At best, cyber petitions mean SQUAT. Politicians consider them to ne fraudulently produced and ignore them. Birther Paulbot Bruce
---------- Original Message ----------
From: pepe <>
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: MedicalConspiracies- Fw: Obama's latest Executive Order and martial law
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 20:23:19 -0700 (PDT)
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Obama's latest Executive Order and martial law
the War on the Constitution!
From Our Friends at:Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman4/10/2012Last month, President Obama issued an Executive Order – empowering himself with the authority to declare martial law and seize American resources and manpower – in a sweeping power grab that should disturb every American.This is yet another emerging battleground in the Obama administration's intensifying war on the Constitution. Please see my crucial message below – Mat.
Dear Patriot,Under President Barack Obama, the Executive Branch's quest for power at the expense of the other two Branches appears to be accelerating. In fact, the administration's propensity to sidestep the Constitution is making news nearly every day now.According to columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner of The Washington Times, through his quietly announced "National Defense Resources Preparedness" Executive Order (EO) signed on March 16th, President Obama placed himself and certain government bureaucrats above the law.That single EO granted the power "to commandeer all U.S. domestic resources, including food and water, as well as seize all energy and transportation infrastructure inside the borders of the United States."Further, the Government can also forcibly draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill 'labor requirements' for the purposes of 'national defense.' There is not even any congressional oversight allowed – only briefings, says Kuhner.Mr. Kuhner called Obama's power grab, "stunning in its audacity and a flagrant violation of the Constitution… He now possesses the potential powers of a dictator."++Sign Liberty Counsel's "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition!President Obama's stunning agenda to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America has now been fully exposed as a systematic assault on our Constitution in order to form a more socialized union.That's why we are calling on ALL American citizens to rise up and "Stop the War on the Constitution"!Please click here now to sign this vital Liberty Counsel petition:
++Obama's Executive Order gives unprecedented power to unelected bureaucrats.Under the President's control in an undefined scenario of "national defense," the Order gives…• The Secretary of Defense power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy power over all forms of energy.This order seizes more power for the Executive Branch while diminishing the Legislative Branch – and is blatantly unconstitutional. Sadly, it is only one of several such attacks on the Constitution we have seen in 2012.In response, Congresswoman Sandy Adams (R-FL), has introduced a House Resolution to further define and reign in the President's tyrannical Order in sidestepping the Constitution and Congress.In announcing the Resolution, she stated…"This [Order] leaves the door open for the president to give himself control over American resources during both times of peace, and national crisis… We [Congress] were elected to protect the values that make our nation great and to be a line of defense against the growing interjection of government into the everyday lives of the American people. I will continue to defend the principles on which our nation was founded and I will continue to uphold our Constitution."I promise you this: Liberty Counsel will also continue to defend the principles on which our nation was founded and boldly stand against this administration's "War on the Constitution"!The American people are "calling out" Barack Obama.We are united in purpose in calling for constitutional authority, accountability, transparency, and respect for the rule of law by all officials who have sworn to "uphold the Constitution of the United States" – especially the President of the United States.When you sign our petition, you'll get a free copy of "The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty." This special Liberty Counsel Handbook is a valuable reference guide that every American should have among his or her personal belongings.Go here to sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and to receive The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty absolutely free – plus we'll also include our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker:When you sign our "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition, we will hand deliver your mandate – along with those of tens of thousands of your fellow concerned Americans – to key congressional leaders and other elected officials – including Representative Adams' office as a sign of solidarity. We will also publish your views to government bureaucrats, the media, and anywhere else it is strategically advantageous.Together, we can stop this tyranny before this ultraliberal administration succeeds in totally remaking the United States of America into a godless, socialist nation!Click here to sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition:, click here now to sign this important "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and to receive your copy of The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty and our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker.If you already have these two Liberty Counsel exclusive items, simply sign the petition and I'll send you these resources to share with others!Thank you, as always, for standing with us as, together, we stand for the Constitutional values that made our nation great.Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty CounselP.S. President Obama tyrannical actions are undermining the Constitution and siphoning power to the executive branch from the other branches of government. It must be stopped!Sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and you will receive a complimentary copy of our "Patriots' Handbook of American Liberty." Click here to receive your copy of the Handbook and our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker:
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the War on the Constitution!
From Our Friends at:Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman4/10/2012Last month, President Obama issued an Executive Order – empowering himself with the authority to declare martial law and seize American resources and manpower – in a sweeping power grab that should disturb every American.This is yet another emerging battleground in the Obama administration's intensifying war on the Constitution. Please see my crucial message below – Mat.
Dear Patriot,Under President Barack Obama, the Executive Branch's quest for power at the expense of the other two Branches appears to be accelerating. In fact, the administration's propensity to sidestep the Constitution is making news nearly every day now.According to columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner of The Washington Times, through his quietly announced "National Defense Resources Preparedness" Executive Order (EO) signed on March 16th, President Obama placed himself and certain government bureaucrats above the law.That single EO granted the power "to commandeer all U.S. domestic resources, including food and water, as well as seize all energy and transportation infrastructure inside the borders of the United States."Further, the Government can also forcibly draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill 'labor requirements' for the purposes of 'national defense.' There is not even any congressional oversight allowed – only briefings, says Kuhner.Mr. Kuhner called Obama's power grab, "stunning in its audacity and a flagrant violation of the Constitution… He now possesses the potential powers of a dictator."++Sign Liberty Counsel's "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition!President Obama's stunning agenda to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America has now been fully exposed as a systematic assault on our Constitution in order to form a more socialized union.That's why we are calling on ALL American citizens to rise up and "Stop the War on the Constitution"!Please click here now to sign this vital Liberty Counsel petition:++Obama's Executive Order gives unprecedented power to unelected bureaucrats.Under the President's control in an undefined scenario of "national defense," the Order gives…• The Secretary of Defense power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy power over all forms of energy.This order seizes more power for the Executive Branch while diminishing the Legislative Branch – and is blatantly unconstitutional. Sadly, it is only one of several such attacks on the Constitution we have seen in 2012.In response, Congresswoman Sandy Adams (R-FL), has introduced a House Resolution to further define and reign in the President's tyrannical Order in sidestepping the Constitution and Congress.In announcing the Resolution, she stated…"This [Order] leaves the door open for the president to give himself control over American resources during both times of peace, and national crisis… We [Congress] were elected to protect the values that make our nation great and to be a line of defense against the growing interjection of government into the everyday lives of the American people. I will continue to defend the principles on which our nation was founded and I will continue to uphold our Constitution."I promise you this: Liberty Counsel will also continue to defend the principles on which our nation was founded and boldly stand against this administration's "War on the Constitution"!The American people are "calling out" Barack Obama.We are united in purpose in calling for constitutional authority, accountability, transparency, and respect for the rule of law by all officials who have sworn to "uphold the Constitution of the United States" – especially the President of the United States.When you sign our petition, you'll get a free copy of "The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty." This special Liberty Counsel Handbook is a valuable reference guide that every American should have among his or her personal belongings.Go here to sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and to receive The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty absolutely free – plus we'll also include our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker:When you sign our "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition, we will hand deliver your mandate – along with those of tens of thousands of your fellow concerned Americans – to key congressional leaders and other elected officials – including Representative Adams' office as a sign of solidarity. We will also publish your views to government bureaucrats, the media, and anywhere else it is strategically advantageous.Together, we can stop this tyranny before this ultraliberal administration succeeds in totally remaking the United States of America into a godless, socialist nation!Click here to sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition:, click here now to sign this important "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and to receive your copy of The Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty and our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker.If you already have these two Liberty Counsel exclusive items, simply sign the petition and I'll send you these resources to share with others!Thank you, as always, for standing with us as, together, we stand for the Constitutional values that made our nation great.Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty CounselP.S. President Obama tyrannical actions are undermining the Constitution and siphoning power to the executive branch from the other branches of government. It must be stopped!Sign the "Stop the War on the Constitution" petition and you will receive a complimentary copy of our "Patriots' Handbook of American Liberty." Click here to receive your copy of the Handbook and our unique Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare bumper sticker:
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