GEE, I wonder why ubama wants to disarm ameriKa ? I wonder if he'll give up the $89.,00
steaks that are served every Wednesday at The Mulatto House ? Caviar ? Champis ?
Endangered species ? bruce
- FrontPage Magazine - -
UN Proposes “Food Redistribution†from US and Europe through “Swift and Collective Actionâ€
Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 22, 2013 @ 7:30 pm In The Point | 34 Comments
If you loved wealth redistribution, remember that money is just the tip of the redistribution iceberg. In the USSR, wealth redistribution gave way to food redistribution. And the UNSSR is moving along that same road.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) â€" has issued a new report called Our Nutrient World: The challenge to produce more food and energy with less pollution.
People in the rich world should become “demitarians†â€" eating half as much meat as usual, while stopping short of giving it up â€" in order to avoid severe environmental damage, scientists have urged.
Sutton was speaking about the rich west, the US and Europe in particular. He wants the change in diet to be pioneered in Europe, as the US will be a tougher nut to crack.
The UN scientists said people in poor countries should be allowed to increase their consumption of animal protein, which billions of people are lacking. But if that is so as not to cause environmental harm, the move to meat in the developing world must be balanced with a reduction in the amount consumed in developed countries.
Mark Sutton is apparently an environmental physicist which qualifies him to propose a new Marxist diet.
In the foreword to this report, Achim Steiner, the head of UNEP, says that “swift and collective action†is necessary and that “our daily decisions†matter.
A more sophisticated set of aspirations must therefore emphasize how the lives of all can be enhanced by allowing the poorest to increase their food and other nutrient consumption, while the richest realise for themselves that it is not in their own interests to over-consume.
Time to crack down on those fat American Kulaks stuffing themselves at Burger King. Time to make them move and then make them starve. Redistribute their food to the Third World.
It’s for the environment and the red planet.
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