traits" that Rh-positives don't. Some call them "Reptilian Traits".An EXTRA-Vertebra (a "Tail Bone")….some are born with a tail(called a "Cauda").
Lower than normal Body Temperature
Lower than normal Blood Pressure
Higher mental analytical abilities.
Higher Negative-ion shielding (from positive "charged" virus/bacteria)around the body.
High Sensitivity to EM and ELF Fields."Most do not know that as RHO-Neg individuals, they are tracked throughout their whole lives by world-wide governmental agencies interested in understanding the genesis of this group, and for other more complex societal purposes. (follow this line of thought in the new material to be posted as a continuation of Journey to the Absolute Elsewhere)Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing. In ALL blood groups there exists a common microbe that in essence is THE LIFE FORCE ITSELF. During experiments that our team conducted we heated the blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid Nitrogen. This microbe which is visible only with a highly modified dark field microscope that was custom built for us was STILL ALIVE. We have also tested this on ´mummy dust´. This microbe is STILL alive after 5000 years plus when the mummy dust is placed in a ph perfect solution the same as the "live blood", it returns back to ´life´."And then we have the satanic vampire cult blood drinkers who seem to be convinced the "life is in the blood."Rare AB blood types are highest in the Japan's Ainu white tribe, gypsies, Mongols, Thai, Kalmuks and Peking Chinese.
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Sunday, March 3, 2013
Re: MedicalConspiracies- Monkey Blood, RH Negative Blood Types, Presidents And Royalty
I appreciate this Post. I have advocated the D'Adamo blood type protocols since their inception in the late 1990s
and found them to be accucrate and dependable. [of interest in this sense, the Positive/negative factors are irrelevant!]
I've also noted propensities to disease within Blood type groups and have wanted to pursue this, but TIME ... the great moderator
and mitigator of our own desires ... has nor allowed it!
For clarification [and I believe I grasp the intent here but want to be certain] are you saying regarding the "mummy dust" [e.g."Protits" from the European community; and since there was no word in English to describe or name them, they became "Somatids" - don't know where THAT name came from!] are one and the same as the 'common blood microbe' that you describe? And, is there a name for this 'common Microbe'?
Finally, by way of observation [and pragmatism only and NOT intended in any religious sense] there are numerous Bible texts that reinforce the statement that the "Life is in the blood".
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